Manual therapy - just a miracle!


  • Two directions of manual therapy
  • And really miracle
  • And this is not dangerous?
  • History of manual therapy

  • Two directions of manual therapy

    Manual therapy - just a miracle!Recently, doctors engaged in manual therapy risked the diploma. Now, to mutual joy and specialists, and patients, manual therapy is recognized as a medical specialty. Recognized worldwide. (By the way, another hippocrates wrote about the treatment of the spine with the help of hands.) Schools of manual therapy set. Some came from the East and remind eastern martial arts, others developed in Europe and America. But they all practice mainly two directions - osteopathy and chiropractic.

    Working with the spine, osteopaths use all the achievements of modern medicine. Chiropractors rely mainly on their own hands. Maximum what they take from a medical arsenal is X-rays.

    And really miracle

    Despite their own "Monumentality", The spine is very moving, because consists of a variety of joints. They allow us to drastically change the position of the body - bend, bow, bounce up to the ceiling and t.D. and T.NS. The shift of the joints, even small, leads to the tension of the muscles and ligaments and, naturally, causes pain, which, as a signal light, warns about danger. They are driven by her, we rush to the doctor in the hope of a miracle. And it - sometimes - happens. A person will be brought to the office on the catal, and he leaves from there with his legs. But the miracle is a miracle. Despite the tremendous practical experience and all sorts of treatment schemes, there is still no uniform opinion about the mechanism of manual therapy.

    According to one of theories, during manipulations, an artificial displacement is happening in the joint, right up to the subway, and it makes the muscles relax. On the other - that during the session, the doctor as it goes "Fallen" vertebrae (hence and crazy crunch during the procedure). However, noise effects are not a guarantee of the success of treatment. There is a rather unpleasant, peculiar neurotic habit of crispy fingers. Some of them it ever helped? The manual therapy is unlikely to submit the hernia of the intervertebral disk, but in the case of an uncomplicated osteochondrosis, it may be very effective. However, traditional medicine is still unknown by a radical way to treat the same hernia. But the manual therapist can do so that the disease will cease to interfere.

    It is unlikely that the visit to the doctor-manual will save the stomach or hemorrhoids ulcers. Although in the complex with other, the main methods of treatment, manual therapy and here can give good results. After all "all diseases from nerves", Namely, their plexuses regulate the activities of the internal organs, it is precisely for these ways to the spine and the brain signals about the needs and needs of the stomach or liver.

    And this is not dangerous?

    With competent use, manual therapy has no contraindications. It can be resorted at any age, even pregnant, it does not take place. And yet, before you give your spine in the hands of a manual therapist, make sure that it is a professional hand .

    Usually the course of treatment consists of 10 sessions. Each lasts at least 20-30 minutes. Optimally carry out procedures every other day, as any manipulation on the spine - stress for the body. If in two weeks you will not feel improvement, it means that further treatment is just a waste of money and time. Try something else.

    • Kostopravdomy - People's method that does not require special education (teaches a mentor). Wildren's case includes massage elements, including point, stretch marks, strikes, heating and … Spells.
    • Osteopathy - The system of diagnosis and treatment of painful states caused by mechanical disorders. First of all osteopaths "Take to work" Soft fabrics, then go to the joints. An important part of their treatment - exercise.
    • Chiropractic arose about the same time as osteopathy. The difference is that chiropractors work mainly with joints. They are like "Click" Each vertebra. Treatment in chiropractic tougher, sharp, often painful than osteopath.

    History of manual therapy

    Manual therapy arose as a section of medicine - in contrast "Charlatanic", unscientific methods of manual exposure. It will borrow approaches and techniques from different sources (scientific developments have emerged in recent years). The doctor becomes a manual therapist, having passed a 2-month course of theory and practice. Note by the way, that osteopaths and chiropractors even with medical education need at least in one-year internship.

    The history of manual therapy in Russia went to. We did not have noisy court processes that the world history of chiropractors so rich. But there was a quiet, stubborn, unreximated non-recognition of manual therapy by official medicine (remember at least Dr. Kasyan).

    As a rule, the manual therapy is resorted to osteochondrosis of the spine (in all its manifestations). No matter how sad, troubles with the spine begin at the working age - from 30 to 50, although cases of osteochondrosis and in children are known.

    The first sign of the osteochondrosis of the spine - Morning Breaking, as if on you all night the water was taken. The back does not allow to lean out once again, and even shoes to lace up - Martyr's flour. True, during the day you dispel and in the evening you feel almost healthy. Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae is accompanied by pain at the rotations of the neck, the restriction of movements in the cervical spine and the upper limbs, their numbness (especially the brushes); feeling crawling goosebumps, tingling in the tips of the fingers.

    Dizziness when turning the head, noise in the ears, vestibular disorders, reduced visual acuity, stubborn headaches - all these are also symptoms of osteochondrosis, as, by the way, and cardialia. In patients with cardialgia - acute pain in the field of heart, - as a rule, do not find any changes to the ECG. This gives doctors the reason to suspect a poor patient in simulation. But you have to see these "Simulant", When after a session of manual therapy pain in the heart of the heart, so long they are tormented, stopped literally in front of their eyes!

    Finally, the Ministry of Health of Russia recognized the manual therapy and officially approved it. Manual centers are created everywhere. but… Official medicine is already pushing, and consciously, the manual therapist for hack. Regulatory documents prescribe simply incredible norms: a specialist should take at least three people per hour. If you decompose these 20 minutes per person, it turns out that 10 minutes goes to design documents, viewing radiographs and diagnosis with hands, and the remaining 10… Is it possible to carry out a full session in 10 minutes?!

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