How to make artificial respiration

Have you ever decided to think about that in your hands there may be someone's life? When in emergency situations, the bill goes for seconds, the affected person depends entirely on your college and elementary skills to provide first aid. Based on this, each of us will be very useful to learn how to do artificial respiration.

The purpose of this important procedure is to intentionally launch a natural exchange in the body to supply blood oxygen molecules and its getting rid of carbon dioxide. Artificial respiration is considered an invaluable chance for the brain to activate «Aslept» During the respiratory center and make a person who is unconscious, breathe independently.

Air, which thanks to this procedure is saturated with a injured body, falls into the lungs, filling alveoli. The area of ​​these pulmonary bubbles is very large, while the walls are quite thin in order to successfully carried out gas exchange: oxygen flowed into the blood, and carbon dioxide, on the contrary, left it. Blood rapidly spreads vital oxygen throughout the body. Thus, the procedure of artificial respiration launches the oxidation processes in the body and maintains its livelihood.

What happens artificial respiration

Breath, Artificial Breath, Heart Stop, First Aid, Pulse

Ways to perform artificial respiration are hand and hardware. Of course, a manual way to restore respiration is less effective compared to hardware, but it is not always possible to provide the victim first aid in the hospital. When there is no alternative, a manual way of artificial respiration is necessary, as if it is impossible: no auxiliary devices for its implementation need and make it possible immediately, how such a need arises.

The most effective today is artificial respiration «Mouth in Roth»: The one who assists, the air exhales the air from its lungs into the light victim. The indisputable advantage of this method is that the amount of air provided can reach 1500 ml, which cannot be achieved by using other techniques of artificial respiration. In addition, this convenient and simple way to provide first aid to master anyone who wants, even a schoolboy. Danger Inappropriate to damage the internal organs of the victim is absent, but it is very convenient to keep the process of saturation of the respiratory system of the injured person under control.

However, there is an artificial respiratory «Mouth in Roth» and one significant deficiency. Contact mucous membranes of different people can end mutual infection. Yes, and it is not always possible to abstract from a feeling of squeamishness if necessary to perform artificial respiration «Mouth in Roth». Based on such considerations, it is better to blow air, using gauze or a nasal scarf as a partition.

How to prepare for the implementation of the procedure

Breath, Artificial Breath, Heart Stop, First Aid, Pulse

Weakened respiratory movements, lips of the blue color and the rapid up to 110 blows per minute of the pulse are absolute indications for artificial respiration.

When going to provide a victim to a person first medical care in the form of artificial respiration, be prepared quickly and assembled the following:

  1. Remove with the injured all the clothes that squeezes his chest - it will prevent the restoration of normal breathing.
  2. Put a man on the back on the horizontal surface - smooth asphalt, the ground, the seat in the car. Please note that his chin is on the same line with the neck. This is necessary so that the language does not block the larynx and thereby provided air flow free access to the lungs. A person can be fixed in this position, if you put a towel or clothing under its blades, rolled roller. In this position, the root of the tongue will shift to the back of the throat and free the entrance to the lads and the trachea.
  3. Explore the affected mouth of the affected and middle fingers to make sure that there are no foreign content. If you find blood there or mucus there, turn the person's head on the side and, wound on the index finger of the handkerchief, clean your mouth and sip from this mass. Then rebuilt the head of the injured person as much as possible back.

How to make artificial respiration

Breath, Artificial Breath, Heart Stop, First Aid, Pulse

After all the preparatory measures are taken, take a deep breath and powerfully push the air into the mouth of the affected person. At the same time, clap his nose. While the chest lying will descend, making a passive exhalation, again dial the full air boobs, and then make another breath «Mouth in Roth». MyMedinform.COM considers it necessary to note that artificial respiration can be produced in the mouth and in the nose at the same time.

When providing first aid, in a similar way, you must certainly pay attention to «behavior» Chest victim. Her raise and dissection will tell you what you do everything right. If it does not move, it is possible that the affected obstruction of the respiratory tract. To fix the situation, most of the man's head back, wide open his mouth and extend the lower jaw forward. Make a few deep intakes again, not forgetting to observe whether the breast of the victim moves.

The absence of independent respiration is often associated with the influence of external factors, due to the fault of which the air can not be easily moved along the respiratory tract of man. For example, at the injured person who is unconscious, may be the language. In addition, trachea may be closed by foreign bodies or biological mass (solid object, mud, food, vomiting mass, blood or water).

Making artificial respiration «Mouth in Roth» must be sure that the respiratory paths of the victim are not blocked by the language. The fact is that the muscles of the language and pharynx on the back of the man lying on the back of the human back is completely relaxed, and the root of the tongue at this time can be easily shunted down and block the entrance to the trachea. That is, when performing artificial respiration, the chest will move, but the respiratory noises will not listen to. If the tagged language blocked the upper respiratory tract partly, the victim was observed noisy and convulsive respiratory movements with loud hoarse noise when inhaling.

Perhaps you will not succeed immediately put forward the jaw of the victim forward, but in no case can be a panic! You can make the most likely to do this as follows: Place your hands on both sides of the head of a lying person, put 4 fingers of each hand around the corners of the lower jaw, while overgrown with a thumb into its front edge, and pull the jaw forward. You did everything right if the teeth of the lower jaw will be in the top of the upper.

If you can not for any reason, open a person's mouth unconscious, try to apply other ways to provide first aid. For example, artificial respiration «Nose from mouth». Principle is the same as in artificial respiration «mouth to mouth», Only upon blowing the air in the nose you need to close the mouth of the victim.

When first assistance to an adult person to achieve a positive effect (restoration of independent respiration), 10-12 sharp intensive intakes in 60 seconds. The frequency of breathing increases if you need to help the child - 16-18 times per minute. However, artificial respiration to children should be done with a smaller force and intensity than adults - the amount of light child is significantly inferior to the dimensions of the adult.

Procedure of artificial respiration «Mouth in Roth» Perform until the lying person does not start rhythmically breathe independently. With all the utility of this procedure with the provision of first medical care, it is important not to overdo. Performing artificial respiration «mouth to mouth» and «Nose from mouth» For more than 6 - 7 minutes will lead to the oversaturation of the body of the injured oxygen. The main symptoms of this state: weakness, dizziness, excessive selection of sweat and physical indisposition. As soon as the victim makes the first independent breath, perform artificial respiration stops not to apply for any extra harm.

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