Stroke: how to dodge?


  • Why young people die?
  • What are the strokes
  • The diagnosis is a delicate matter

  • Stroke: How to dodge from hitting?

    Why young people die?

    Every year about 6 million people in the world strikes stroke, and only
    The fifth one of them after the disease can return to normal active life. In this case, the chance of the appearance of re-stroke in these people
    Raised at 15 - 20 (!) once. And all starts with «harmless»
    Enhance pressure...

    Especially alarming that if before the disease «Kosila» basically
    pensioners now the main risk group - young men slightly
    Older than thirty five.

    Why? Stroke Risk Factors - Increased Pressure, Permanent
    Stresses, smoking, unlimited alcohol intake - quite frequent phenomenon
    It is in this active, responsible and «nervous» Age. And many Lie
    from men who work a lot will persuade themselves «not
    nerve», Pour it right and - it was not enough! -
    Control cholesterol levels?

    Meanwhile, the stroke today has the highest mortality rate among
    Cardiovascular diseases: For a quarter of the patients, he turns around
    Father outcome. And most survivors, alas, a disability is waiting:
    Partial or full paralysis, speech or memory loss, weakening

    What are the in


    Ischemic stroke, he is a brain infarction, is 80% of all
    Insults. With it, the vessel in the brain is blocked by a thrombus or
    Atherosclerotic Blyaska. Hemorrhagic stroke - differently
    apoplexic blow, hemorrhage in the brain - on his share accounts for 20%
    All strokes. It is most often a consequence of elevated
    blood pressure, hypertensive crisis - blood vessel
    breaks, blood is poured into the brain. Sometimes the cause is injury
    or pathology of blood.

    Based on the clinical picture, it is difficult to distinguish what the mechanism for the development of a stroke.

    Hemorrhagic stroke occurs more often in the evening, after tense
    day, sudden. Also brightly expressed general-selling symptoms - head
    Pain, vomiting, flickering of red spots and flies before eyes, loss

    And with ischemic stroke headache, as a rule, wears more
    moderate character, vomiting and loss of consciousness may not be. He usually
    arises at night or in the morning, develops gradually.

    The diagnosis is a delicate matter

    Since each brain section is responsible for any function
    our body, on violation of this function, you can understand which one
    Plot is amazed. This is called topical diagnosis. Defeat of the crust
    Large hemispheres cause higher cortical functions,
    For example: speech loss, loss of the letter, loss of skills,
    Acquired during life, reading function disorder,
    the impossibility of recognizing people and subjects.

    It happens that stroke flows and asymptomatic. For example, when
    Small brain lesions are formed. Often neither sam
    the patient nor his relatives at first do not notice. And it is very
    dangerous. Over time, many such foci change the patient's psyche:
    Emotional impassable, federation, deterioration
    Memory, intelligence.

    Accurate diagnosis of stroke only on the basis of the clinic is unlikely
    Possible. Therefore, it is desirable to carry out computer tomography of the brain.

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