Miasthenia is a formidable disease and a particularly dangerous moment is a miasthenic crisis, when a person literally is in a woman from death. At the same time urgently need help. How can you help such a patient, as well as how he himself can help himself prevent crisis - tips in our article.

But it is not easy to care for such patients, because at any moment there may be an even more severe condition - miasthenic crisis, for example. What you need to know people who have a patient Miashenia on their care to assist in time and, perhaps, save the life of a person?
When you need to seek help
Most patients suffering from miastenia usually control their condition. However, sometimes, with a sudden sharp deterioration of the state, they need immediate medical care. This happens during the so-called miasthenic crises, when sharply increasing muscle weakness causes a breath disruption.
What can provoke crisis
Crisis can cause emotional stress, infection, surgical operation or random injury. Change of medication or dosage is also able to cause deterioration. If weakness increases, it can lead to a critic that vitalizative functions of the body as a whole.
Favoring symptoms
If a person you take care of, any of the symptoms listed below appears (especially if it holds within an hour) after taking medication, call a doctor or immediately go to the nearest hospital in which there is an emergency separation:
- blurry vision;
- difficulty breathing, chewing, swallowing;
- difficult speech;
- the inability to cough;
- increased salivation;
- twitching muscles at the mouth and eyes;
- nausea or vomiting;
- heart palpitations;
- muscle cramps;
- Strong spasms of the stomach or diarrhea;
- severe weakness of any muscle group;
- cold, wet skin and reinforced sweating;
- strong anxiety or anxiety;
- confusion of consciousness;
- fainting.
Patients in a state of miastehenic crises should immediately hospitalize for the adoption of intensive respiratory activities.
Giving help
It follows, especially when the critic was preceded by strong excitement, put the patient to bed or on the couch, sofa so that the head and shoulders were above the body. Open the window or window, let me accept any drug lowering blood pressure, or a tablet from headaches, and under the tongue Put the Validol tablet. Making it, constantly calm the patient, say that soon this state will pass that it looks better and T. D. Be sure to call «ambulance» or health worker if there is a medpark. In no case, do not lead such a patient to the clinic or in the medical center, since on the way it can be even worse. Before arrival «Ambulance» Put the patient of the mustard pieces to the collar area (on the adapter, back to the corners of the blades, without affecting the spine) and at the atrial region.
What can patients with miastenia to improve their condition
- Find the ratio of activity and leisure that will best affect your health.
- Plan cases for a while you have the most. During the day, often rest.
- Avoid excessive effort, stress, staying in the sun or in the cold. All this are factors that can worsen your condition.
Learn to recognize the side effects of drugs
You need to know the side effects of drugs: strengthening of sweating, grabs-like pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and excess salivation. If you notice any of these symptoms, report it to your doctor.
Looking out ways to compensate
- Remember that for myasthenia is characterized by remission and exacerbations; Even for one day, the condition may change.
- If you have two eyes in your eyes, close one eye with a bandage or carry glasses with one glass lens with a frosty pattern.
Be an optimist
Get acquainted with people, sick miastenia, which lead active, full life. Try to learn more useful for yourself.