How Ultrafoforoforez is held

In modern medicine and cosmetology, such an effective and efficient technique is often used as ultrafonophoresis. This treatment method is based on the introduction of various drugs under the skin by applying ultrasonic waves.

The concept and principle of operation of the procedure

Therapy, Ultrasound, Ultrafonoforesis, Physiotherapy

Ultrafonophoresis - a modern type of therapy, which is based on a complex effect on the body's tissues of various drug and cosmetology, as well as ultrasound oscillations. Such a procedure combines the benefit of two types of treatment at once, and its effectiveness is due primarily to the features of ultrasound waves. Among such properties, our site allocated such:

  • the ability to have a warming and softening effect on the structure of the connective tissue;
  • stimulation of generation of enzymes in cellular systems;
  • raising local immunity;
  • Removing inflammation and redness;
  • elimination of side effects from medicinal and cosmetic drugs;
  • Improving the permeability of intercellular membranes;
  • acceleration of blood circulation and promoting rapid penetration of beneficial substances through the walls of capillaries and lymphatic vessels;
  • stimulation of production in skin tissue collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid;
  • Accumulation in the skin of the active components of medicines, strengthening the effect from their impact on the body.

Under the influence of ultrasonic oscillations, drug or cosmetic drugs penetrate the skin back to a depth of 2 to 6 cm. Ultrafondoroforesis should be carried out in the form of a set of procedures, since no more than 10% of applied to the epidermis is absorbed in one session. With each new procedure, active substances accumulate in the body in more quantities, and the effect of treatment becomes noticeable after 5-10 sessions.

Application of ultrafonophoresis in medicine

Therapy, Ultrasound, Ultrafonoforesis, Physiotherapy

Ultrafonoforosis is considered not only a medical, but also a very effective cosmetology procedure. It enhances regeneration processes in the skin, rejuvenates it, relieves inflammation and redness. Such technique has drainage, thermal and drug effects on epidermis.

Stimulation of Collagen and Elastin Development makes skin more elastic, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates flabbiness. Ultrafonoforosis is actively fighting with fatty deposits, which will allow to use such a procedure as a means for the treatment of cellulite. The scope of application of such a methodology in the field of cosmetology is quite wide and helps to deal with such problems:

  • cosmetic skin defects;
  • psoriasis;
  • Sclerodermiath;
  • violation of the sebaceous glands;
  • snare;
  • seborrhea;
  • scars, scars, consequences of surgical interventions;
  • baldness and other hair diseases;
  • pigment stains;
  • aging skin, wrinkles and other manifestations of age-related changes.

The main drugs that are used in such cases are a variety of natural oils, hyaluronic acid, extracts from medicinal plants, vitamins, collagen, elastin. The effect of ultrafonophoresis sessions is manifested in the following:

  • reducing skin edems;
  • smoothing small wrinkles and reduce the depth of larger wrinkles;
  • normalization of the cohesive and sweat glands, eliminating the fatty gloss on the skin;
  • increase the tone of the epidermis, the restoration of the contours of the face;
  • eliminate redness, acne, acne;
  • giving the face of fresh and healthy color.

How is the procedure of ultrafonophoresis

Therapy, Ultrasound, Ultrafonoforesis, Physiotherapy

To implement a session of ultrafonophoresis, a solution with active drug ingredients is prepared first. Such a solution may be an emulsion, ointment or liquid. Drugs or cosmetic preparations are dissolved in the contact medium, which protrudes glycerin, lanolin, dimethyl sulfoxide or a variety of vegetable oils. Such substances contribute to the rapid release of beneficial components from drugs and help them penetrate the thickness of the skin.

After cooking, the processed area of ​​the skin is cleaned and disinfected, and then the drug is applied to it. If the medicine is used in the form of a solution, then a special bath is prepared.

Driving on the skin ultrasound, use waves in the intensity of 0.2-0.6 W / cm?. Ultrasound is applied in continuous mode, the duration of one session is about 5-15 minutes. In the process of such a procedure, a specialist performs light massaging movements by an ultrasonic sensor on the surface of the skin, periodically changing the power of the waves. Reducing the frequency of ultrasound allows drugs to penetrate the skin into a large depth. Such actions do not cause any painful or unpleasant sensations, sometimes patients can only feel like noticeable vibrations.

The optimal course of treatment at which the effect will be noticeable, lasts from 10 to 15 days. Ultrafonoforesis should be held every 1-2 days for one course.

Contraindications for Ultrafond Phone

Therapy, Ultrasound, Ultrafonoforesis, Physiotherapy

Ultrafonoforosis is considered fairly safe and absolutely painless procedure, but, like all therapeutic manipulations, it has a number of contraindications. Conduct ultrasound impact sessions is not recommended to such people:

  • pregnant women;
  • Patients with a pacemaker or people in the skeleton of which metal structures are mounted;
  • Those who have significant damage or foci of inflammation;
  • Those who have skin diseases of infectious genesis;
  • People with psycho-emotional diseases;
  • suffering from increased blood pressure;
  • patients with heart rate disorders;
  • People S Influenza, sharp respiratory infections.

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