True on herpesa


  • Bubbles on Gubach – Why they appear
  • Treatment of herpes
  • Basic rules during recurrence
  • Prevention of herpes
  • Myths about herpes

  • And only about 5% of the human kind has immunity to this virus, the reasons for which are still incomprehensible. Infection usually happens in early childhood and imperceptibly for humans. Through kisses, general dishes. For a long time, herpes virus does not make itself felt and be in nerve skin fibers.

    Bubbles on Gubach – Why they appear

    But as soon as a person gets sick of Orz, just to transfer it or suffers stress, herpes virus manifests itself on lips. Also his appearance can contribute to the poisoning of the body or the use of alcoholic beverages. In general, everything that anyway, suppresses immunity, gives the green light to your herpes. At this moment the virus becomes «stronger» Your immunity and as a result, bubble rashes are formed. If you know that herpes in the body is already there, be careful before making the lips tattoo. The virus can open and microtransmium. And it will rather negatively affect the result. Herpes rashes will be held, and in the place of the lips of the lips will remain pale unpainted areas. In order to prevent the development of herpes after the procedure of permanent makeup of the lips, it is recommended to conduct a healing course with antiviral drugs blocking herpes virus.

    Treatment of herpes

    True on herpesa The frequent appearance of herpes may say that its owner has a reduced immune system. He, as it were, signals us that it is time to do its health. If herpes has already fallen into the body to recover from him impossible.

    But there are several ways to seriously suppress the activity of the virus, accelerate it «healing». The use of ointments containing antiviral components (acyclovir, zovirax, etc.) will help you quickly get rid of ugly manifestations on the skin.

    You can get rid of the manifestations of herpes in one day. This is possible with the help of the drug «Valacyclovir». Receive two tablet – one in the morning and one evening at the very beginning of the development of the disease or will prevent a cold, or herpetic defeat will heal faster.

    But remember that frequent and strongly pronounced recurrence of herpes on the lips – Explicit reading to appeal to immunologist and research of immune status. At the same time, it would not hurt to pass the blood for HIV infection.

    Basic rules during recurrence

    During the recurrence, it is necessary to comply with personal hygiene rules – Wash hands with soap, use personal dishes and towel. And remember several points «not».

    • Do not blaze for lipstick
    • Do not smoke one cigarette for two
    • Do not kiss
    • Do not touch eyes
    • Not to do oral sex - herpes can go to genitals

    Prevention of herpes

    For the prevention of herpes manifestations, local and common preparations can be used. For example, lipstick «Antirpes». If the rashes are frequent, the doctor will appoint an individual treatment with anticher preparations that will suppress the virus.

    If the manifestations of herpes do not pass more than 10 days, despite the use of special ointments - you also need to consult a doctor. Perhaps what you take for herpes with a symptom of another, more dangerous disease.

    Always at hand, have anticherine ointment.

    Myths about herpes

    In fact, a lot of myths and legends go about herpes. Let's try to debunk the most famous.

    Some believe that herpetic manifestation is easy to cure with hydrocortisone ointment. Yes, it will reduce itching, but the lesion zone with herpes may increase, as well as the time of his stay on the skin.

    Also positive properties are attributed to the green. But Zelenka although it has a dry effect - no treatment has.

    It is believed that herpes can not soak. But again one of the misconceptions - water does not affect the disease.

    Well, the last myth, completely fantastic. And it happens that his ladies are not stupid (at first glance). «Herpes can be cured with menstrual blood». Well, think about themselves - how can bacteria, mucus and part of the endometrium (it is from these components and consists of menstrual blood) to cure a viral disease?! But the suppuration of herpetic manifestations can be.

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