Perinatal psychology

We still know little about the life of a person in the Lona Mother. We do not imagine what he feels and how. Outputs this secret perinatal psychology. She appeared not so long ago, part-time forty years ago. This science is engaged in the study of the mental life of a child in the womb of the mother (fetus) or just appeared on the light (newborn).

In ancient times, pregnancy was considered a kind of wonderful, special state, the gift of God
In ancient times, pregnancy was considered a kind of wonderful, special fortune, the gift of God, and the birth - something mysterious and sacred. Still exist tribes that honor a pregnant woman as a goddess. In our civilized society, we are no longer so reprorming for pregnant women, but still little we know about the life of a person in the Lona Mother. We do not imagine what he feels and how. Outputs this secret perinatal psychology.

Perinatal psychology appeared not so long ago, incomplete forty years ago. This science is engaged in studying the mental life of the child in the womb (fetus) or just appeared on the light (newborn), his connection with the mother, the influence of its psychological state of the child.

Scientists argue that the fetus has mental life and long-term memory.

It turns out that perinatal period has a huge impact on the future of man. In the subconscious of a person, what happened to him in the womb, during and after delivery. In the future, these events affect how it will behave in certain situations, how will it become.

Perinatal events can be divided into the following steps: pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period.


At this stage, human potential is formed, its ability to adapt to various conditions. Mombs, learn to love a child in your tummy, even if his appearance has become not a very pleasant surprise for you!

Fruit in the womb

Many scientists argue that the basic mental and physical potential of the desired child is much higher. Children who did not want to sleep badly, easily upset and can not calm down for a long time. They are usually physically weaker than welcome kids.

Have you ever wondered why pregnant women ask not to worry and avoid stressful situations? The fact is that the child in the animal of the mother is very sensitive to her mood. He sees, hears, feels the taste and touch. Child sees «Big world» Eyes Mom, perceives him through the prism of her emotions.

How does he succeed? Partially - with hormones that come to the child through a placenta. Partially - with the help of an electromagnetic field of mom.

Scientists believe that mom and child communicate with each other using electromagnetic waves of a millimeter range.

Probably, some part of the information is transmitted through the water environment of the mother's body. However, the baby already in the womb can show independence. He has a touch (about the tenth week the fruit feels touch). With the eighteenth week of pregnancy, the child begins to drink the airlodic water and distinguish the taste. Carefully watch your menu. You can teach your future baby to eat «not that».

The auditory apparatus is formed about the twenty-second week, but the external noise children hear badly. They prevent them from the noise of the work of the internal organs of the mother. But the mother itself they hear just excellent. So we recommend our website readers and part-time to the future mothers read out loud, serving songs and just talk to your baby. It is better to do when the baby is awake. Periods of its wakefulness to determine easy. As a rule, at this time the child actively moves. It will be simply wonderful if you communicate with him in one of the time wake periods daily: touch any point on your stomach and say something to him, for example: «Hello, baby». Gradually, your conversations will become longer, and on touch the baby will answer with its shocks. To this game you can attract dad and older children. Just keep in mind that everyone should have «its» Part of the abdomen for touches and «Your sound code». Such a game, firstly, develops the touch and hearing of the kid, and secondly, it is favorable on its emotional development. Not yet born, he knows that he loves him.

By the twenty-fourth week, the pupils of the child begin to respond to light. Some scientists believe that the red part of the spectrum falls into the uterus, others think that a complete darkness reigns there. But the smells of your baby will learn to distinguish only when it is born. In the womb he will trust your sense.


This perinatal period determines who the child will become in «large» life (will he be a victim or winner), as will fight for the place under the sun (actively moving to the target target, or, waiting for the weather by the sea).

