Influence of landscape on human health


  • Landscape and health
  • Do not harm health

  • Landscape and health

    Man always strives to the forest, in the mountains, to the shore of the sea, river or lake.
    Here it feels a tide of strength, cheerfulness. No wonder they say better
    Total to relax on the lap of nature. Sanatoriums, holiday homes are built in the most
    Beautiful corners. This is not an accident. It turns out that the surrounding
    The landscape can have a different impact on psycho-emotional

    Influence of landscape on human health
    The beauty of nature stimulates life tone and soothes nervous
    System. Vegetable biocenoses, especially forests, provide strong
    Health effect. Tracting to natural landscapes is especially strong
    residents of the city. Back in the Middle Ages, it was noticed that duration
    Life citizens less than rural residents. Lack of greens, narrow
    streets, small yards-wells, where we practically did not penetrate the sunny
    light, created unfavorable conditions for human life. With development
    Industrial production in the city and its surroundings appeared
    A huge amount of waste polluting the environment.

    Factors associated with the growth of cities, to one way or another affect
    forming a person on his health. It makes scientists all
    more seriously study the impact of the habitat on residents of cities.
    It turns out that in what conditions a person lives, what height
    ceilings in his apartment and so sound permeable her walls like
    A person gets to the place of work, with whom it is daily drawn,
    As the surrounding people relate to each other, the mood depends
    man, his ability to work, activity - all his life.

    cities man comes up with thousands of tricks for the convenience of their lives -
    Hot water, telephone, various types of transport, road, sphere
    Services and entertainment. However, in big cities, especially strongly
    Disadvantages of life - housing and transport problems,
    Increased morbidity. So, for example, the saturation of the medium and
    production by high-speed and high-speed machines increases
    voltage requires additional effort from man, which leads to

    Polluted air in the city, poisoning blood
    carbon oxide, causes a non-smoking person the same harm as
    smoking chicken packs cigarettes per day. Serious negative
    The factor in modern cities is the so-called noise

    Do not harm health

    Given the ability of green plantings
    favorably influence the environment, they need them
    Similar as possible to the place of life, work, study and leisure people.
    It is very important that the city is biogeocenosis, let it not absolutely
    favorable, but at least not harmful health. Let it be here
    zone of life. To do this, it is necessary to solve the mass of urban problems. Everything
    enterprises unfavorable in sanitation should be
    Bred beyond cities.

    Green plantings are
    An integral part of the set of protection and transformation measures
    ambient. They not only create favorable
    microclum and rear-hygenic conditions, but also increase
    Artistic expressiveness of architectural ensembles.

    place around industrial enterprises and motorways must occupy
    Protective green zones in which the trees are recommended and
    Pollution Sustainable Shrubs. In the placement of green plantings
    It is necessary to observe the principle of uniformity and continuity for
    Ensuring the receipt of fresh country air to all residential areas
    cities. The most important components of the city gardening system are
    Planting in residential microdistrics, in sections of children's institutions, schools,
    sports complexes and pr.

    Urban landscape should not be
    Monotonous stone desert. In the architecture of the city should strive
    to the harmonious combination of aspects of social (buildings, roads,
    Transport, Communication) and Biological (Green Arrays, Parks,
    Squares). Modern city should be considered as an ecosystem in
    which created the most favorable conditions for human life.
    Consequently, it is not only comfortable housing, transport, diverse
    services sector. This is favorable for life and healthy habitats;
    Clean air and green urban landscape. Not by chance, environmentalists
    believe that in the modern city a person should not be cut off from
    nature, and no matter how dissolved in it. So the total area of ​​green
    Sounds in cities should take more than half of its territory.

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