Manifestation of rabies


  • Freshness virus
  • Symptoms of rabies

  • Freshness virus

    Frying - acute infectious disease
    animals and human caused by virus. Manifests itself with increased nervous excitability, hydrophobia (fear of water), aerophobia (fear of air), paralysis, ends
    Father outcome.

    The pathogen - the virus acting on the nervous system,
    which is little resistant in the external environment. When boiling, he dies through
    2 min, quickly is inactivated by solutions of lysol, chlorine, carbolic and
    chloride hydrochloric acids. In animal corpses, it is saved to 4

    Framing belongs to the group of diseases whose pathogens in the process of evolution adapted to parasitization in the body. All warm-blooded animals are sick. The main source I
    The virus reservoir are wild carnivores (foxes and wolves) and
    Homemade (Dogs, Cats) Animals. Animal and man infection
    occurs when saliva on damaged skin or mucous membranes
    shell and leaky animal bite. Mad causative agent
    accumulates and stands out through salivary glands not only during
    diseases, but also in the incubation period for 24-72 hours, and sometimes for 7-8 days
    Before the appearance of the first signs of the disease.

    Entrance gates of infection are
    Damaged leather and mucous membranes. From the wound virus on nervous
    fibers penetrate the central nervous system and concentrates in
    certain departments of the head and spinal cord, causing their defeat.
    The nerve cells of the hippocampus, the oblong brain are selected,
    Card nerves, lumbar pieces of spinal cord and nodes of large vegetative plexuses. From the central nervous system, the virus applies to
    nerve trunks throughout the body, including salivary glands.

    As a result of the breeding of the virus, inflammatory and necrotic changes in the nervous system occur.

    Symptoms of rabies

    The incubation period lasts from 8 to 90
    days, less often up to 1 year, more often 20-30 days. Short incubation marks
    when the scalp, face and hands are bite, longer - when the lower bite

    Manifestation of rabies
    The disease begins with precursors. First appear
    Anxiety, oppression, desire to retire, patients masters
    yearning. Body temperature sometimes rises to subfebrile (37-37.five). In the area of
    bite appear unpleasant sensations. Scar of the wound helazing sometimes
    inflated, becomes painful. Equipped reflex appears
    excitability, fear, anxiety, often hallucination. 1-3 days
    The period of pronounced arousal begins, concerns concern,
    Savs of respiratory and swallowing muscles with signs
    Function disorders. Attempt to make a sip causes spasm
    musculatures, patient with fear pushes a glass. Later develops
    Hydrophobia at the sight and sprup. Convulsive attacks from
    air movement (aerophobia), speech speech, bright light. Attack
    It begins with anxiety and fear, motor excitement and spasm
    Muscles pharynx, respiratory disorder. Painful convulsions distort the face.
    It becomes shinush. Convulsive states are combined with
    psychomotor excitation and aggressiveness, auditory and visual
    hallucinations. The attack lasts a few seconds, after which
    Consciousness is restored.

    However, muscle spasms are repeated again,
    follow one by one from the slightest irritation. In the stage of excitement
    Temperature rises to 40-41 °WITH. The voice becomes a sip, appear
    abundant savory, sweating. As the disease develops
    Palace. Psychomotor arousal and convulsions weaken, patient
    Soothes. He can eat food and drink water. Develops
    Weakness, paralysis of the limbs appear, the pelvic function is disturbed
    organs, temperature rises to 42 °C, death comes from paralysis
    Heart or respiratory center. In the blood is determined by neutrophilic
    leukocytosis (Increase the number of neutrophils in the blood), Anesinophilia (Lack of blood eosinophils), In the urine - protein, sugar, acetone.

    Sometimes atypical forms of rabies are observed: Bulbar, paralytic, cerebral, cerebellar. At
    Atypical forms of the disease Excitation and hydrophobia are poorly pronounced
    or absent. Death comes on the 6-8th day of the disease, and sometimes in
    flow of 1 day.

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