Neuralgia hits the ribs


  • Reasons for neuralgia - a great set
  • Recognize hard
  • No medicine man
  • Heart hurts or still intercostal neuralgia

  • If you suddenly felt a terrible pain in the heart and you pierced the thought of heart attack, do not hurry to prepare for the worst. Perhaps this is just intercostal neuralgia. Good too little. But to cure, if you do not postpone the visit to the doctor, it is quite possible.

    Reasons for neuralgia - a great set

    Neuralgia hits the ribs

    Term «neuralgia» Comes from the Greek words Neuron - «nerve» and algos - «pain». Nighting or parietal pains spread through the nerve barrel or its branches, accompanied by other unpleasant sensations, such as burning, tingling, numbness. By the way, therefore intercostal neuralgia can respond to pain not only in the heart, but also under the blade, in the back, lower back.

    «Pain in Nerve» cause damage to sensitive nerve fibers. And the reasons for neuralgia are kaleidoscopically diverse: injuries, exposure to heavy metals, bacterial toxins, some medicines, a number of diseases of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, polyradiculoneurite, infections (influenza, slimming, tuberculosis), decreased immunity, allergies, congenital anomalies or spine pathology ( Additional ribs, osteochondrosis, disc hernia and others). Cardiovascular diseases (arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, anemia) are given to the emergence of inter estreon neuralgia, as a result of insufficient oxygen. Neuralgia may occur with changes in the spine, due to hormonal violations in women in menopause. Sowing «contribution» In the development of the disease, abuse of alcohol, diabetes, violations of the exchange of vitamins of the group B, which is most often observed in the ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, hepatitis, colitis, since these diseases suffer from the metabolism in the nervous tissue.

    Judge for yourself how large the number of reasons leading to intercostal neuralgia (but we have not been listed not all!). The disease rarely develops under the action of only one factor. So self-examination is meaningless and visiting to the doctor and examination can not be avoided.

    Intercostal neuralgias are mostly sick of older people when all the listed causes are valid against the background of age-related changes in the vessels. In children, this ailment is practically not found.

    Recognize hard

    Nervous endings are everywhere, so intercostal neuralgia can imitate, for example, renal colic, lung diseases, pains arising from listened, and very often - heart pathology. Conversely, other alands are often accepted by inattentive doctors for neuralgia.

    No medicine man

    Treatment of intercostal neuralgia should be comprehensive. The task is to eliminate or adjust the causes of the disease. In the acute period of the disease, the bed regime is recommended within 1 - 3 days. The patient should lie on a solid, smooth surface, best to put under the mattress shield. During attacks, lightweight, dry heat. It is possible to bandage the chest woolen handkerchief, put the mustard pieces on the octopotch region, spinning the corresponding pain points. It is also nice to massate these places with anti-inflammatory anesthetic ointment. With severe pains, it is not without analgesic (Analgin, Sedalgin, Spasgan). The problem is that the effect of drugs does not give the necessary painkillery effect over time, so it is necessary to use them carefully, only by appointing a doctor. And do not hope only on alone medications. Good effect with intercostal neuralgia give physiotherapy, acupuncture, laser therapy. It is advisable to take vitamins of group B (B1, B6, B12). In order for the disease did not switch to a chronic form with frequent attacks, try to reduce physical exertion, do not abuse alcohol, avoid the possibilities of stressful situations.

    Heart hurts or still intercostal neuralgia

    With neuralgy, the pain in the chest often does not let go of a person during the day or night. It is enhanced by tackling intercostal intervals, from change of body position (when turning), sharp bending or rotational movements, as well as when walking, deep breath or exhalation, cough, sneezing and even because of the excitement.

    With angina pain, the pain quickly occurs and quickly passes (after 3 - 5 minutes), as a rule, is removed by nitroglycerin. Cardiac pain does not change with deep breath or exhale, from change of position or when driving, may be accompanied by a violation of the rhythm of the pulse, a drop or an increase in blood pressure.

    In general, if it hurts under the blade on the left side, be sure to make a cardiogram. To clarify the cause of the pain in the chest may be needed magnetic - resonant tomography, radiography.

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