Why the head is spinning


Why the head is spinning
Why the head is spinning? This is one of the most common
asked questions today. We will understand more about what is
dizziness why it arises and what disease can warn.
Term «dizziness» associated with loss of orientation in space and feeling
Movement either own body or objects relative to the body. Dizziness of an easy degree usually do not pose a serious danger to
Health: They last no more than a minute and can appear with sharp turns
heads around or when lifting a bed. Dissolutions of severe
last from a few minutes to several days and can act symptoms
Serious diseases: stroke, brain tumors and anemia.

Dizziness of easy degree

Such dizziness briefly and passes itself
or when changing the situation. The reason for this state can serve as an active
Adrenaline emission or spasm of brain arteries at alarming states. W
Smokers The head is spinning due to the hyperventilation of the lungs provoked
tobacco smoke. Violation of spatial orientation accompanies «Diseases
Movement» (seasickness — 30% of the world's entire planet, attachment on attractions
and in transport). It is useful to strengthen the neck muscles to avoid dizziness when
Head rotations. Not all medicines are equally useful: the use of hypoallergenic
and sedative preparations, some antibiotics and tranquilizers also
Provocates dizziness. Proper nutrition will make rid of
Episodic dizziness: The head can be spinning due to low levels
blood glucose.

Heavy degree

Severe dizziness manifests itself serious
equilibrium violations (threat of fall), hearing and vision, riding a row,
nausea and ringing in the ears. It is characterized by a sense of general
Weakness, similar to faintness feelings.

The case is very common when the head is spinning
with a sharp rise from bed in the morning. This is due to the concept «orthostatic
Collapse (hypotension)», consisting in a sharp outflow of blood from the brain.
Dizziness can be a symptom of the following serious pathologies:

  1. Why the head is spinningVertigu — True dizziness,
    accompanied by cold sweat, nausea and vomiting, vibrations of arterial
    Pressure and pulse.
  2. Labyrinthitis — Inflammation of the inner ear,
    accompanied by pain in the ear, nausea, vomiting and involuntary movements
    Eye apples.
  3. Migraine.
  4. Perilymphatic fistula arising
    Due to the gap of the membrane between the middle and internal ear and getting
    Perilimphs in the middle ear. Characterized by a deterioration of hearing for one ear and
    dizziness with coughing or sneezing.
  5. Benignant position
    dizziness is often found, but poorly diagnosed. Manifests as
    changing the position of the head and does not last long.
  6. Menielight's disease is associated with elevated
    Sodium level in fluid in the middle ear and is expressed by noise and mortgage in
    ear, equilibrium imbalance and hearing.
  7. Stroke — Dizziness is accompanied
    violation of the work of the organs of vision and sensitivity, problematic coordination
    Movement and general weakness. Contact ambulance.
  8. If the head is spinning throughout
    long time, and accompanying pathologies are not noticeable, you should visit
    psychotherapist or neurologist for severe neurosis.
  9. Brain tumor is accompanied by
    unnoticed dizziness and gradually deafness for one ear.

With frequent dizziness, refer to the neurologist.
During an attack, try to calm down and sit down (lie down), close your eyes
or focus on a fixed subject.

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