Why the sciatic nerve hurts


  • Neuralgia of sedellastic nerve - to know easy
  • Why the nerve hives
  • Diagnostics of sciatic nerve lesions
  • Treatment of sedlication neuralgia
  • Prevention is important and needed

  • Summer - the time of activity. Apartment repair, gardening - garden troubles, swimming, badminton, bike... The list of exercise-related summer worries and joys is truly inexhaustible. But sometimes unusual efforts, work in an uncomfortable posture, cooling can provoke the defeat of the sedation nerve.

    Neuralgia of sedellastic nerve - to know easy

    Typical features - pain in the buttock propagating on the back of the thigh and lower legs and sometimes reaching the foot, numbness of the skin of these areas and weakness (up to paralysis) of the leg muscles, as well as sharp pain and involuntary muscle cut, when the doctor is trying to raise and straighten leg lying on the patient's back.

    All these symptoms are due to the functional peculiarities and location of the sedlicate nerve, which begins on the sacrilant nervous plexus, passes under the muscles of the buttock through the back surface of the hip, and slightly reaching the poploval fifth, splits into two downward branches. Sedal nerve provides the skin sensitivity of the respective zones, conducts motor pulses to the muscles, extending the body and the thigh, bending the shin and raising up the stop.

    Why the nerve hives

    Why the sciatic nerve hurts

    The most common of the causes causing the painful state of the sciatic nerve - squeezing. Symptoms look different, depending on what level it happened and what caused. How the disease develops when one of the spinal roots of the sacrilant nerve plexus is compressed? If the reason is the hernial protrusion of the intervertebral disk, suddenly there is a sharp pain, increasing when driving and coughing.

    At the same time during the first day, impaired skin sensitivity and muscle weakness increase. The root squeezed by a thickened by a bunch or bone exploration during osteochondrosis, gradually gives an increasing pain and numbness. Muscular weakness joins much later, with a far-seated lesion possible muscle atrophy.

    Squeezing the scooped nerve muscles is called tunnel syndrome. Some diseases of the spine and joints, injuries, flatfoot and even unsuccessful injections can be given to it. The manifestations of tunnel syndromes are diverse: from pain in the buttock to burning pain in the leg sole and the impossibility of controlling the movements of the foot.

    Injuries of the seeded nerve (bruises, breaks, brushing and cutting wounds) are accompanied, as a rule, moderate pain, but violate the transmission of motor pulses. They can lead to muscle atrophy, paralyams, as well as to the occurrence of dry skin and trophic ulcers on the legs.

    A number of diseases that violate the metabolism is able to disrupt the work of a sedlication nerve - it is diabetes, some diseases of the thyroid gland, various poisoning.

    The herpes virus caused by deprived, sometimes gives severe pain and rash in the form of bubbles along the sedation nerve.

    Diagnostics of sciatic nerve lesions

    Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to accurately find out the causes of the dysfunction. First of all, as a rule, resort to the X-ray diffuses of the spine. It allows you to estimate the condition of the vertebrae and identify bone expansion. Information on the operation of intervertebral joints gives radiography with functional tests (bending, extension). In some cases, radiography is carried out with the introduction of a contrast agent in the spinal channel.

    Computer tomography allows you to study in detail not only bone structures, but also intervertebral discs. It is indispensable in the diagnosis of disk hernia, as well as tumors and traumatic damage. «Make out» spinal cord, give a forecast of its viability during squeezing allows magnetic - resonant tomography. To judge the nature of the defeat of the satellite nerve, the features of the process that happens in it allows electromyography. This method is a study of muscle bioelectric activity under the action of different types of stimulation.

    Treatment of sedlication neuralgia

    Neuralgia treatment is aimed primarily to eliminate damaging factor. With small hernias of intervertebral discs, they are resorted, as a rule, to medication therapy. Her goal is to improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, swelling and painful muscle spasm. When sharp symptoms are eliminated, the treatment is continuing with physical and manual therapy, acupuncture, muscle electrostimulation. Therapeutic gymnastics, extracting.

    With massive disk hernias, when the functions functions are grossly broken, surgical treatment becomes necessary. Recently, in our clinics, it became possible to carry it out with the help of endoscopic technology. Such operations are small and allow patients to rise to their feet on the third day after the operation. Approximately the treatment is also carried out and when the spinal root is composed of bone exploration during osteochondrosis.

    Neuromuscular tunnel syndromes are treated mainly conservative. Blockades, manual therapy, wearing special belts and orthopedic stelks in combination with the reception of anti-inflammatory and anti-ethro, as well as drugs that reduce excessively high muscle tone allow us to succeed.

    The inflammatory damage of the vertebrae and intervertebral joints requires not only the fight against inflammation, but also antibacterial therapy, if the reason for the inflammatory process is the infection invaded. In tumors of the spinal cord and its roots resort to surgical treatment, radiation and chemotherapy.

    The degree of restoration of the function of a sedlication nerve depends primarily on the severity and limitation of its defeat. Many complications and consequences can be avoided if you turn to the doctor in a timely manner and start treatment as early as possible.

    Prevention is important and needed

    First of all - carefully treat your spine (in particular, learn how to lift the gravity). It is especially important to monitor his state to those who relate to the so-called risk group: drivers, workers of the auto service, athletes, those who face hard physical labor. Avoiding many troubles will help regular visits to the pool and physical education (at least the morning gymnastics).

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