Herpes under control


  • Do not Kusai Luba!
  • Where is thin, there and breaks
  • Awakening enemy
  • Sandage Duck for Virus
  • Caution, bubbles!
  • Immunity, start!
  • Caution with antibiotics
  • Treat timely
  • More vitamins!
  • Folk remedies
  • Homeopathic prophylaxis

  • The culprit of itching rashes on the edge of the lips, which are so annoying
    Many people come seriously and for a long time: fully cure from
    infection is impossible. Once hitting the body, herpes becomes ours
    loyal, albeit a unwanted satellite for life. Also to protect
    It is almost unreal – 90-95 percent of the population is infected
    virus simpleness of herpes of the first type (HVV 1), and the remaining five simply
    Inhabited to it – For unknown science reasons. Such a pood
    infection is explained by the fact that the virus is very easy to distribute,
    Transferring air-droplet directly at contact:
    through dishes, towels, handrails in transport…

    Most people
    may not guess that the virus has found a refuge in their
    organism. But at least once in life when immunity will be weakened,
    herpes one way or another will manifest itself.

    Do not Kusai Luba!

    Common form of virus manifestation – This is a litter herpes. At first
    A person feels tensions, pulsating pain and itching in the lip area.
    Then red specks appear, which turn into bubbles.
    By yourself or under mechanical influence bubbles burst,
    By changing the yazens from which the transparent liquid. With time
    The wounds are tightened by crusts. It is impossible to disrupt them in any way!
    First, these crusts are formed by leukocytes that are struggling with the virus,
    and under them the yazelchka heals faster. Secondly, so you can
    additionally infect lips, why the situation will only worsen.

    Yazvoes on the lips spoil our life for 7-10 days. If the symptoms are ne
    Pass, turn to the dermatologist: maybe this manifestationsHerpes under controlUgoy

    Where is thin, there and breaks

    rashes appear on the wings of the nose and other skin sections. Generally,
    Herpes forms are a lot, including genital, and the most dangerous
    It is considered herpes eyes – he can have very difficult consequences,
    Up to blindness. It happens that the virus is amazing internal organs –
    The target becomes the most weakened of them. The course of the disease
    becomes more complicated when herpes «working» in the company with other viruses.
    For example, if herpes is activated in the female body at the same time
    human papilloma virus, it is fraught with the development of cervical cancer.

    Rule, recurrences are provoked by colds and other diseases,
    stress, supercooling or overheating, even menstruation –
    In a word, the appearance of bubbles on the lips testifies to weakening
    Immunity. But external reasons exist: for example, excessive
    Ultraviolet irradiation.

    Restress from infection practically
    It is impossible (most often the virus is still in early childhood «Given»
    relatives with kisses), so you should decide two tasks: fight
    with rashes when they appear; strengthen immunity to
    Mustoke yourself from the recurrence of herpes.

    Awakening enemy

    Herpes – this is a DNA molecule and a few shells. To make the cell
    multiply, it must be present a RNA molecule, which virus
    Herpes Lychez. Therefore, to find out in the skin, he approaches
    our native cage destroys her shell, penetrates inside and finds
    Himself RNA – Partner for breeding. In an infected cage due to her
    Resources begin to produce new viruses that will later leave
    Alma Mater by rebeling – and immediately start the same
    make it with neighboring cells.

    The rate of formation of new
    viruses inside the affected cell depends on the intensity
    intracellular metabolism. The highest rate of metabolism is inherent
    epithelial cells, so herpes most often occupies skin cover and
    mucous. The cell in which the virus breeding occurred,
    filled with liquid and dying. It is this process that reflects bubbles
    on the skin.

    First penetrated into the body, which has a propagated virus
    spreads through blood rod and nerve fibers, settled in
    nerve ganglia: right inside the cells. Immune system is not able
    detect it and remove from the body. And herpes calmly wait
    His «Star hour». When our immunity for any reason or other reasons
    weakens, the virus drifts to the selected area and actively
    breeding, after which again «Beste» in its shelter.

    Sandage Duck for Virus

    From the body, the cunning virus is impossible, but the extension is a means that
    can extinguish outbreaks of relapses. In 1988, for the invention of the drug
    Acyclovir Gertrud Elion received the Nobel Prize: this is the only one
    Medication that fights directly with the virus. Other,
    which are treated with flu and other infectious diseases, act

    To combat herpes, scientists used
    Mechanism of a random duck. Acyclovir replaces partner cell,
    which is needed a virus to reproduce offspring. Medication
    penetrates the cage, where the virus was settled for breeding. Last
    leaves the cellular organelles alone and merges with acyclovir.
    The resulting connection cannot multiply. The enemy is neutralized! Fully
    herpes medicine will not overcome, but will stop his distribution and will save
    from rashes. The drug is sold in the form of tablets and ointments (herpevir,

    It is best to start taking acyclovir drugs,
    When you just felt tension and pinching in the area
    lips so you can avoid the appearance of bubbles

    Caution, bubbles!

    • Yazvoes on the lips can be. But still to be patient, do not touch them with your hands: so you will only distribute the infection.
    • Until the rash passed, do not touch the person once again, especially to the eyes.
    • Ointment
      on the lips cause a clean cotton waller. And from the use of lipstick
      and lip pencils in the period of exacerbation is better to refuse.
    • Wipe the lips with a disinfectant solution.
    • Did not share with anyone dishes and towels. Will have to do without kisses and refrain from oral sex.
    • If you feel that a bubble appears soon, put a piece of ice wrapped in a napkin.
    • Use tea compresses. Anti-inflammatory properties also possess chamomile chamomile, willow bark and horseship.Herpes under control

    Immunity, start!

    avoid the manifestations of herpes, you need to strengthen the immune system. Unfavorable
    Environmental situation, stress, improper nutrition, bad habits
    – All this weakens the protective functions of the body.

    Caution with antibiotics

    Immunity promotes the massive use of antibiotics. Especially
    they are harmful for children. A little child of unhealthy, the pediatrician immediately prescribes
    antibiotics, but you can only assign them strictly by testimony.
    Word «antibiotic» translated as «against life»: He kills and
    Useful cells.

    The gastrointestinal tract in the norm is first necessary
    Cancel the gastrointestinal tract, because immune processes
    «Start» it is in the intestinal walls. To happen this
    Normally, food should digest well.

    Treat timely

    sanitize chronic infection. Many of us, for example, go with
    carious teeth, do not turn to Dentistist. And body forces in this
    The moment is aimed at combating an infection from which you can easily
    get rid of.

    More vitamins!

    Vitamins are not always absorbed, especially if there are problems with
    Digestion. And from food the body himself will take everything he needs.
    Therefore, in the diet should be a lot of rich in vitamin products:
    Vegetables, fruit. Also very useful porridge porridge.

    Folk remedies

    Improving immunity has long been using natural tools: Ramiolo
    Pink, Echinacea, Ginseng. A good immunomodulator is a decoction
    Rosehip, but it is impossible to drink constantly (the load on

    Homeopathic prophylaxis

    The protective forces of the body can be used by homeopathy – This is harmless to I
    Enough effectively. If we carry out prevention in spring and autumn,
    The body's resistance will increase. Chronically weakened immunity
    It is necessary to systematically strengthen.

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