Edema - the first sign of nephropathy of pregnant women


  • What is dangerous nephropathy
  • Help your kidneys
  • Very important diet
  • Diuretic to help
  • What the phytotherapy offers
  • And a few more recipes of traditional medicine

  • Many women in the second half of pregnancy appear edema. First swell his legs (usually it happens in the late afternoon after a difficult day), then the future mother notes that the favorite rings become close, and the small swelling in the footsteps and ankles acquired more «stubborn» character, persist after night rest and in addition «Popolis» up. And it seems that nothing hurts, only some severity in the legs, and well-being at all is not as an example of better compared to the first weeks and months of pregnancy, when the nausea, vomiting, heartburn and obsessive smells. But this is just apparent relief.

    What is dangerous nephropathy

    Edema - the first sign of nephropathy of pregnant women

    Edema in the second half of pregnancy is the first sign of developing a serious complication - nephropathy of pregnant women. Later, the appearance of protein in the urine can join the edema, an increase in blood pressure, blood flow in the placenta will deteriorate, which naturally affects the development of the baby.

    Nephropathy increases the risk of preeclampsia and eclampsia - very severe states that threaten the lives of mother and child and manifesting the headache, loss of consciousness, a convulsive attack arising against the background of a significant increase in blood pressure. And the harder nephropathy flows, the higher this risk. Therefore, do not wait even from the smallest and so small at first glance.

    Be sure to recommend the recommendations of the doctor, take drugs discharged by them. And against the background of this treatment, it is possible (if there are no contraindications, individual intolerance or allergic reactions) to maintain their health and health of the baby, to reduce swelling and improving his well-being to use the experience of traditional medicine accumulated by centuries.

    Help your kidneys

    With nephropathy, a woman is hospitalized. With small enems of the future mom you can stay at home, but at the same time I must observe the gentle, the guardianship of the day. This means that a woman needs to spend more time on the sofa lying or half a walk, do not lift gravity, do not run on shopping and not «dance» Half a slab.

    It was noted that in the horizontal position of the kidneys, less loads are experiencing, respectively, they work better, the amount of urine increases, and the edema decreases. It should be remembered that in the late period of pregnancy, the uterus can compress the vessels of the abdominal cavity, especially in the position lying on his back, and this, in turn, can lead to an increase in edema and worsen the general condition. In this situation, a small pad layered under the right buttock will help (so that the magnified uterus is shifted to the left) or the position lying on the left side.

    Very important diet

    It is necessary to reduce fluid consumption up to 800 ml per day. Under the restrictions, the cook salt falls: a woman should not be dishes, which she prepares for himself. Enemies of the future mother and friends swelling - sugar, everything is sweet, as well as those products that, quickly digesting, turn into this most sugar. This is potatoes, pasta and other «Vermishel Company», Grinded rice, flour of fine grinding and products from it.

    Dishes should not be fried, grill, first, pickled, salted and sharp. Cook for a couple, lean, stick. Need to be used in sufficient lean meat, poultry meat, low-fat fish, eggs, cottage cheese, kefir and other dairy products, not salted and not sharp cheeses.

    It is very helpful, since they contain the necessary salts and trace elements and have our own small diuretic effect, the following vegetables and fruits: zucchini, patissons, fresh cucumbers, cress and salad sowing, fresh carrots, Topinambourg (Earthwood Pear), Fresh Apples and Mulberry Fruits (Recommended to eat up to 150 - 200 g of berries), fresh grapes, gooseberries, cherry.

