We treat neuralgia at home


  • Treat neuralgia correct
  • Homemade recipes
  • What the phytotherapy offers
  • Therapeutic power of paraffin
  • Vegetables will help
  • Try massage
  • Magnet

  • Treat neuralgia correct

    You sat on a draft, got sick with the flu, turned unsuccessfully. All this can cause neurological pains, or in a simple inflammation of the nerve. The main symptom of neuralgia - pain. In the first place, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are used primarily. But do not limit yourself to painkillers, especially since they do not always help with such types of pain. Do not forget about the reasons that caused the disease - in time treat teeth and gums, nasal sinuses, avoid hyposheeks, colds and infections, follow the condition of the spine. If neuralgia is traumatic, then contact the doctor so that it helps eliminate the causes of neuralgic pain. Used in the treatment of neuralgia means should not only provide an annoying and painkillers, but also to improve blood circulation, to take inflammation. Also, do not forget to use herbal infusions to receive inside - so you can provide an integrated effect on the inflated nerve and the surrounding fabrics, and therefore, and faster to remove pain. This is all the more important, if neuralgic pain appeared as a result of intoxication of the body or metabolic disorders. In such cases, clean the body, take vitamins and mineral substances in the form of fresh vegetables, greenery and fruit.

    Homemade recipes

    We treat neuralgia at home
    At home you can independently prepare myself ointment of 1 part of the powder of dry kidney lilac and 4 parts of internal swine fat. Distribute all components and rub the ointment in patients with neuralgia.

    Fill 1 tablespoon of flower baskets Cytristian 1.5 cup of boiling water in the thermos. Let break 2 hours and strain. Rub the resulting solution - it has an anesthetic effect.

    Collect semi-abusive birch kidneys and take 1 handful of raw materials. Pour them 0.5 l vodka and give it. Finished tincture to rub sick places or make yourself compresses with this tincture.

    To provide a restering, distracting and increasing blood circulation with neuralgia of the occipital nerve, use the following compress. Take a squirrel of one egg, add 1 tablespoon of peeled turpidar to it and shake. The resulting emulsion impose on the linen with a thin layer and impose on the neck. Top to put the compress paper and bind about the scarf. After a burning sensation appears, hold the compress for another 10 minutes, then remove it and wipe the neck with a clean towel. After 6 hours, repeat the procedure for overlaying the compress again.

    For rubbing painful from neuralgia plots Apply the root tincture and seeds of the unscrewed autumn (do not forget that it is a poisonous plant). 1 part of dry crushed tubers mix with 12 parts of the table vinegar and let it brew 2 weeks. Or 10 g of finely chopped roots fill 50 ml 50 - 60% of alcohol, let it brew 3 - 4 weeks in a dark place, sometimes scolding. Try tincture painful places.

    Removes swelling and helps to remove the inflammation of the inner tissues of Arnica. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a homeopathic drug Arnica in drops or homeopathic peas, then use the inflorescences of Arnica Plants. Take 100 g of inflorescences of this plant and fill their 1 liter of vodka or alcohol (even 70%). Give the remedy for several days and use for rubbing with neuralgia.

    Boil the young bark of the aspen and pour the fluent decoction in the bath. Take a healing bath every evening for 5 - 7 days.

    During an attack of neuralgic pain, put a few green geranium leaves on the flax flap and bother to the patient, turn on the woolen handkerchief. 2 - 3 times replace the leaves on fresh. Folk healers argue that after 1.5 - 2 hours, the pain eats.

    Some people with neuralgia helps the applied sheet leaf. Take a fresh leaf sheet and attach it to the fluffy side to the patient, ticked by a wool handkerchief or scarf. Keep it all night to reduce pain and removal of inflammation in neuralgia.

    The most famous tool from neuralgia is considered to be cooked twisted chicken egg. Cooked hot egg Cut in half and both halves attach immediately to the most painful place. When the egg will cool, the pain will pass.

    What the phytotherapy offers

    With neuralgia, pour 1 tablespoon of yarrow grass 1 cup of boiling water and give it to breed 1 hour, pre-bounced. Ready to the infusion, strain and take on 1 tablespoon 3 - 4 times a day before meals. It will be anti-inflammatory and painkiller.

    Fill 1 teaspoon of a plain grass of a plain with 2 glasses of boiling water and let's brew for about 20 - 30 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon of infusion 3 - 4 times a day.

    Drink with neuralgia by half a cup of bravery of mint in the list, known for its anti-inflammatory properties. For its preparation, pour 1 tablespoon of grass with 1 glass of boiling water and sake 10 minutes, after which it is strain. Take a decoction 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening before bedtime.

