

  • What is migraine?
  • Causes of migraine
  • Symptoms of migraine
  • Migraine Prevention
  • Diagnosis of migraine
  • Treatment of migraine

  • Migraine

    What is migraine?

    Migraine - repeated attacks of acute headaches, usually one-sided and pulsating, which continue from 4 to 72 hours. The name comes from «Micrańa» - truncated Greek word hemicranea («Half head») what points to one-sidedness of pain. Migraine is a very common disease that is not associated with a race, place of residence or climate.

    Women sick more often than men, in a 4: 1 ratio. Migraine attacks appear in adolescent and youthful age, over the years have a tendency to disappear (in men, as a rule, after 45 years, in women - to the onset of menopause).

    Severe two main types of migraine:

    • ordinary migraine, also known as migraine without aura;
    • Classical Migraine, also known as Migraine with Aura.

    In most cases, Aura denotes symptoms that cause vision disorders. Other symptoms associated with aura - Hearing disorders and other feelings, confusion, motor and mental disorders. Aura Stage usually lasts from 4 to 60 minutes. From classical migraine (t.E. Migraine with aura) suffer from about 15% of all patients.

    Causes of migraine

    Migraine symptoms are caused by the change in blood vessels of the brain, but the reason for this change remains unknown. Approximately 70% of patients have a family predisposition to migraine.

    Also, the emergence of migraines contributes to the following factors: stress, nervous and physical overvoltage, food factors (cheese, chocolate, nuts, fish), alcohol (most often beer and red wine, champagne), hormonal causes (menstrual cycle, reception of contraceptives), sleep ( disadvantage or excess), weather factors (weather change, change of climatic conditions).

    Symptoms of migraine

    As a rule, migraine is manifested by an acute, increasing pulsating pain, localized in one half of the skull. OtherMigraineE symptoms of migraine:

    • increased sensitivity to light and sounds;
    • vomit;
    • nausea;
    • drowsiness;
    • general weakness;
    • violation of motor functions;
    • violations of vision (flashing flashes of light, zigzags, spirals and t.e). This is the so-called aura stage preceding migraine attack.

    During the attack of migraine, light and sounds can be unnecessary irritating, and the movement can cause pain. Migraine attacks begin suddenly, but in some cases the patients may feel fatigue, depression or insurmountable craving for sweet.

    Since acute headache can be a symptom of other diseases, you should consult a doctor if the pain does not weaken for 24 hours and is accompanied by an increase in the temperature or the appearance of immobility of the cervical muscles. Also should appeal for medical assistance if the headache is accompanied by unusual symptoms.

    Migraine Prevention

    Some factors can contribute to the emergence of migraine, so they are recommended to avoid. These factors include the following:

    • stress and depression;
    • malnutrition or hunger;
    • smoking;
    • Food products (cheese, chocolate, nuts, fish, Chinese food and bananas);
    • disadvantage or excess sleep;
    • Drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea and cola);
    • alcohol, especially red wine;
    • receiving contraceptives;
    • Travel - Flights and related biorhythm disorders;
    • the change of climate and the usual environment;
    • Hormonal changes in women (during pregnancy, menstruation or climax).

    It is sometimes difficult to determine the causes that cause migraine - it is often not one factor, but their combination. In addition, risk factors are individual - what is dangerous for one, completely safe for another.

    Diagnosis of migraine

    To diagnose migraine therapist, it is enough to know about the symptoms and frequency of attacks. Also conduct a survey and assign some analyzes.Migraine

    The doctor can advise the diary within 2-3 months to follow the emergence of attacks. If a certain scheme is traced in migraine, this indicates certain factors.

    Treatment of migraine

    If you feel the approach of migraines, immediately stop all classes, stick in a dark room, where street noise does not come, and take a paracetamol or aspirin tablet.

    If these measures are ineffective, the doctor may prescribe other drugs. This medication is effective if you take them at the very beginning of the attack, especially if the headache is accompanied by nausea.

    If migraines torment you once or two a week, the doctor will prescribe a medicine for prevention.

    If migraine occurs under the action of a certain factor, it is best to avoid this factor in the future.

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