Children's fracture of the radial bone - one of the most common species among all damage in kids. The fracture of the clavicle in children happens in 15% of cases of injuries when falling on the shoulder and an elongated hand. How to help the child cope in this difficult time? Today we talk about it.
It is known that children's bones albeit thinner than in adults, but have greater elasticity and flexibility, this vital factor — Shield from many fractures in children. Nevertheless, it is often necessary to hear about children's fractures of radial bone, about what they happen completely unexpectedly, in a wide variety of situations, what is the case? Maybe these are some particular fragile bones or some other pathology?
First of all, it is worth paying attention to the movable and active lifestyle of the child, when the falls and bruises follow one after another, when domestic injuries, active sports and road accidents cause various open and closed fractures when falling on hand or shoulder. The fracture of the radial bone is the most striking example of this lifestyle of the child.
Symptoms of damage appear as follows:
- Hand disorder;
- considerable pain at the bottom of the forearm;
- swelling and deformation of the radial bone;
- presence of bruises in case of subcutaneous bleeding.
As with any fracture, during the injury of the radial bone, the displacement of fragments and damage to the skin can happen. Depending on these features, the fracture may be:
- with a displacement is infrunished when the child fell on a dispersed hand;
- With displacement of a fragment — Bending when the child fell on a bent hand.
Typically, such an injury is characterized by children of 11-13 years old, especially boys, due to their mobile lifestyle. It should be noted than the younger child, the easier the healing flows. Pain syndrome at the same time the fracture is not the strongest. The main and primary method of treatment — Instant torture of a fracture using a gypsum bandage, the tire is superimposed by children for 10-15 days, taking into account the individual trauma features. In the future, in the process of capture, it is necessary to carry out control x-ray to eliminate the possible displacement of bone fragments. After the blending of the gypsum will have a course of UHF, magnetotherapy, gymnastics for fingers, and during the rehabilitation period — Massage course to improve blood circulation, enhancing metabolic processes and muscle recovery. In case there were no fragments, healing passes quickly and without complications.
About the fracture of clavicle in children
Collarbone — tubular bone, the fracture of which can easily arise when falling on the shoulder, elongated hand or elbow. How does such injury manifest? It is not difficult to determine it, the child complains of pain in this area, which over time is increasing, the restriction of the movement of the hand, swelling, swelling, is visually manifested by shortening the damaged bone. Kids are more often faced with an incomplete fracture of this bone, by type, as traumatologists say «Green twig», without disturbance of the integrity of the periosteum, when there is a fracture, but there is no deformation and displacement, which is very characteristic of children of the youngest age group. At the turn of the clavicle it is very important to provide the hand to the rest, fix it at a right angle in the elbow joint and hang on the gather. Kids for recovery will need 7-10 days, adolescents-2-3 weeks.
Child's nose fracture
Such injuries in children most often happen at the age of 10-12 years, especially in boys as a result of bruises, falls, fighting, combat sports, road traffic accidents. At the time of what happened to the nose to attach ice, if there is blood when the nasal fracture in the child, use a tampon with hydrogen peroxide and immediately consult a doctor. Nose injury — This is always swelling, and therefore there will be conservative treatment for 7-10 days, further, if you fail to put an elastic bone and restore the shape of the nose, surgical intervention in the Juous-Facial Surgery Clinic will need.
Rehabilitation fractures
Rehabilitation and reliable care with the exception of motor activity during the accretion and healing under the control of parents will provide a quick recovery. It is necessary to pay attention to the full and diverse diet with products containing calcium, magnesium, boron, silicon, vitamins D and K. Daily protein consumption, basic building material, the necessary portion of vegetables and fruits will provide rapid steady and strengthening bones.