The use of the Terezhnan during pregnancy, an effective means for the treatment of thrush and other vaginal infections. Information is based on the official instructions for .
- Combined drug Terezhinan — Means from many diseases
- Features of the use of terzhinan during pregnancy
Thrush (vaginal candidiasis) — This is the scourge of many women. Especially frequent guests it becomes for women waiting for a child. Because of the hormonal restructuring of the body, the chemical environment of the vagina reduces its acidity. As a result of fungi, the clan candidates get the opportunity to multiply, causing candidiasis. To combat it, as well as with other vaginal infections and the carpin is used during pregnancy.
Combined drug Terezhinan — Means from many diseases
Pregnancy — this is the time when infectious diseases are extremely hard. Most modern drugs can harm the growing fruit, so the best way to combat infection — This is its prevention. However, it is not always possible to prevent bacterial or fungal invasion possible. Have to go for some risk and apply drugs whose danger is minimal.
Terezhinin is a complex local agent for the treatment of gynecological pathology caused by various microorganisms:
- staphylococci;
- streptococci;
- intestinal chopstick;
- various types of Shigell;
- in touch;
- fungi genus Candida;
- Trichomonas.
It includes:
- Terenidazole — Antifungal agent, overwhelming activity of fungi and trichomonad;
- neomycin — antibiotic, effective against the set of bacteria;
- nystatin — Specific anti-pidelic drug;
- Prednisolone — Corticosteroid hormone, providing powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-face action.
The serious advantage of this complex means is its low ability to absorb through the mucous membranes. When using the Terezhnan in recommended doses, it practically does not affect the fruit. Nevertheless, doctors should take into account the extreme vulnerability of the fetus in the first trimester. It is on this time that the most important processes of initial formation of all organs and systems occur. Therefore, the drug is allowed to apply in 1 trimester only with great hazard to health pregnant. At a later date, it is allowed to use in recommended doses without restrictions.
Features of the use of terzhinan during pregnancy
Terezhinan is produced in the form of vaginal tablets (some of them are mistakenly called candles). It is better to use the drug before bedtime, because in a horizontal position, the soluble tablet will not flow from the vagina. Initially, it should be placed in the water on half a minute. Then the woman should lie on the back and enter the tablet deep into the vagina. After manipulation is not allowed to get up within 10-15 minutes.
The Terezhin drug is very well tolerated by patients. Only in rare cases at the beginning of treatment it is possible a feeling of burning or irritation in the vagina. These unpleasant sensations quickly pass as the inflammatory process. Course treatment usually takes about 10 days. The doctor can increase the duration of the income of the TERJ, identifying, for example, candidiasis of the vagina.
The drug can be appointed not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for the prevention of infectious complications before childbirth. This is especially true for women who have moved dairy, bacterial vaginitis or trichomoniasis vagina during pregnancy. In such cases, Terezhin is accepted within 6 days.
With a confirmed trichomoniasis, a sexual partner should be treated. Only in this case it is possible to complete. If a man refuses therapy, the risk of re-infection of a woman becomes very high.
Terezhinan during pregnancy — This is one of the few drugs that can be used to treat vaginal infection. But whatever it is safe, only a doctor can assign it. It is he who is able to accurately determine the disease and control the effectiveness of treatment.