Instruction Mazi «Zovirax», Treatment of eyes «Zovirax» According to the instructions, indications and application «Zovirax» in ophthalmology

Eye diseases require special attention and
careful treatment, because violation of vision is fraught with very serious consequences
For patient. Instructions for ointment zovirax will allow effective treatment
Ophthalmologic inflammation and avoid the severe effects of the disease.
Description «Zovirax»
«Zovirax» is a soft translucent
White ointment without lumps, grains and other extraneous inclusions. To the touch
ointment oily, has a light characteristic smell. Instruction Mazi «Zovirax»
Indicates that the main active substance is an acyclovir that
blocks viruse replication than contributes to the complete cure of several
species of viral diseases.
Indications and dosage
«Zovirax» It is necessary to apply strictly by appointment
Doctor. For one-time consumption, 10 mm ointment is squeezed and they have it under
Lower eyelid, where it is quickly absorbed in the fabric. Local application «Zovirax»
contributes to the high concentration of acyclovir in the eye fabrics with minimal
its content in the urine, so broad clinical studies have been proven,
that overdose by the drug is extremely unlikely.
«Zovirax» prescribed for treatment of keratitis,
caused by herpes virus 1 and 2 types of 5 times a day with an interval
at 4 o'clock. To secure the effect of treatment Instruction Ointment «Zovirax»
recommends continuing the use of the drug within a few days after
Disappearance of all symptoms.
Contraindicated patients with individual intolerance to compound compounds.
Pregnant This drug is prescribed only in cases where expected benefits
For the mother exceeds potential harm to a child. Application «Zovirax» in
Lactation time causes a minor acyclovir concentration in breast
milk not having a therapeutic value for a child.
During application «Zovirax» contraindicated
Wearing contact lenses.
Side effects
- A little burning: passes independently;
- Immediate allergic reactions: when
Symptom therapy should be terminated until the doctor's consultation; - point keratopathy (does not require termination
therapy, passes independently); - conjunctivitis;
- Blepharitis.