We fight with herpes


  • Acyclovir, he zoviraks
  • Close relative
  • Famciclovir and Ganzikovir
  • Imported or ours?
  • Walk immunity
  • Protective protein
  • Blame deficiency. Immunity

    We fight with herpesAcyclovir, he zoviraks

    What drugs for the treatment of herpes offers today modern medicine? First, for the completeness of the picture - about traditional medicines. The first drug of this group of acyclovir (Zovirax) has been widely used in clinical practice for the treatment of diseases caused by herpes virus. Zovirax is safe, gives effect in 75-95% of patients, produced in the form of cream, eye ointment, solution for intravenous administration, suspension and tablets. So he can help almost with any form of illness.

    In Russia until 1990, the acyclovir was practically unknown. Now, of course, the situation has changed. Many domestic manufacturers produce its analogues. New Anticherpetic Preparation - Valcyclovir (Valtrex). This is a close relative of Acyclovir. It is characterized by the fact that it makes it easier to penetrate the virus and faster it kills him.

    Close relative

    Valacyclovir began to use only 3 years ago. We have in Russia it is known for only 2 years. By efficiency, a new drug is 25-40% superior to acyclovir. Still his dignity is that it is necessary to take it not 5 times a day, as an acyclovir, and only 1-2 times. It is used for the treatment of sliding linguring, infections of the skin and mucous membranes caused by a virus of a simple herpes. Nevertheless, the valantovir does not replace its predecessors, primarily due to high toxicity for blood cells, liver and kidney when taking inside.

    We fight with herpesFamciclovir and Ganzikovir

    Famciclovir (Famvir) is also a new drug related acyclovir. It is characterized in that more effective than its predecessor in the treatment of some rarely encountered forms of herpetic infection. It is used to treat sliding linging and genital herpes. Ganciclovir - the newest and most effective anticherichetics today. Suffice it to say that with cytomegalovirus infections, the medicine is 25-100 times more effective than Valacyclovir and Famciclovir. However, Gancyclovir is not so wide as its predecessors, due to fairly high toxicity.

    Taking Valcyclovir 1 time per day with patients with sex herpes reduces the risk of infection with a healthy person by almost 80%, even if you do not use a condom. To us in Russia, this medicine is supplied by the company "Glasosmith Klein" entitled "Valtrex". The cost of preventive therapy is about 80 rubles a day. All such imported drugs work almost the same. It is only necessary to take the medicine on time, so many days as needed, and in the appointed doses. If these rules are maintained, any acyclovir-containing drug helps.

    We fight with herpesImported or ours?

    Regarding domestic drugs and the same zovirax, you can say the following. Acyclovir In principle, it is no worse, only imported analogue has passed clinical trials on more patients. And if a person can afford this drug, it is better to take it. One nuance: nothing but zovirax is not recommended for patients during pregnancy. Frequent exacerbations of herpetic infection - it is always manifestations of some kind of disadvantaged in the immune system. Therefore, successful treatment of the disease depends not only on the use of antiviral drugs, but also on the correction of immunological disorders.

    Walk immunity

    New effective preparations have been developed for these purposes. One of them - Poliderm - Already allowed by the Ministry of Health to Clinical Use. The advantage of this drug before the already known means is the combination of antiviral and immunomodulating effect.

    We fight with herpesIn the queue, the drug Virosane to handle skin and mucous membranes affected by herpes. It also successfully combines antiviral and immunostimulating properties. This allows the use of medicine and with other viral lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, for example, with pointed circularists, or, as they are called, genital warts. It is important that new drugs are incomparably cheaper than traditional anticherifications.

    Vaccination immunologically full-fledged and already obviously infected person - and those, by the way, are more than 90% of people over 18 years old - in all the laws of immunology are not capable of qualitatively changed the current specific immunity.

    Protective protein

    We fight with herpesThe main barrier on the path of viral infections is the so-called interferon system - the most important protective protein. By the way, in large quantities, it is formed exactly when viruses penetrate the body. Therefore, many antiviral drugs are created just on its basis or cause the body to produce a protective protein to produce. Such drugs include, for example, the domestic halfdan. It is very effective in the treatment and prevention of herpes.

    The drug is applied to the affected areas of the skin with tampons. Another very good domestic drug - amiksin. It also increases production in the body of a protective protein, produced in the form of tablets. By the way, Amixin suppresses the reproduction of not only herpes viruses, but also flu. Immunostimulators are successfully used for the treatment and prevention of herpetic infection: Arbidol, Timanin, Timalin, Timogen, Mielopide.

    We fight with herpesAll plant preparations practically do not give side effects, easily transferred to patients. Therefore, the prospect of their use for the treatment of herpes is very optimistic.

    Blame deficiency. Immunity

    The fact that herpes virus, once hitting the body, is preserved there for life, does not mean that the disease will necessarily arise. In most cases, this does not happen. After all, 90% of the population at the age of 20 affected the herpes virus! And in the fact that in recent times more and more patients are treated for help with herpes symptoms, "Blame" immunodeficiency. When the body ceases to fight, the infection shows themselves with rashes and on the face, and in the genitals. In severe cases, the nervous system is affected. If the disease made itself felt, the task is to translate it into the asymptomatic form so that the patient does not imagine the danger to the surrounding people and, of course, did not suffer.

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