    For use inside with neuralgia, sleep-grass is well suited. Fill 2 teaspoons of grazing grass revealed (sleep-grass) 1 glass of boiling water, let it brew and drink during the day several times 50 ml but remember that only dry grass is allowed to use for the preparation of infusion - poisonous.

    Therapeutic power of paraffin

    If there is white paraffin in the house, then block it with small pieces and heat the water bath on a slow heat under the lid. For the preparation of the water bath, paraffin placed in a small pan that put in a large. Between the saucepans, pave a wooden plank. Pour gradually into a large saucepan of hot water, but watch it not to get to the paraffin. When the paraffin melts, let it warm up to 60 - 70 degrees, and then cool it, leaving for 1 hour. Melted paraffin, temperatures about 55 - 60 degrees, apply on the skin in a painful place, but capturing and nearby healthy sections. To do this, smear it with thin layers using a flat painting tassel. Apply a layer on the layer until the total thickness of the paraffin application is equal to 1 - 2 cm. On the paraffin, put the wax paper or oilcloth, then eat a sore place in a woolen fabric. Keep paraffin on the body 30 - 60 minutes. Paraffin temperature during such an applique reaches 50 degrees and it keeps for a long time. Therefore, the fabrics warmer very deeply and evenly.

    You can conduct such procedures daily or every other day, it is best for 1.5 - 2 hours before sleep. If the session occurs during the day, then after it is at home and rest at least 40 minutes.

    Vegetables will help

    We treat neuralgia at home
    When taking up neuralgia, take one bulb, add potatoes to it and one salty cucumber. Grind everything as it should, cutting in beds, and pour 1 l of diluted wine vinegar, let's break 2 hours, periodically shaking a container with a healing mixture. In the morning and in the evening, put the compresses on the forehead and the back of the cooler, which hold on the skin 1 hour.

    Traditionally, neuralgia use annoying and painkillers of Khrena. Configure painful places, apply Cashitz from the grated horse to redness. Do not allow irritation and leave the horseradish all night under the bandage so that there is no allergic reaction.

    Black radish juice helps well. Stit it on the grater and leaving the juice, which we carry along the sick nerve. Constant juice is no longer good for use.

    With cold neuralgia, use a mixture of shine roots and radish for the treatment of neuralgia. 200 g fuck and as much radish (better black, but you can and some other) Sattail on the grater, mix with 1 tablespoon of the cook salt, 1 tablespoon of kerosene and the same amount of vinegar. Give mixture 10 days. 1 tablespoon of finished means Place a thin layer for gauze, impose on the head and cover the compress paper. Keep the compress before the appearance of pronounced heat, but if you burn too much, then remove the applique and put it on the sore spot only the next day. This tool you can use in the morning and in the evening.

    If for treatment you used a point or classic massage, then after it make a compress from a mixture of black radish juice and honey. Prepare a tincture of 1 cup of juice, 2 tablespoons of bee honey and 1 teaspoon of cook salt. All components mix and fill 1/4 vodka (40%). From this tincture and make compresses before bedtime after massage during the week.

    One of the most beloved funds of folk healers - red beet juice. With the neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve, order in the ear of beetroot juice or soda the beets on the grater, wrap it into the gauze and put a swamp in the ear with beet.

    Try massage

    With chronic neuralgia of the occipital nerve after influenza or colds, spend the massage and areas along the hair line, and the neck - every day 10 minutes 3 times a day. Before massage for 5 minutes, warm the painful area of ​​the heating area - it will help to quickly remove circulatory disorders.

    After the warming massage, spend the point massage of pain. Press the fingers are not very strong, but not weak for 5 minutes each of the painful points. After massage on the back of the head and neck, put the compress from the triple cologne.

    In the case of neuralgia, the trigeminal nerve first froline face and head, then scroll through them and then start slightly pressing the pads of large and index fingers to pain points. At the end again, slightly break all the face with palms.

    With massage combine thermal treatment. Best of all, with neuralgia, dry heat is suitable - use the heating, hairdryer or heated dry salt, wrapped in a rag.


    You can combine massage with magnetotherapy. Magnets should have a shape of a ball fraction. Verify the magnets on the neck of the back (during occipital neuralgia), secure them with the plaster for several days (usually for 3 - 5 days if there is no irritation). 3 - 4 times for the day press on each of the magnets under the plaster for 1 to 2 minutes. In addition to the anti-inflammatory action of magnets, so you will also have a medicine massage, improving blood circulation.

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