With the onset of cold weather, the number of colds and infectious diseases is rapidly increasing. However, some people are much better resisting colds than others who begin to cough and sneeze with the first chop of cold air. How to improve your immunity?
Vitamin most necessary for
Stimulation of the protective forces of the body, – This is Vitamin C. His deficiency
almost inevitably leads to colds. Many vitamin C contains
In citrus, kiwi, sweet pepper and other fresh vegetables and fruits. But
It is better to make additional multivitamin or vitamin C in
Tablets. Another necessary vitamin imminent – This is Vitamin B,
contained in meat, fish, eggs and grain.
It is also desirable to eat the following products:
Brewer's yeast. They are very rich in various vitamins and oligo-elements that increase immune defense.
- Bee pollen (propolis). Bee pollen – this is what
Features working bees. It has tonic and regenerative
Properties, well strengthens immunity. She is rich in vitamins,
minerals, nucleoid acids and enzymes.Propolis – This is the same
Bee pollen, but recycled to feed bee
Makeup. Propolis helps the bee uterus to postpone millions of eggs and live
Much longer than a simple bee. It contains the same active substances,
that and the bee pollen, but in a much greater degree.
Sea cabbage. Life on Earth appeared from the ocean. Marine
Cabbage contains chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals. She strengthens
Endocrine, nervous and immune system, regulates metabolism,
Purifies blood, promotes tissue regeneration.
Drop the nose with sea water
Usually ready sprays with sea
Water use to treat a cold. But they are not less useful for
Prevention of rhinitis, colds and viral diseases. Necessary
Drain the nose twice a day – in the morning and in the evening.
Mix the hands more often
Warves causing colds,
Extremely infectious. And they are transmitted most often through hands. Viruses B
excess present in public places and live on the surface
Objects for hours. Just to bring polluted hand to the nose and
inhale to get the virus in your body.
Dress up warmer, as soon as cold is coming
If you have
frozen hands or feet, blood rushing immediately to the limbs to warm
them. Other parts of the body at this time get less blood, and
it means less protective blood taurus capable of resolving
Viral aggression. In particularly cold weather it is useful to close the nose and
Roth scarf.
There are reasons for it: Protective Taurus is best
function at a temperature of about 37 degrees. When inhalation of icy
Air The temperature of the respiratory tract downs up to 30 degrees,
and therefore the activity of the immune system is sharply reduced.
Take into food gland preparations
Sometimes frequent colds directly
associated with a lack of iron in the body. If you consume
not enough iron, your cells start missing oxygen that
Significantly slows the metabolism in the body. Lack of iron usually
manifests in the form of high fatigue, pallor and weakness.
Most polyvitamins contain about 18 mg of iron.
You can
get more if you are 3 times a day products rich
Iron: Dark meat, Fish, Bird, Eggs. These products, in addition, in
Large quantities contain zinc – Element required for
Production of white Taurus, also protecting the body from diseases.
Little rest
It is clear that tired and weakened
The body is less successful resisting diseases. Therefore, more
Rest, sleep more, walk in the fresh air and avoid stress.
Do not eat too calorie food
The trend is such that people
in the cold season eating more calories than in summer. As if
try to protect yourself from cold. Be careful: excess
Calories and excess weight are exhausting and weakened by the body. A excess
Sweet and fat reduces immune defense.
Do not overheat your home
Dry air dries mucous
Nasophack shells and makes them more vulnerable to infections.
Support the room temperature at 20 degrees and more often
Check it. Good acquire a humidifier. Same
Negatively, like dry air, smoking works on the nasophane, including
including passive inhalation of smoke.
Take Echinacea
Useful properties of this
Immunostimulating plants have long been scientifically proven and verified. Can
confidently say that Echinacea is able to raise resistance
The body before respiratory infections, including the flu.
Echinacea is not toxic and does not have side effects.
With the beginning of cold
Weather recommended to take Echinacea for 10 days every month.
In the winter months or with the beginning of the flu epidemic – within 20 days
monthly. Echinacea in the form of tincture take 50 drops three times in
day, in the form of tablets or capsules – 325 mg daily.
How to protect against influenza
It should not be confused by the usual course of the nose and the hole in the throat with
«present» flu, which, as a rule, manifests itself in a quick and
a strong increase in temperature, sorrow of bones and headaches. Flu
can lead to very serious complications, often with death
Exodus. During epidemics will help protect against infection
Antivirus drugs. But the best influenza protection along with
Strengthening immunity – vaccination.
Vaccinated immediately with
on the onset of cold weather, as the vaccine begins to act only through
10-15 days after vaccination, and often the flu epidemic occurs already in
November. Especially important to instill children: up to five years old
Influenza infects about one child of three, whereas among
Adults – one person out of ten.