Herpes on lips or face can deliver a lot of aesthetic problems. About how to avoid them, tells the dermatokostologist Natalia Golodenko.
Do not buoy sleeping virus
Rejoice in its reflection in the mirror does not have to exacerbate herpes. After all, it is during this period that unsightly rashes appear - they are also called them «cold». Herpes landing his landing on the edge of the upper or lower lip, sometimes on centuries.
From the other type of herpes of rashes appear on the skin of the face, most often on the cheeks. So as not to be upset about non-psychic ulcers, it is worth trying the exacerbation of herpes to prevent. Although it is not easy to do it.
General recommendations such. Despite the tempo of life and mass of problems, try less nervous - because herpes often begins to rage on the background of stress. Do not delay business in a long box, eliminate endocrinological and gynecological diseases. If these diseases are chronic, constantly keep them under control.
During the epidemic of the flu, there are less angins in crowded places, whenever possible, carry gauze bandages, take multivitamins. And yet: herpes, like many other chronic diseases, as a rule, sharpens with a sharp climate change. Choosing a place of rest, I advise it to take into account. Now how to hide herpes if he appeared.
Fuccin and Zelenka?!
Herpes virus «wakes up» gradually. First, on the place where an ulcer appears, a lip or skin on the cheek blows. Then a feeling of burning, itching. And only then small bubbles are formed, which burst, form a dark crust. Then the crust dries and dies. So, the rashes will not appear if within 24 hours after the first symptoms appear on the painful area to apply cream «Zovirax», «Acyclovir» or «Panecikovir». These drugs are sold in pharmacies without a recipe. Cream is applied 5 times a day every 4 hours.
And what to do if bubbles still formed - the creams at hand were not or disturbing signals announced on the start of exacerbation were not seen? In this case, it is worth helping to quickly disappear from your face. In the meantime, the crust did not die «decoration» can be calculated - though, only if it is on the lips. Dermatologists formed bubbles are usually recommended in the mornings and evenings to catch fuccinium or green.
Unfortunately, these bright medicinal compounds will not be attractive. Therefore, if you need to appear in humans, you can use salicylic alcohol or colorless liquid Castellan. Turning the yazelchka should be as long as the dry crust is formed. If this recommendation must neglect, infection of the ulcers may occur. Then herpesKie rash for a long time will not leave your face.
Moisturizing during exacerbation
So that the exacerbation of herpes does not delay, it is very important in the period of bubble rashes to correctly pick up the skin care products. Nutritional masks, creams and other preparations with high content of fat components worth postpone. After all, fat is an excellent reproduction medium of bacteria that can cause infection of ulcers.
But the moisturizers, hitting the ulcers, will not strengthen the manifestation of the virus. Best option - Fully skimmed moisturizers: gels, emulsions.
Another important point - in the skin care preparation should not be extracts of exotic plants. But the plants of the middle strip - nettle, chamomile, burdock - with a sharpened virus not contraindicated. They can be part of the moisturizing means, but not a whole bouquet, and one by one.
Epilation is a provocation
Contraindicated in the exacerbation period Any cosmetic facial cleaning - mechanical, vacuum, ultrasound. If the yaser appeared on the upper lip, then with the epilation of the mustache.
Chemical peeling skin of the face can also tighten the exacerbation of herpes. Even if the beautician will be neat and glycolic acid will not fall on the yazelka, peeling can enhance inflammation. This procedure is able to even spread the rash on the mucous surface. Those who suffer herpes is to use the services of exclusively dermatocosmetologists.
Camouflage for «Colds»
The only assistant in this business is decorative cosmetics. But it is possible to use it only when racks on the lips. If the ulcers appeared on the cheeks - no powder, no tonal cream. With a simple bubble herpes, only dermatological preparations prescribed by the doctor can be applied to the skin. Yazvka, which appeared on the lips, many hide from prying views with lipstick. First of all, it should not be nutritious.
And yet: lipstick should not be dark. Saturated burgundy or scarlet colors will make rashes noticeably. But light opaque tones will help the yazelka hide. If most of the ulcers are located abroad of the lip, you can use the tonal cream. But in this case, the tone must be applied on only an ulcer, but to the whole face. Otherwise «cold» will be visible. Then you can use lipstick. Tonal cream must be degreased. In memory of yourself «cold» Often «gives» White spots.
Prevent their appearance can be used if you use nutritious lipstick, better hygienic. There is also a pharmacy cream «Torngelit». It contains a lot of vitamins, heals well, nourishes the skin. Any of these funds are applied to the affected area 3-4 times a day, but only when the crust has already disappeared.
There may be a small scar on the site of the ulcers. But this will not happen if you do not delete not yet dead crust. After the exacerbation of herpes, amateurians often remain darker than the main tone of the skin, stains.
Or on the contrary - where there were ulcers, brighter traces are beginning to be frown. To this not happen, before entering the beach to the inflamed areas you need to apply sunscreen. Better if this tool is degreased - in the form of a gel or emulsion.
If the exacerbation of herpes did not pass without a trace, white or dark spots can be made invisible with tattoo makeup. This procedure can be resorted if the lip pattern has become blurred, which is happening at frequent exacerbations of herpes. To tattoo makeup need to be prepared. After all, this procedure, even if it is carried out in all the rules, can provoke exacerbation. And then the cosmetic tattoo effect will be bad.
Therefore, you need to put a dermatologist who have to be observed to be informed about their intention to make a tattoo. The doctor will appoint you a proper preparation for this procedure.