True and fiction about AIDS


  • Handshakes, embrace...
  • Hygiene objects, toilet...
  • Pools, Bath, Bath...
  • Insect bites, other contacts with animals...
  • Masturbation...
  • Kisses...
  • «Shows» In transport, metro...
  • Rent analysis...

  • Handshakes, embrace...

    The skin is a natural barrier for the virus, so it is impossible
    HIV transmission with handshakes, hugs. And if there is abrasions, scratches,
    Cuts and others? For at least theoretical risk of HIV transmission in this
    The case is necessary to sufficient blood containing HIV,
    got into the fresh open and bleeding wound. You are unlikely to
    get acquainted with someone bleeding by hand if you have a fucking
    blood. In any case, we do not recommend that you do anything

    Hygiene objects, toilet...

    It can only be contained in 4 liquids of the human body: blood,
    sperm, vaginal discharge and breast milk. Through the clothes,
    Bed linen, HIV towels cannot pass, even if on
    clothes, linen got a liquid containing HIV, he will quickly die in
    external environment. If HIV lived «outside» man many hours or
    Even days, then, undoubtedly, there were cases of a domestic pathTrue and fiction about AIDSEdit,
    and they simply do not happen at least this did not happen for more than
    20 years of epidemic.

    Pools, bath

    , Banya...

    Fuel containing HIV in water will die in the water, besides
    Again, the skin is a reliable barrier from the virus. The only one
    The way to infect HIV in the pool – it's sex without

    Insect bites, other contacts with animals...

    – human immunodeficiency virus, it can live and multiply only in
    Human body, so animals cannot transfer HIV. TO
    the same, contrary to the common myth, the blood of a person can not get
    in someone else's blood flow when bite mosquito.


    it is incredible, but there are people who are afraid to get infected with HIV
    Masturbation. The only thing that can be said to this: from whom in such
    case he can pass?


    that HIV is not transmitted with a kiss already written a lot. T
    same time are people who are concerned about questions «Wound and abrasion»
    in the mouth. In real life, in order for this virus to give
    Kiss, two people with open bleeding wounds in the mouth should
    long and deep kissing, while one of them should not have
    Just HIV, but a very high viral load (the amount of virus in
    blood). It is unlikely that anyone can, and he wants to reproduce this
    «Sadistician» Kiss in practice. If such a transfer path was
    it would be possible, there would be cases of HIV transmission with a kiss, for example, in
    permanent discarded pairs (in which only one of the partners
    HIV). However, there are no such cases.

    «Shows» In transport, metro...

    O «infected needle» originated in foreign media still at the very beginning
    Epidemia. Our media still actively replicate this myth. IN
    reality, not only a single transmission case was recorded
    HIV Thus, but not a single case of attempts by someone «infect» with
    using needle or syringe. Unfortunately, this suggests how in our
    society belongs to people with HIV, once no one has doubts,
    that HIV-positive for some reason you need someone «try to infect».

    All these twenty years have not been recorded by any case
    «AIDS terrorism», How quickly divertied. Even if present
    Such a situation, the transfer of HIV in this case is excluded. HIV too
    quickly dies outside the human body, the amount of blood falling into
    this case in the bloodstream is negligible. If you seemed that you
    felt the injection in transport, – Do not panic, for this can be
    Thousands of much more realistic explanations.

    Rent analysis...

    It happens
    and so that people who surrendered HIV analysis arise with fears that they could
    Driving HIV directly when blood fence in the office
    Testing. Probably, this fear occurs in the association with
    HIV infections, but it is absolutely excluded. Blood fence is made with
    using a disposable tool, and reasoning about what exactly you
    «replaced» syringe and so on – no more.

    the result, I would like to note that the ways of HIV transfer are well studied:
    unprotected sexual contact, with injecting common tools, from
    Mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding.
    Other ways to transfer HIV no. They are not like that «easily» get in
    Situations representing any risk of HIV transmission, every person
    can protect yourself and loved ones.

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