Scientists believe that natural childbirth is not better affected by the future of your baby in the outside world. Much in this process depends on the ability of mom intuitively understand that when and how to do, the ability to feel your child. The stimulation of childbirth breaks the interaction of the mother and the fetus, accelerating the process besides their will, forcing the child to feel a victim, so to resort to it only on medical testimony. With a planned caesarean section, everything happens painless for the baby, he does not feel fear. However, many scientists believe that your child's wrestler in this case is most likely not, and do not recommend resorting to Cesarean section without having.

Want your child to be a fighter? Correct yourself when attempting, and then the baby will be in his life more appropriate in fulfilling the tasks, objectively perceive and is appropriate to act in various situations.

To behave during battles and attempts in the desired way will help breathing. With it, you can reduce pain. Correctly breathe during childbirth, you can learn independently (now there is a huge number of literature on this issue) or in courses for pregnant women. During childbirth, try carefully to listen to what the midwife tells you, and if possible to accurately fulfill her teams. Huge help and support for childbirth may have a husband (or another relative, for example, mother). Joint genera have many advantages. First, during battles you will not be one on one with pain. Near you there will be a close person who can distract, support a good word and help control the situation. Secondly, it is no secret that a close person is easier to perceive than unfamiliar, especially in the stressful situation, and childbirth is still stress, and words of midwives, repeated by your husband, will reach your mind faster. The main thing is that the person you take with you in childbirth was really reliable.

Postpartum period

Parents with newborns
At this stage, according to scientists, the attitude of a person is formed to freedom, its forces and opportunities. That is why, with natural childbirth, the baby is immediately put on the belly of the mother. He sees his mother, feels it warm. In short, the baby feels protected and gets used to freedom gradually. She doesn't scare him. Immediately after birth, without taking the chest, the baby looks at Mamino's face wide open eyes. He seemed to get acquainted with her. This process is called bonding. Psychologists argue that it is during this viewing that a sustainable emotional connection between mother and child is formed. It is just great if there will be a dad next to the newborn at this moment, which only heard the baby before, - it will also be involved in the process of bonding - establishing the first emotional contact. Let the daddy take a newborn in the hands, presses to himself (best of all, if it is a contact «Leather skin»), Talk to him. Our site should note that the presence of the father has a particular importance in the case of cesarean section. While doctors «Talk» Above mom, the child will be on dad care.

If this is how the circumstances are so far that child for a long period after delivery will not be able to be with his mother, then in the future any independence may be in a burden. However, this state of affairs can be corrected in breastfeeding up to a year, good care, tenderness and love.

Breastfeeding is a very important point that affects the physical and emotional child development. For the baby there is nothing more useful and nutrient milk milk. None, even the best mixture will not be able to fully ensure its needs for useful substances. Breast milk - the best prevention of various diseases.

The composition of milk is individual and ideal only to one kid. This composition changes during the day and days of life of the newborn.

From the point of view of emotions - this is a thread that binds mother and child. They still constitute a single whole, but not in physical, but in psycho-emotional plan. The newborn very sensitively feels the mood of the mother. Often, when mom is upset by something, the baby also behaves uneasily, shouting, whims. Try to be as calmer. Avoiding the mood drops may not be possible, but autotraining, care and help of loved ones will help to mitigate them (especially her husband).

Another very important factor affecting the emotional development of the child is the attentive, sensitive attitude of his parents to him and to each other. Spend as much time as possible together, smile to your crumb, more often hold it on your hands. Newborn is experiencing the so-called «Tactile hunger», So try. Your touch is vital for it.

Scientists have proven that the child is developing faster if, from the very birth, quite a lot in contact with parents, communication through touches. T.E. Touching with each dressing, bathing, feeding, wearing on hand, massage, exercises are of great importance.

Perhaps some hypothesis of perinatal psychology seem to be dubious. However, this science makes it thorough to think about what inside pregnant woman is not just a fruit, but a developing personality. The child inside the womb is not just a physiological something, this is a person possessing his mental life, and from you, lovely women, from how you behaved during pregnancy, childbirth and the first hours after them, in many ways its future depends.

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