Be alert: tumors of the head and spinal cord in a child


  • Do not panic, but be alert
  • How to recognize the brain tumor in a child
  • How are the tumors of the head and spinal cord

  • Do not panic, but be alert

    Identifying a child of any oncological disease, including tumors of the head and spinal cord, - tragedy for the family. Love about this disease causes fear and despair. Sometimes the parents, analyzing the behavior of children, repent that they have never reacted to complaints or change the behavior of a child. I would like to hope that familiarity with the early symptoms of the tumors of the nervous system in children will contribute to the alertness of the parents, encourage more early turning to the doctor, which will provide a child timely help.

    When the brain tumor is detected, the child should not despair. Achievements of modern oncology, neurosurgery and anesthesiology are very significant. They allow operations to remove large-sized tumors and seek children's recovery. In oncology, not only recovery, but also the extension of life is regarded as success, as it gives hope that, maybe, tomorrow a new remedy or a treatment method will appear, which will allow to defeat the disease. Hope and Forces should never leave parents.

    Early diagnosis is very important for the success of treating oncological disease. Oncologists advise adhere to the golden mean regarding the possibility of tumors in children: do not exercise excessive carelessness, but be always alert. What allows you to be alert? Of course, knowledge of the manifestations of the disease.

    How to recognize the brain tumor in a child

    Brain tumors in children under three years are characterized by a long asymptomatic period. Signs of increasing intracranial pressure, the lesions of certain brain zones does not occur for a long time, since the bones of the skull of a small baby podiatiliv, the spring is not closed. Only after the closure of the seams and the springs of the tumor begin to clearly declare themselves. In young children, the rapid growth rate of the head of the head, its large sizes, increasing the spring, enhancing the venous network on the head, the face can be signs of brain tumor. Often marked forced position of the head. Children without reasons become sluggish, capricious, sleepy, they have no interest in the surrounding, they cease to play noisy games, do not pay attention to toys.

    20 percent of tumors in children are congenital character. However, they do not immediately - can pass for many years until the tumor appears. For tumors, children are characterized by an accelerated process. However, children have large compensatory capabilities, the ability to rapidly restore brain tissue and the functions of the nervous system after surgery.

    Brain tumors in children concentrate most often in the assignment. It has a cerebellum. From the hemispheres of the brain, he is separated by a growing cerebral shell - noting.

    In children, the first signs of tumors are often provoked by head injuries, infections. If the tumor is located close to the paths of the cerebrospinal fluid and overlaps these paths, the intracranial pressure increases. Headaches begin, nausea. Headache occurs more often at night or in the morning, after sleep, when changing the position of the head. With headache bolts, a small child is not able to say that it hurts, but it can shout, rub his face, head. Headache accompany nausea and vomiting. Vomiting brings relief, but frequent vomiting is depleted by a child.

    To establish a diagnosis of the brain tumor, it is important to study the eye dna oculist. In the eye day, a typical pattern of a congestive nipple of a spawning nerve is revealed, a gray atrophy of the optic nerve disk, as well as hemorrhage foci. Care of convulsions are possible.

    Cerebellum tumors are manifested by a breach of gait. The child walks with the widespread legs, when turning it to the side, walking the shaky. These are the earliest symptoms. You can also see the trembling of eyeballs, hand shakes. With malignant tumors, weight loss, appetite, lethargy, fatigue, increase in lymph nodes, change in inflammatory blood.

    The behavior of the child changes. Sometimes he behaves defiantly, manifests disobedience, it is noticeable dismissal. In other cases, apathy, lethargy, drowsiness, inertness are observed. In such cases, it is dangerous to incorrectly regard the behavior of a child. If the nature of the child, his behavior, is unreasonably changed, it is necessary not only to apply educational measures, but also be sure to contact the neurologist.

    Special tumor, congenital, begins to manifest itself in childhood. This is a pituitary tumor - Crane Farnigioma. It is located near the crossroads of the visual ways. For many years, children can fall behind in growth, sexual development, they have a fat exchange. A tumor of visual impairment is manifested, losing sights, an increase in intracranial pressure. Dystrophy develops, non-soldering diabetes, the thermoregulation is disturbed.

    How are the tumors of the head and spinal cord

    Be alert: tumors of the head and spinal cord in a childTreatment of brain tumors - only surgical. Many tumors can be completely removed. As a rule, these are benign tumors that do not grow in the brain substance.

    Tumors with intracerebral growth are partially removed, when the tumor growth is resumed, re-surgical intervention is carried out.

    In the treatment of brain tumors, radiotherapy, chemotherapy.

    Tumors of the spinal cord in children are rare. These tumors can grow from the spinal cord and be located outside the spinal cord shells. In the process of growth, they all lead to the compression of the spinal cord.

    Tumors of the spinal cord pain in the spine. Pains are in foot, hands, then paralysis develops in legs, hands, the function of the pelvic organs is disturbed.

    Sometimes the disease can begin with the appearance of local dummonies in the field of spine, which is associated with the germination of a tumor from the spinal canal to soft tissues.

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