    Diuretic to help

    Edema - the first sign of nephropathy of pregnant women

    Many vegetable, fruit and berry juices possess their own diuretic effect. From the listed options, select one, most suitable, or alternate several (for example, in a day or in a week of reception). You can mix a few juices (for example, carrot, pumpkin and cucumber), but the total number of juices should not exceed one third - half of the glass once a day, unless otherwise indicated.
    • Freshly prepared carrot juice with flesh. Take 1/3 - 1/2 Glasses in the morning on an empty stomach.
    • Fresh pumpkin juice. Drink 1/2 Glass 1 time per day.
    • Birch juice. Drink 1/2 cup 2 times a day.
    • Fresh viburnum berries with honey or their decoction (2 tablespoons of confused berries pour a glass of boiling water and warm in the water bath, not tolerant boil, then cool at room temperature, strain). Take 1/3 cup 2 - 3 times a day) with a small amount of honey (on the tip of a small spoon). But be careful: Kalina, especially its fresh berries, can sometimes cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Fresh cranberry berries, confused with adding honey or sugar. Take on a tablespoon 2 - 3 times a day after meals.
    • Fresh juice or jam from black rowan berries. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
    • Fresh berries Irgi or juice of them.
    • Broth of blackberry berries.
    • Decoction from the waist of green ordinary beans (2 tablespoons of crushed flaps pour 300 ml of water, bring to a boil and cook on low heat for 15 minutes. After two-hour instead, strain.) Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for 20 - 30 minutes. before meals. Also is also useful.
    • Decoction of grains of seed oats (1 tablespoon of grains pour 4 glasses of water and cooking 3,5 hours on a small fire, interfered by periodically; cool and wipe all the mass (decoction with grains) through a sieve.) Opened «Kissel» Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
    • Tea has a diuretic effect, if you add small pieces of fresh or intimidated quarrels into the usual welding when brewing.
    • Nabine from Kuragi or Uryuk. 200 g dried fruits pour two glasses of steep boiling water in thermos and insistant 6 hours. Strain, berries squeeze. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day. Can be used instead of drinking.

    What the phytotherapy offers

    Phytotherapy also offers some recipes - like infusions of one grass and special fees for the treatment of pregnant women from edema. If you do not have individual intolerance, then choose one of the presented recipes or alternate a few in a month of reception (only be sure to consult your doctor).
    • Infusion Flowers Chamomile Pharmacy. 2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials brew boiling water, 10 minutes to warm in a water bath and 20 minutes to insist under the lid, cool, strain. Take 1/3 cup 2 - 3 times a day.
    • Mix of berries and leaf lumps. 2 teaspoons of the mixture to brew a glass of steep boiling water and boil another 3 minutes, insisted under the lid of 15 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
    • Decoction of chopped roots chicory. 1 tablespoon of finished raw materials to fermented a liter of boiling water and another 10 minutes boil, cool, strain, take 1/3 cup 2 - 3 times a day.
    • Take in equal parts of the leaf and fruit lingonberry, all plant strawberries forest, seeding grain, seafront of a large, calendula daisy flowers, calendula dosage flowers, dried grass, cinnamine rose. 1 tablespoon crushed in a coffee grinder to breed a glass of boiling water in a thermos and insist within an hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup three times a day.
    • In equal parts Mix blackberry leaf SIZY, LESS LESSARTER, PERSON MONEY DRAWER, HEATING, HEABLE HEATING, COLOR COLOR, FRIGHT, FRIGHT AND SIGHTS OF BLACKS, FRIGHTS CINE, PAYMENT LETTER, Raissem. Infusion is preparing and accepted the same as in the previous recipe.

    And a few more recipes of traditional medicine

    Therapy for the initial manifestations of nephropathy must include preparations with sedative (soothing), antispasmodic effect. You can choose one or more soothing info, specially compiled for the treatment of pregnant women (the reception of various infusions can be alternating).
    • Mixing 2 pieces of blackberry leaf SIZY, Pethira nicknamer grass, 1 part of the fruits of hawthorn, leaves and raspberry fruits, the grass of drying and herbs, herbs, a narrow. 1 tablespoon of crushed mixture brew a glass of boiling water, 15 minutes heated in a water bath, not bringing to a boil, then another 20 minutes to insist under the lid, strain. Take 1/3 glasses 3 times a day or 1/2 cup before bedtime.
    • In equal parts to mix the grass of mint pepper, the grass is a narrow-tall grass, a grassy grass of a puffed, flower of a meadow, rosehip and raisin fruit. Infusion is preparing and accepted also.
    • Take equal parts of anise and hawthorn fruits, calendula flowers of medicinal, shoots and blueberry fruits, viburnum fruits and rosehips, sowing row straw, planting leaves of large and escapes. 1 tablespoon of chopped mixture to brew 1 glass of boiling water and a 10-minute heat on a water bath, not allowing the boil, pour into a thermos and insist for another 2 hours, strain. Take 1 / s glasses 3 times a day.
    • In equal parts to take the leaves of blackberry SIZY, leaf and mackell leaves, peppermint grass, lathery grass grass, buckwheat flowers, big root root, planting big leaves, lump leaves. Infusion is preparing and accepted the same as in the previous recipe.

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