Sometimes you add to the child, and he, while he listens, all the time blinking or shuffled with her shoulder. «Stop Parawn!» - Screams parent. What is it? This is ticks.
Tick from fright
Suppose your completely healthy, a calm baby was afraid of a dog, who rushed to him in the courtyard, or a strict teacher, who settled him a variant in front of the whole class. And he began to twitch his eyes or muscle cheek. This is neurotic tick. It arises from fright, stress, voltage and is usually treated in a couple of weeks, from force for a couple of months. After treatment disappears without a trace.
What is required in this case from parents
Show baby doctor
- Create houses a relaxed atmosphere
- Do not load baby enhanced classes
- If ticks are caused by school conflict, talk to the teacher and try to settle it.
But the obsessive states of this type are not so often, they constitute only 10% of all ticks.
Cause and reasons
Other thing is strange shaking: here you can not guess what it's tick. Such neurosis-like, chronic obsessive states most - up to 90%. The reason for them is the weakness of the nervous system of the child. She arises when mom is difficult for pregnancy or because of problems during childbirth (for example, the infant had asphyxia - oxygen starvation - or childbirth were protracted, with stimulation). Sometimes the diseases transferred to the baby in the first months of life are to blame - they also change the reactivity of the nervous system. On such a soil, any reason, whether there is a cold or fatigue from the unbearable load, may cause neurosis-like tick.
Often it begins with a real event: for example, jumped the barley, which all the time interferes, and the child often blinks. Then barley passes, and the blink turns into an obsessive non-controlled action. Or the child had bronchitis: already two months since the illness passed, blood tests are good, and the cough stretches and stretches.
The child understands that ticks - the movements are unusual, painful. He is often shy of them, it is trying to hold back in people, but it is experiencing a huge inner tension, which he tires him. Attempts to control ticks end the fact that they are only enhanced.
Neurosis-like ticks treat hard and long. They can disappear for a month or half a year, then return without a visible push, for example, obeying seasonal fluctuations. Timing time Tikov - Spring and Autumn.
How to treat
If you suspected a child with tick, be sure to show his doctor: psychiatrist, a psychoneurologist or psychotherapist.
First, in order to make sure your case is just the weakness of the nervous system, and not a symptom of serious mental illnesses. The doctor may tell about it, having studied what other disorders are accompanied by Tick. For example, neurosis-like ticks are combined with fast fatigue, irritability, tears, mood variability, bad sleep… In addition, it is necessary to exclude a rare type of such obsessive states, in which tics complicated over the years.
Secondly, when the diagnosis becomes clear, the doctor will appoint treatment. These can be physiothereders: coniferous baths (they act very well on 5-6-year-old children), sedative tea, electrone, electrophoresis with bromine… All this relaxes the nervous system. Massage of the collar zone - it improves the blood supply of the brain. Good to drink warm milk with honey - soothes too. Even such simple means can be achieved much.
Psychotherapy or psychocorrection. It is hypnosis, for older guys autotraining - skill self-sustaining to help yourself relax and special breathing exercises for relaxation. All this child will teach a doctor.
And besides treatment, the word needs medicines: vitamins, preparations that improve the nutrition of the brain and metabolism, sedatives.
Parents can be advised
- Make sure that the child with a weak nervous system must be poured;
- He needs sparing regime and a full holiday on weekends;
- Especially take care of his nervous system after illness: even a trifling cold makes it vulnerable for two more weeks;
- Do not discuss the teaks of the child. The more you talk about them, the worse it becomes. He so understands that something is wrong with him, and is waiting for help from you.