In the cripples now it is not fashionable, or a lattice


  • Quarter instead of a third
  • Gate sleep
  • Stress instead of goal
  • Powder ladder
  • Slippers and bathrooms

    Quarter instead of a third
  • - Alas, on the main question "How much to sleep?" There is no scientific response, - tells a dynamologist, Associate Professor of the Moscow Medical Academy. AND.M. Sechenova Mikhail Polookov.

    As a result of a survey of tens of thousands of people around the world, it turns out that it is necessary to sleep 7-8 hours a day. However, there is another information. In 2002, the work of American somnologists KRIPKE D. F., Garfinkel L. and etc.: "Risk of death from lack of sleep and insomnia". Since 1982, the authors have explored 1.1 million people aged 30 to 102 years. And they came to the conclusion that people live the longest and better, every day spent in a dream from 6 to 7 hours. Less people live and worse feel people sleeping for more than eight hours. And the risk of death in those who sleep more than eight and a half hours per day increases by 15%.

    Research It was the most loud in the modern doubt of the last decades. All three conclusions of his authors are revolutionary. First - a decrease in sleep time, lack of sleep and insomnia do not increase the risk of death. Second - Sleep longer than 8.5 hours increases the risk of death. Third - systematic use of sleeping pills increases the risk of death. True, none of the conclusions are not indisputable, and now for five years around this is an active discussion among scientists.

    However, the findings are similar to the truth. For example, to put the Guinness record American young man spent 11 days without sleep. The last 8 of them under the supervision of doctors. And at least. No negative impact on his health 11 sleepless nights did not. Putting a record, the young man slept 16 hours and calmly continued his life path.

    Gate sleep

    In the cripples now it is not fashionable, or a latticeThe concept of two processes adopted today is called the theory of two processes. So that the person fell asleep, the coincidence of two factors is necessary: ​​a long time spent without sleep, and low brain activity. The first moment assumes that in the blood of a waking man or a woman accumulates a certain substance, which after 14 - 16 hours causes a dream. Moreover, the existence of such a substance is proved. If you take the blood from a half-sleep dog and introduce her dog Bodra - the second will begin to fall asleep (Pieron's French physiologist experiments). It is not clear that this is for the substance.

    - A lot of chemical formulas claim to the role of the neurotransmitter of sleep, but none of them have been proven - the story of Mikhail Gurievich continues. - Opening "Sleep substances" will be a breakthrough in science, because it would be the perfect sleeping pill, to which there is no addiction after which there is no drowsiness. But while it is not open.

    The second point is a change in brain activity during the day (biorhythms) for no one secret. Most of us are more appropriately concentrated and solved complex tasks around 11 hours. Closer to dinner brain slows down. In the afternoon there is a second, less pronounced peak activity. By 23 - 24 o'clock we start with difficulty knit liko and, finally, fall asleep.

    If you miss the drop in your biorhythms - the minimum activity of the brain, then even when excess in the blood "Sleep substances" It will be difficult to fall asleep or impossible. A vivid example - in 20% of people working on changing, there are serious problems with sleep. As a rule, returning after the night shift, they either can not fall asleep at all, or sleep superficially, inefficient and not compensate for the accumulated fatigue.

    On the other hand, if two-three days awake, so many sleep substances are accumulated in the blood, which will sufficiently close the eyes or take a horizontal position, as the Kingdom of Morpheus will absorb everyday reality, despite biorhythms.

    Stress instead of goal

    Prevent this may stress. Because the nervous, and cardiac activity increases with stress. As the director of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Sports Medicine, Zurab Ordzhonikidze, told us, suffer from insomnia on the basis of stress, for example, members of the Russian national football team.

    - The nervous load of the guys is huge, - he says. - Scored a goal - stress. Did not score a goal - even greater stress. It often happens that after important matches, some football players fall asleep in a state only after two-hour work with a psychologist.

    In the usual, petroleum life is very harmful to bury stress. Need to look for it a way out - drive by car, jump with parachute, run or swim. While the body is on the platoon, calm sleep will not come. Moreover, sleep disorders can gain and become a chronic problem. Of course, an individual factor affects. First of all the notorious type of character. People with shtychny features sleep how many they need and when they need - at least the flood. Asthenic characters more depend on the situation. And our brother is a creative person in the classification of psychiatrists - "hysterical": Slightly - and let's not sleep, suffer, stretch with a trembling hand to pills.

    Powder ladder

    - But this is done, regularly drinking sleeping medicines without appointing a doctor, it is impossible in no way, "says Mikhail Poluktov. - Because tolerance grows, addictive. Where one tablet helped yesterday, today you need three. These three poison the body, and stop them to take a person can not because of fear "Syndrome cancellation" - it seems to him that without pills he will completely stop sleeping.

    If episodic problems - Herbs will help: Valerian, mother-in-law, Melissa, Hawthorn, Peony, Hop. If chronic problems - you need to go to a dynamologist. Somnological clinic in Russia about 30, of which half in Moscow. There is no doubt of a doubt - a neurologist or psychiatrist will come down. The doctor must explore, at what stage of sleep you have problems.

    Our dream passes after five stages: four phases of slow sleep and one fast. All together they are called sleep cycle. Overnight, man wakes up three or four cycles. During the slow phases, the body is physically restored; 80% of the growth hormone stands out and growth itself occurs; Antibodies are produced and the energy potential of cells is restored. During rapid sleep, people see dreams and can remember them if they are awakened from fast sleep. During fast sleep, some brain departments are loaded more intense than during wakefulness. Pulse and breathing periodically accelerate. It is believed that the body is testing himself, so to speak, checks its systems for combat capability.

    Serious sleep disorders are treated mainly by drugs, that is, pills. I am known to me alone, tells Mikhail Poliuktov, an effective way to have a non-drug treatment of sleep problems. It is called - music sleep. It is that a person in front of bed is allowed to listen to slow music, which the computer created in advance created from his own biorhythms.

    But most of the problems with sleep are removed by observing elementary sleep hygiene.

    Slippers and bathrooms

    American doctors conducted an experiment. One group of patients with sleep impairment they sent the methods for sleep hygiene, and the other. After a couple of months, the first group began to sleep for 20 minutes more than the second. The secret of this hygiene, tells Mikhail Guryevich, develops from a number of items. It is necessary to stop physical and intelligent loads 1-2 hours before sleep. Go to bed every day at the same time. Provide yourself with a comfortable sleeping place. To ensure that the bedroom is well ventilated, it was non-fried and non-cool. Come up with and perform everyday ritual of waste: dinner, bathroom, warm slippers, book, light off.

    But about a joint or separate dream of men and women Doctor of Poluktov Comments refused to give. But an expert on Sina British University Surrey Surrey was spoken: "No historical prerequisites so that people sleep in the same bed. This is a very strange tradition. Divide bed with a person who publishes various sounds and periodically pains a blanket with you, at least unwise".

    May be a scientist and rights, but for us, for the most part, accustomed to sleep next to the wives, this thought should seem too English.

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