Diagnosis of psoriasis


  • How to diagnose psoriasis?
  • Which in addition to the skin affects psoriasis?
  • What causes the aggravation of psoriasis?

  • Diagnosis of psoriasis

    How to diagnose psoriasis?

    With an atypical picture or with suspicion of psoriasis
    A child may need additional research. In cases,
    When the clinical picture is unclear, the most accurate method — This is biopsy
    Skin. For biopsy take a little kooso­Check skin (with a diameter of about 6 mm),
    which is transmitted by the Pastomomo Fologist — doctor specializing in
    Microscopic examination of fabric samples. Results of analysis
    PASTOMORFO­Log describes in a special report — Conclusion.

    rule­lo, a single biopsy is enough, however, if the result is unclear or
    same if But if the nature of the disease over time
    Changes, spend a re-biopsy. The patient may ask him
    give a copy of the conclusion, and most doctors prefer again
    carefully study it before prescribing treatment. Special
    blood analysis on psoriasis does not exist, and on blood indicators is
    Disease, as a rule, does not affect.

    With psoriasis, blood tests more often
    all do in order to kill­sink destination
    new medicine or check­Whether there is no side effects.
    Exception composition­Heavy psoriasis, who captured extensive
    The surface of those­la, — In this case, changes in the protective function of the skin
    may entail dehydration or impaired saline ba­Lance

    If the patient hurts or swell joints,
    Need examination for psoriatic arthritis. This diagnosis is usually
    puts a dermatologist, rheumatologist, orthopedic or other specialist in
    diseases of the joints. As a rule, X-ray is carried out­graphy,
    Survey of joints and blood test to check­not caused if
    Arthritis with other reasons. It is important to remember that psoriatic arthritis can
    develop from any pain­psoriasis. To avoid irreversible
    Damage to SUS­Tavov, it is very important to quickly conduct a survey and
    prescribe treatment.

    Which in addition to the skin affects psoriasis?

    most people psoriasis manifest only on the skin. OD­Nako useful
    know about less common disease forms­n. In addition to the skin of psoriasis
    may hit nails, joints and — less frequent — Other organs.

    Mucous membranes. Sometimes
    Psoriasis affects the mucous membranes of the lip, oral cavity and language. At
    The defeat of the language on it appear sharp neuris­borders separating
    Dark and brighter­ti like on the map. From here originated
    term «Geographical language» — Although it should be noted what happens in
    Lack of psoriasis.

    Sustaines. Psoriasis,
    manifest in the form of arthritis, can affect the joints, especially on
    fingers hands. This is the so-called psoria-ticial arthritis.Diagnosis of psoriasis

    Eyes. IN
    Rare cases in psoriasis around the pupil appears­nyu
    painful beet. This condition is called desterate, or front
    Uvete. Sometimes it serves as the first symptom of psoriasis and is diagnosed

    What causes the aggravation of psoriasis?

    Different people psoriasis proceeds in different ways. In one ne­Riode improvement I
    deterioration of the state alternate (in accordance­Soviet with the time of year or
    other factors), the other disease never retreats and
    manifests constantly with the same­Nakova power.

    In some patients
    The aggravation occurs from time to time. And although the reaction of each patient
    individual­Alna, some provoking factors, including drugs­Venny
    Funds and stress are common to many.

    Emotional and physical overloads can cause exacerbation­Nie
    Psoriasis. Sometimes it is manifested after weeks or months after the event,
    caused stress. The reason can serve as­MY Different Events, from
    Global Changes in Life, such as the death of a family member or shift
    work before moving to a new diet or cold.

    Many helps receptions
    For stress removal (­yoga, meditation and others.), holiday in family
    Circle or Communication with Pet Pet. Completely avoid disease and
    Stresses fail­You can, however, if you are attentive, you can on time
    notice signs of deterioration and take the necessary measures.

    Medicinal products.
    Any drugs (or changing them) may affect skin condition. IN
    Particularly known several classes of medicines capable
    Cause exacerbation of psoriasis. Among them:

    High pressure

    • Tiazid diuretics.
    • Beta adrenoblocators.
    • Calcium antagonists.
    • ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme).

    Other drugs

    • Glucocorticoids for intake — With sharp cancellation.
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory means.
    • Immunostimulators.
    • Anti-antimalaries.
    • Lithium preparations.

    medications do not necessarily cause exacerbation. However, if after
    start receiving some of them psoriasis is sharpened, discuss with
    doctor's ability to replace the drug.

    The same should be taken if the psoriasis exacerbates after the start
    reception or increase the dose of any other le­Care. However, always
    It should be borne in mind that the aggravation could­Lo provoke not itself
    medicine (for example, antibiotic appointed in infection), and illness,
    which it treats.

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