Myopathy (Amiotrophy) refers to those diseases that cannot be cured completely. However, the patient, watching its nutrition, performing gymnastics and certain procedures, is able to significantly improve the quality of their life.
So, you were diagnosed: «Myopathy (Amiotrophia)». Moopathy (amyotrophy) - a group of hereditary diseases that are manifested by gradual atrophy and muscle degeneration.
Today there is no panacea from this disease. However, treatment allows partially to return lost opportunities. So that this treatment is successful, the daily efforts of the patient in his daily life are needed. How to live with myopathy?
Today there is no panacea from this disease. However, treatment allows partially to return lost opportunities. So that this treatment is successful, the daily efforts of the patient in his daily life are needed. How to live with myopathy?
Proper treatment allows you to significantly brake muscle atrophy and increase the regeneration and growth of new muscle tissue, and even return some lost opportunities. The treatment of myopathy (amyotrophy) requires everyday implementation of a number of medical procedures, therefore patients themselves should be able to independently perform the necessary procedures.
Comprehensive treatment includes the following:
- Reception of drugs according to the scheme that is written for a period of 3-12 months;
- Medical nutrition;
- physiotherapy;
- massage;
- gymnastics;
- psychotherapy.
Medicines do not cure muscle dystrophy, while they are able to stimulate regeneration and muscle tissue growth.
Muscle atrophy
Moopathy and amyotrophia lead to loss of muscular fabric. The task of the patient and the doctor - to do this loss to restore. It is known that the muscle growth requires protein, but not everyone knows what kind of quantity and mode. Some specialists recommend taking nutritious mixtures in the form of amino acids, with the addition of vitamins and L-carnitine. Doses are calculated taking into account weight, the age of the patient and the state of the gastrointestinal tract.
Often, proteins for some reason are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and the technique of protein nutrition does not lead to anything other than the problems with digestion. Information on the quality of the assimilation of proteins can be obtained as a result of the part of Cala. Since food is an important component of the treatment of myopathy, in these cases it is necessary to treat the cause of the absorption of proteins (reducing the pancreas function, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, etc.NS.).
As a result of a long flow of the disease on the site of dead muscle fibers, the inclusions of fat and fibrous (scar) fabric are formed, which prevent muscle operation and can even cause muscle pain. To dissolve these inclusions and is applied physiotherapy.
In addition, under muscle diseases, contracturates can form - a decrease in the volume of movements in the joints and muscles. Here physiotherapy is also one of the main methods of treatment.
Using, mainly 2 methods of physiotherapy: wraps and electrophoresis with enzyme preparations. For wraps, a composition based on natural bile is used, and for electrophoresis - based on papain.
Muscle electrostimulation applies only in some cases when individual muscles are so weak that it is impossible to perform even elementary movements. The electrostimulator makes the muscles decrease regardless of the presence / absence of an arbitrary patient's effort.
Massage and gymnastics for myopathy (amyotrophy)
Standard massage techniques are not quite suitable for the treatment of myopathy and amyotrophy. In addition, the massage effect directly depends on its correct execution. Unfortunately, it is necessary to see patients after a massage course with absolutely irreducible during massage with problematic muscles.
Proper massage begins with the definition of non-elastic, compacted, weakened muscle sites. It is for these sites that the main efforts should be sent to the massage. Moreover, a combination of tonic massage for weakened areas with relaxing, stretching and resolving on the compacted areas of the muscles.
If there is a weakness of respiratory muscles, a chest massage is performed to facilitate respiratory movements. The patient is very important to learn from a self-making specialist.
Gymnastics in neuromuscular diseases has its own characteristics. The fact is that with the weakness of a muscle, instead of it, others may include (muscles synergist and others.). As a result, an incorrect pattern of motion occurs, which not only does not lead to the desired effect, but can also damage other muscles, joints or intervertebral discs. For this reason, the gymnastics for myopathy and amyotrophy is based on the isolated inclusion of individual muscles.
Still failed to create a unified gymnastics system for myopaths, t.To. Tonus-force imbalance of muscles each patient is distinguished. Exercises have to select and dose individually to each patient. In the future, the gymnastics is performed at home in a pair with an assistant or independently.

Against the background of the disease, secondary depressions are often developing with apathy and reluctance to engage in their health. And this leads to the progression of the disease and the possible death of the patient.
The patient must undergo a course of psychotherapeutic treatment, to become more resistant to mental stimuli, become more active, positively treat treatment, and it immediately affects the work of the muscles.
The patient is not bad to learn from a specialist to special psychotechnics to work with their own muscles.
If there are signs of depression, it is possible to appoint modern antidepressants (selective inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure, such as cipralex, fluoxetine, etc.).
These antidepressants are not reduced, but increase the patient's activity and mood, do not cause muscle weakness.