Yellow fever


    History of yellow fever

    Yellow feverWhere the original homeland of the yellow fever, nobody knows. But it is reliably known that the first epidemic of yellow fever was noted in Yucatan in 1648. In the XVII - XIX centuries, its foci were the islands of the Caribbean and the nearest coast of the American continent.

    All patients with yellow fever dressed the same masks: swollen face, swelling lips, eyes are poured with blood, tongue bright red, bleeding swollen loose gums… About 100 years (from 1793 to 1900) in the USA yellow fever got sick about half a million people. Rio de Janeiro from 1 8 5 1 to 1 8 8 3 3 years from this disease killed 23,000 people.

    After Columbus, the sea route between Europe and America was laid. Yellow fever at the end of the XVIII century crossed the ships and broke into Europe. In 1800, an epidemic broke out in Spain and carried 60,000 human lives.

    Yellow fever virus

    In 1900, Walter Reed opened the cause of this disease and found an explanation for how it was transmitted to people.

    Yellow fever is caused by a virus that basically affects the liver. Her cells are very badly damaged, and this leads to a spill of bile. Due to yellow-brown, which skin acquires as a result of this, the disease and received its name.

    The pathogen - RNA-containing the virus of the family of Togavirus. The virus is spread by Moskitami. If the Mosquito's female hesitates a man with a yellow fever, in the first three days after he was infected, then in the next twelve days this virus living now in Mosquito can cause a disease. And if now this mosquito will bite a person who has no immunity to this disease, this person will get sick.

    Where the yellow fever virus lives

    There are two types of foci of yellow fever: natural (jungle) and anthropurgical (urban).

    In natural foci, the sources of infection are monkeys, rodents and other animals, a carrier - various types of mosquitoes.

    In the anthropurgichesky foci, a person is a source of infection, and a carrier - a mosquito, inhabitants in Human Residents (Aedes AEGYPTI). Man infects with mosquito bite. Yellow fever belongs to quarantine diseases to which international quarantine rules are distributed. The incidence of yellow fever is registered as sporadic cases and local outbreaks in the rainforest area in Africa, South and Central America.

    How yellow fever is manifested

    Yellow fever - severe disease, accompanied by high temperature, spill bile and severe vomiting. If this is a single case, the disease rarely proceeds in heavy form and the patient almost always recovers. But during the epidemic up to fifty percent of the sicks may die.

    Once in the body, the causative agent for 3-6 days does not steal himself, only only fixes in the organist and begins to multiply. The disease begins sharp: chills, fever up to 39...40°C, pronounced intoxication (headache, pain in muscles, weakness, nausea). There are redness of the face, neck, top of the body, the amplification of the vascular pattern of the mucous eye, the face of the face, the edema of the eyelids. Thirst appear, nausea, multiple vomiting.

    On the 3rd day of the disease, the condition is worsening, developing, nasal bleeding, bleeding gum, yellowing of the skin, mucous. On the 4-5th day, the body temperature drops, the condition is significantly improved. With light forms of illness, the disease ends and comes recovery. With moderate and heavy forms following a short-term improvement of several hours to 1 day, the patient's condition deteriorates again as a result of increasing renal, hepatic insufficiency and progressive blood coagulation disorders. Can join myocarditis, encephalitis.

    Death comes from acute renal and liver failure. If the disease is favorably, the recovery during severe and medium-wing forms begins from the 10th day of the disease, the exhaustion of the body after illness is kept. In the foci of infection there are asymptomatic, which, as a rule, are not diagnosed.

    Drugs, with the help of which one could heal the yellow fever, no, and therefore it becomes the most important issue how to prevent the infection with the virus. Treatment is aimed at restoring and maintaining vital functions of the organism (breathing, blood circulation, brain work, kidney work).

    Yellow Fever Protection

    A vaccine has been developed that gives people immunity against this disease. People who are introduced by this vaccine becomes unresponsible to the virus. You can enter the vaccine for children from 9 months of age and adults. Immunity develops after 7-10 days and is preserved up to 10 years. Persons traveling to countries, disadvantaged in yellow fever, vaccinate no later than 10 days before departure. The certificate of the vaccinated is valid for 10 years.

    And, of course, in places where yellow fever is common, you must deal with mosquitoes. This is also one of the ways to prevent the dissemination of this disease.

    For departing in areas with yellow fever

    Yellow feverAccording to the World Health Organization, the yellow fever is now found in 33 countries in Africa and 10 countries of South America. There are about 200 thousand people every year, a significant majority (more than 80%) of them - in Africa. Mortality from the yellow fever here hesitates from 21% (Liberia) to 37% (Guinea), and in South America - from 47% (Colombia) to 52% (Brazil). Data is quite serious to protect yourself in advance from unnecessary risk.

    Put the pathogen fever - Flavivirus - and urban, and forest mosquitoes. After 3-6 days after the bite, the temperature rises sharply, headache and muscle pain occur, especially neck, back and legs, vomiting, hemorrhage in mucous membranes, anxiety and irritability. Easy form of the disease ends with recovery, heavy can end tragically.

    The most effective means of protection remains vaccination - immunity after it is preserved for 10 years. Many countries in Africa and South America require tourists to enter international evidence of vaccination against yellow fever. Such a certificate in Russia is issued in the Cabinets of immunoprophylaxis (vaccination offices) of medical and preventive institutions that have a special permit for vaccination against yellow fever. Data on vaccination and revaccination are recorded in Russian, as well as in English or French.

    In its regional centers of the service for the protection of consumer rights and the well-being of a person (statesane-poidnadzor), you can find out the list of countries that require an international certificate of vaccination against yellow fever, a list of countries, at the entrance to which this vaccination is recommended, as well as the list of cabinets immunoprophylaxis (vaccination cabinets) in which you can get vaccination. And then without risk to health and with pleasant anticipation can be sent to African safari or Brazilian carnival.

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