The main symptoms of acute and chronic bronchitis in adults and children. Obstructive syndrome as the most dangerous complication of the disease.
Symptoms of acute bronchitis

After a short time, a dry cough appears. The intensity increases it, it becomes painful, «tearing», accompanied by sophisticated pain. In very strong and frequent attacks, unpleasant sensations may appear in the lower part of the chest. This is due to powerful diaphragm reductions.
Such cough remains for several days (usually 2-3), and then gradually goes into a wet. At first, sputum is separated very little — 30-50 ml per day, however later its products are growing. Its character depends on the causative agent of the disease. The myscotic of the sputum is more likely with the viral origin of the bronchitis, mucinous-purulent — with bacterial.
The situation is somewhat deteriorating when the disease is complicated by bronchipolitis. The appearance of shortness of shortness of rest, cough resistance with a simultaneous decrease in sputum removal may indicate the transition of inflammation into smaller bronchi. In this case, the patient often takes an forced pose — Poliusy. The emergence of bronchipolitis — This is a dangerous complication requiring treatment under hospital.
Symptoms of chronic bronchitis
Cough with hb always exists. Both during the period of exacerbations and at the time of remission. In general, the symptoms of the disease is not much different from the acute form of the disease. When remission, special attention is paid to the development of other signs.
The cough in the early stages of the athow appears only in the morning. This is due to an increase in physical exertion after a night requiring respiratory gain. At the later stages, the cough is preserved throughout the day.
Serious bronchial obstruction (blockage of bronchi) can lead to the emergence of night seizures. Cough at the same time can be long (up to 30-40 minutes), adsadd, accompanied by the attacks of suffocation and difficulty breathing.
Sputum — The second significant sign of chronic bronchitis. At the beginning of the disease, it is easily separated, its number does not exceed 50 ml per day. After her disheaving, the patient becomes easier.
In later stages, expectoration is difficult, the overall condition of the patient becomes worse. During the cough, his veins are swollen on the neck, the face is blushing, but the amount of sputum is very slightly. During the day, patient «It is repent», However, it does not feel healthy.
Features of the symptoms of bronchitis in children
Symptoms of bronchitis in children look as well as in adults. It is much more important to understand that the ability of the child's body to compensate for the lack of oxygen is much lower. Higher danger of obstructive syndrome is connected with this. With a strong cough, bronchospasm can occur — sharp narrowing of breathing pathways. This state is extremely dangerous and without adequate urgent treatment can lead to the death of a child.
Treatment of bronchitis
The treatment of bronchitis most often does not create difficulties. It should be remembered that it is impossible to choose drugs. Depending on the stage, medications can be used, overwhelming cough or provoking it. For children, many medicines can be contraindicated. Therefore, a visit to the doctor — This is the rightmost step.
Ordinary bronchitis is treated outpatient. Apply antipyretic agents, mercolics, antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, if necessary — Antibiotics. With the appearance of bronchiolite or obstructive syndrome, the patient must be sent to the hospital.
No oxygen no life. Any respiratory disease reduces the saturation of the whole organism by this vital element. Therefore, when the very first symptoms of bronchitis should immediately call a doctor. The earlier treatment begins — the smaller the risk of complications or the transition of the disease in chronic form.