Prevention of stroke


Prevention of strokeCharacterized by the death of brain nerve cells. A stroke causes diseases of blood vessels, blood supply brain, as a rule, atherosclerotic origin.

The effects of stroke always apply irreparable harm to the usual way of life. The hand and leg cease to move, on the side of the opposite stroke, often disappears.

Timely treatment of vascular damage, blood supply brain — The only effective means of preventing a stroke.

The first signs of diseases of the brain arteries are not noticeable and people often do not betray them. To such «Small» Symptoms include:

  1. Headaches
  2. Dizziness
  3. Flashing «Mushhek» before your eyes
  4. Often the patients say that in winter when leaving the dark tunnel on bright light and brightly shiny snow, feel bad feeling
  5. Relatives tell that there were periods «Lubricated», Nepny speech, awkwardness in hands and legs

Often the first signs of brain ischemia «Masked» other diseases and this determines the required amount of consultation and surveys.

The risk determination of the stroke is made by non-invasive methods. The patient should be examined:

  1. Neurologist
  2. Vascular surgeon

It is necessary to perform ultrasound angiosication. In confirming the diseases of the vessels, blood supplying brain, the patient is offered more «Thin» Diagnostics including multispirate computed tomography with contrasting and subsequent three-dimensional reconstruction.

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