Acupuncture for weight loss - Panacea or another deception?


  • Slimming acupuncture — where to begin?
  • Acupuncture for weight loss — How does this happen?
  • Acupuncture effects

  • Slimming acupuncture & ndash; Panacea or another deception?Search for new weight correction techniques — Life philosophy for the lady dissatisfied with his body seeking to ideal forms. New-fashioned diets, teas and pills for weight loss, massage and wrapping against cellulite — everything goes all. Follow your meals and regularly attend the sports hall at all not everyone. One lack of time, another — Will forces to say goodbye to loved ones «Delicious», In this case, the help of a specialist as it is impossible.

    Acupuncture came to us from Eastern Medicine. The fact that affecting certain points of the body can be affected by the work of various internal organs, Chinese healers knew in antiquity. They found more than 350 biologically active points on the human body, which circulates vital energy qi. Each acupuncture point is responsible for the work of a particular organ and its irritation affects its functional activity. Most points are located on ear sinks and reflexotherapists are most often working in this area.

    Overweight — This is the result of the wrong stereotype of food, violations of exchange processes and defects of the internal organs. Changing psycho-emotional state, restoring the functions of the digestive and endocrine system with the help of acupressures and acupuncture, it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in body weight.

    Slimming acupuncture — where to begin?

    The most important — good specialist — Reflexoterapeut. If you promise at first handling «Choose mountains», guarantee a slim figure when saving the power mode and the absence of physical exertion, run, most likely, you encountered a deception. Acupuncture is worthy to become a supplement to a balanced diet and training, but not able to solve all problems in one fell.

    Impact on acupuncture points for weight loss can reduce appetite by increasing the production of natural hormones of joy of endorphins, helps to cope with stress, survive restrictions in nutrition and physical exertion mode. The activation of metabolic processes and the coordinated work of digestive organs contribute to the removal of body fat and purification of the body from the accumulated «Shag».

    A competent approach to acupuncture provides preliminary diagnosis of reasons for overweight. A specialist interested in the final result will not be convinced that acupuncture — This is Panacea. It will definitely recommend a certain nutritional mode and physical training.

    Acupuncture for weight loss — How does this happen?

    Capka Acupuncture points are used for weight loss?The only one «Weapon» Doctor — Reflexotherapist are special sterile long finest needles made of medical steel, silver or gold.

    Before conducting the procedure, the skin in the field of exposure is processed by alcohol. Clean and sterility — Guarantee of the absence of infectious complications. Acupuncture procedure Absolutely painless. Needles are so thin that they do not pierce the skin as ordinary injection needles, but thanks to the skillful actions of the doctor «Spread» cells of the epidermis and reach the necessary nerve endings — Acupuncture points. In the process of acupuncture, the doctor can change the combination of needles, adjust the depth of their penetration and angle of inclination. At this time, the feeling of burning, tingling, numbness, but no pain should be. In the classic version of the needle remain in the body from a few minutes to an hour. The procedure course includes at least 10 sessions.

    Acupuncture effects

    Since most acupuncture points are in the area of ​​the ears, it is a favorite place of operation of reflexotherapists. Acupant dots for weight loss located on the ear sink are used in the technique «Golden needle Mukhina», Faleeva's method, when a permanent needle is installed in the ear of the ear, wearing 6-12 months recommended to achieve the result. Activation of points responsible for the feeling of hunger contributes to a decrease in appetite, speeds up saturation and helps to comply with the diet.

    Acupuncture points in the abdomen are used to influence the operation of the liver, pancreas, digestive tract and kidney, which is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in the body and improving overall well-being.

    Acupuncture contributes to increasing stress resistance, improved mood, allows you to be saturated with small portions of food, but for weight loss more than 5 kg needed additional work with a nutritionist. Only changing the stereotypes of the power, it will be possible to save the results achieved for a long time.

    In conclusion, we note that acupuncture, as any method of treatment has contraindications. It can not be used to people suffering from malignant neoplasms, severe cardiac, renal and liver failure, diabetes, increased bleeding, severe mental disorders, bulimia and anorexia, as well as pregnant and nursing women.

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