What is amoebic dysentery


  • Ameboy
  • Symptoms of amoebic dysentery
  • Diagnosis and treatment of amoebic dysentery

  • Ameboy

    Amebiaz (Ameboy
    Dieseneria) - a disease caused by a unicellular parasite
    Histolithic Ameba (Entamoeba Histolytica). Parasite is striking
    Tolstoy gut. Meets everywhere, but more often in countries with hot

    Amebas can exist in two forms:

    • The tropho is an active form, inhabites in intestinal content, outside the human body is not liable.
    • Cyst - an inactive form, precisely using cysts by the distribution of Amebiaz.

    can cause diarrhea (diarrhea) and thus derived from the body
    man. If diarrhea does not develop, then the trophozoites become
    solid cysts that are derived from the feces.

    happens when contact with infected feces, which is possible with bad
    hygienic and sanitary conditions, with sexual contacts with infected

    Symptoms of amoebic dysentery

    Often symptoms
    Amebiaza is so uncertain that a person can live for years with this
    Disease and not pay attention to it. It can be diarrhea,
    Meteorism, abdominal spasms, blood can appear in feces, possibly
    Times a slight increase in body temperature.

    What is amoebic dysentery
    Gradually, a person can develop exhaustion (cachexia) and anemia.

    The worst version of the development of events Tropozoic is introduced into intestinal
    Wall. In this case, the destruction of the epithelium, damage
    Blood vessels intestine and the formation of deep ulcers. Clinically
    manifests itself with pains along the colon, frequent inherent
    defecates with plenty of mucus and blood (up to the view
    «Raspberry jelly»), temperature lift, total weakness, loss

    Sometimes a tumor-like education is formed - Ameboma, which can lead to intestinal obstruction.

    If the trophozoids penetrate through the intestinal wall, it is fraught with inflammation of the peritoneum – peritonitis.

    Tropozoic in the appendix fabric can lead to a light form
    Appendicitis. It is dangerous in that when opened to remove appendix
    There is a danger of parasites in the abdominal cavity, so
    Usually, the operation is postponed for two-three days during which
    The patient is treated with drugs to destroy parasites.

    Tropocoites may also hit the liver, through blood flow to infect light, brain and other organs.

    Diagnosis and treatment of amoebic dysentery

    Amebiaz diagnostics take feces analysis. It may be necessary
    Perform from 3 to 6 studies. In addition, for inspection of internal
    The surfaces of the rectum are conducted by reorganososcopy.

    Only a doctor and only according to the results of analyzes. After 1, 3
    and 6 months after treatment are carried out by repeated feces for,
    To make sure the effectiveness of therapy.

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