Attention - deadly batteries!


These small round, flat, reminiscent coins or butt lithium batteries can be found in every home. They drive scales, hours, calculators and remote controls, thanks to them, plush cubs, hamsters, dolls and other children's toys come to life. They are extremely comfortable and popular, but not every one of us represents what danger is taiting these shiny things for children.

Nevertheless, an increase in the number of accidents associated with swallowing the batteries of young children is extremely concerned not only by parents, but also at the state level. Rospotrebnadzor once again attracts the attention of parents to the deadly danger, which is posed for children a tablet type battery.

The child studies the world around him, using all the analysts that the nature applied to him. The baby see little objects, it is important for him to touch them and be sure to taste. So in the process of knowledge in the mouth, the crumbs are sometimes very dangerous, and even deadly items, such as pins, clips, tablets, buttons, metal magnetic balls and, finally, tiny shiny lithium batteries.

Secret killer

Attention - deadly batteries!Not so long ago, the huge resonance caused the story of a small two-year-old girl, which he hardly killed the glood «tablet». It all started with the fact that the baby in the process of the game is unnoticed for mom put in her mouth and swallowed a tiny battery. Flat metal mixture stuck to the wall of the esophagus, began to quickly oxide under the action of biological fluids and burn holes in the internal organs.

At first, the girl felt quite normal. The mother of the child was alerted when her restless daughter swept, became sluggish and abandoned the food, which opened vomit and made at all forced the alarm. Arrived by Feldsher Brigade «Ambulance» I looked at the baby and calmed the agitated mother: they say, there is nothing terrible, in the girl ARVI and grinding, we need warm drink, rinsing and antibiotics. Parents began to tremble her daughter, however, despite their efforts, the girl did not recover. The child's condition was not improved, but on the contrary, it became more and more severe. The babes lost a voice, a suspicious male appeared in the throat. And again, who visited the child, a pediatrician, exactly, like the doctors of the district hospital, where they apply to the assistance of concerned parents, assured that nothing terrible occurs, there was an ordinary course of ORVI. Later, the Commission regarding the action of the doctors as a criminal neglity, a criminal case was initiated against them, but it's not about this now, but about the state of the child.
Story with continuation

When the girl became very bad, cough and vomiting increased, she was taken to the regional hospital. Further events developed rapidly: x-ray, long-term heavy operation, resuscitation... During his stay in the body of a child, and more precisely for some 8 days, the oxidized battery managed to shift the esophagus and the trachea, almost by sending the child to the world. Thanks to the skill of surgeons and coordinated work of specialists in the resuscitation and surgical department, the girl remained alive. But how much else will have to be taken out? Ahead numerous reconstructive operations that must be returned to the baby ability to breathe normally and make food independently.

By the way, the batteries-tablets are dangerous not only by the fact that they can be swallowed. Especially the nimble babies have time for parents to shove them into the nose, in the ear. In this case, the battery life will manifest themselves otherwise, due to the mechanical and chemical irritation of the tissues, rhinitis or otitis will develop, while inhalation of the foreign body is possible the development of asphyxia.

How to protect children from danger?

Attention - deadly batteries!It is difficult to blame mom's little girl in negligence, not all situations in the life of a child can be envisaged, but every parent is obliged to be vigilant.

  • Unfortunately, the batteries are pretty easily compartments, which means all household appliances equipped with lithium batteries should be out of access for the baby.
  • You can only leave the devices in which the battery cover covers are securely fixed and open only with a special tool.
  • You should not buy small children toys with batteries, they are designed for older children.
  • If it happened that the child swallowed the battery, even if you are not sure about this, but there are suspicions, you need to immediately deliver the baby to the nearest therapeutic institution or call the brigade «Ambulance». This rule should work even if the child feels fine. Switching battery must be extracted within 2 hours, its oxidation goes very quickly and can cause burns of the walls of internal organs, bleeding and even death.
  • You can not try to independently extract a foreign object, causing vomiting or making manipulations in the throat of the baby, it can cause injury and asphyxia.

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