What is parassony? Who has Parassian? How to diagnose and treatment of paramy? Answers to these questions you will find in the article.
What is parassony
Associated with sleep hallucinations are parassinia. Paramyania is
Unwanted events (behavioral reactions) occurring during
sleep. Sleep hallucinations are an events imaginary patient who
appear very realistic. Most of the associated with sleep
hallucinations are visual. In addition, there are sound,
Tactile, taste and olfactory hallucinations. There are also
and hallucinations associated with the sensation.
Hallucinations easy to confuse with dreams. You can not be
firmly confident that you sleep or awake. These sensations (vision)
can resemble nightmares sleep. However, when you wake up after
nightmare, you know for sure that these vision were in a dream. you understand,
that all these sensations were associated with a dream and did not have a place
in reality.
Sleep hallucinations usually arise in the following situations:
- When departing to sleep (hypnotogogical);
- With awakening (hypnopomplic).
If hallucinations occur during the daytime, it can be
Sign of narcolepsy.
In patients suffering from narcolepsy,
In the daytime, the following symptoms may be celebrated:
Attacks of sleepiness;
- Sleep paralysis;
- Hypunogical hallucinations.
Hallucinations and paralysis of sleep may occur at the same time,
But in different nights. You can also occur insulated episodes
Strawing or interchange.
You can also suffer from complex visual hallucinations
in the form of still images of people or animals. Similar hallucinations
usually arise after sudden awakening from sleep. In this case
After waking up you have no feeling that you are awakened in the most
Middle sleep. You know exactly what you are currently
In a state of wakefulness. At the first moment you can get frightened by thinking
that these creatures are present in the room actually. In fear you
You can jump out of bed and even get injured.
Perceived images may have a distorted form or unusual
the size. They can persist in imagination for several
minutes. After turning on the light in the hallucination room usually disappear.
There are similar episodes quite rare. In some cases, they can
be associated with bolt bolts by type of migraine. In this case
Headache quickly disappears after the disappearance of hallucinations.
Who has Parassian
Associated with sleep hallucinations are quite common
phenomenon. According to a number of researchers, about the presence of such manifestations
reported to one third of people in the general population. More often arise
Hallucinations of sleep in adolescents and young people. Most people
The frequency of episodes is reduced by age. In women frequency
The emergence of sleep hallucinations are somewhat higher. Hallucinations sleep
Meet most patients suffering from narcolepsy.
The emergence of sleep hallucinations may be due to the following
- Reception of drug (narcotic) funds at this time;
- Taking alcohol in the past;
- Anxiety;
- Disorders in the emotional sphere;
- Insomnia.
Sleep hallucinations may be connected with the presence of epileptic
convulsive seizures. In this case, they are
Fragment of visual fragments.
In your consciousness immediately before the departure to bed or after awakening, images appear seemingly very realistic? Are these sensations for mostly visual images? If you answered «Yes» These questions, you probably suffer from sleep hallucinations.
In addition, it is important to establish whether there are no other reasons,
capable of calling you like episodes.
They may be a consequence
Any of the following reasons, such as:
- Other sleep disorder;
- Disease internal organs and nervous system;
- The use of drugs;
- Mental disorder;
- Abuse of alcohol, drugs, etc.
Appeal to the doctor and treatment of paramy
You should contact a specialist in the field of sleep disorders,
In the event that hallucinations cause you an increased level of anxiety
or break the continuity of sleep. If along with the hallucinations of sleep you have
There is excess daytime drowsiness, you can suffer
from narcolepsy. In this case, you should contact a doctor
The doctor will need information about when
hallucinations of sleep, how often they arise and what
their duration. The doctor will need information about the transferred
Diseases and diseases that you currently have. Doctor
should also be installed, do not suffer from excessive
drowsiness and do you have other problems with sleep. Do not forget to report
doctor about what medicines you take now and took earlier.
Also inform the doctor, did you ever suffer from any
Sleep disorders. Find out whether the members did not suffer from problems
Your family. In addition, the diary can be useful
sleep for 2 weeks. Diary of sleep
will allow the doctor to evaluate the routine (patterns) of your sleep. This data
give a doctor information about what causes your problems with sleep, and how
cope with them.
In case the existing problems significantly violate your sleep,
You may need to conduct a tool
Night sleep. This study is called polysomnography. Polysomnographic study
includes registration of brainwaves, heart and breathing
during sleep. In addition, foot and hands and hands are recorded during sleep.
Research will establish non-light hallucinations
with another sleep disorder.
If you are experiencing significantly increased drowsiness during
day, doctor can assign you tool,
allowing to measure the level of drowsiness. This study is called
Multiple latency test to sleep (MTLS). MTLS allows
Measure how fast you are falling asleep during the daytime. Besides
It is established what kind of (phase) of sleep occurs with you during the episode
Day sleep. This study will allow you to establish, are not
Lee Hallucinations of sleep by a sign of narcolepsy.
Sleep hallucinations may require special treatment, and can
And do not require. Usually over time, the severity of this disorder
Sleep decreases.
Reduce the severity of sleep hallucinations help
And the following recommendations:
- Select yourself enough time to sleep;
- Observe the permanent routine of sleep;
- Avoid reception of alcohol, drugs, some types of drugs.
If sleep hallucinations violate the continuity of your sleep or
cause an increased level of anxiety, the doctor may appoint glad
Medicinal preparations. The doctor may also hold correction
drug therapy appointed to you for the treatment of depression or
Anxiety disorder.
If hallucinations are a symptom of narcolepsy, the doctor will appoint you medicines used to treat this sleep disorder.