How to treat leeches


  • What do leeches heal from?
  • Special breed
  • How the leeches act?
  • Price bite
  • «Hemodialysis» from leech
  • High-speed treatment
  • Put on feet after operations

  • What do leeches heal from?

    How to treat booze
    Medical testimony for treating Hirudotherapy method Very much: hypertension, angina, metabolic disorders, ischemic disease, inflammatory processes in kidneys, liver and bustling bubble, varicose veins, neuritis, arthrosis, gynecological diseases, otitis, thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids, some skin diseases and much more. By the way, experts have long refused to attempt to catch leeches in natural reservoirs.

    Special breed

    Modern doctors use only a medical leech grown in laboratory conditions. Using bloodsucked only once. I got drunk, pleased to give way to another worm.

    How the leeches act?

    Therapeutic effect on the body occurs like this: sitting on exactly the place, leech loses the biologically active substances in the microcirculatory stream (Bav).

    In particular, the girudine — A highly specific inhibitor of a thrombin enzyme that prevents the formation of blood clots and contained in the secrecy of the salivary glands, prostaglandin, destabilaise, breeding, kininose, destabilaise, lipases, hyapuronidase and many others.

    Price bite

    The process of treatment with hydrautherapy is simple as all ingenious. After the patient's polling, the biochemical analysis of its blood and skin treatment with alcohol, the hungry leech is applied to the cover of the affected area of ​​the body, and leave for some time. The degree of pain is almost zero. If you do not consider a completely tolerant lightweight burning sensation in a bite of a minute-other. Curious item: leeches «Arrange» not where it fell, but only on reflexogenic (acupuncture) points.

    Therefore, not so much a doctor as they themselves choose the place of possible bite within a radius 2–3 centimeters from a plot defined by the Hirudotherapist. The procedure can last from 15 minutes to several hours. In total, the leech is capable of sucking 15 milliliters of blood. At the same time, the concentration of toxins in it, for example, in violation of metabolism will decrease in several dozen times!

    «Hemodialysis» from leech

    In the process of treatment, not just mechanical blood purification occurs. Balanced complex of compounds of 100 biologically active substances contained in the secreet of salivary glasses. And this allows you to seek stunning results. For example, with such a common disease as endometriosis.

    In case of hydraulics, biologically active substances of saliva leech quickly reduce autoimyluine reactions, contribute to the allocation of metabolic products and speed up the cessation of the painful pathological process without any medication.

    High-speed treatment

    Already after the first session, the patients have an improvement in overall well-being, the blood and lymphorage is accelerated, blood pressure, venous blood flow, is normalized, squeezed, infiltrates and disappear. Approximately 3 hours after the adaptation of leeches there is a significant reduction in excess lipid phosphorus in the blood and. D.

    Put on feet after operations

    As practice is evidenced by medical practice, the hirudotherapy is capable of providing an effective regenerative effect. It is successfully used in the postoperative period at various plastic operations on the head, face, neck. If the therapist decides that 1–3 leeches enough, the healing session can be repeated the next day. When the number of healing worms is much more, the next course is carried out no earlier than after 3–6 days.

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