When to go to the hospital?


  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Influenza and other sharp respiratory infections
  • Angina
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines
  • Sharp pain on the bottom of the abdomen
  • Chronic colitis
  • Diseases of the kidneys and bladder
  • Neurological diseases
  • Intestinal infections
  • Vascular diseases
  • Gynecological diseases

  • They can be understood: a state bed, mode, tasteless
    Food, lack of familiar comfort. Sometimes a person can not or not
    wants to leave a family, apartment and pets, afraid to lose
    Work… It may be tragically. It is impossible to give recommendations
    for all occasions, so consider the most typical situations.

    Cardiovascular disease

    Stenzardia itself is able to cope with the usual fit compressing
    heart pain. But it is necessary to go to the hospital if:

    • The attack of pain in the region of the heart arose for the first time;
    • In a patient with experience, the attacks were much more often or appeared at night and alone;When to go to the hospital?
    • Cardiac attack does not pass when taking nitroglycerin.

    One ECG to judge the work of the heart is difficult, so to the arrival of the doctor
    Prepare all old ECG or at least the last. Put all on the table
    medicines that are taking and nitroglycerin under the tongue and necessarily
    Remember, after what time the medicine has affected.

    With hypertension, hospitalization is necessary if:

    • The increase in blood pressure was revealed for the first time;
    • The pressure is not reduced on the preparations that previously helped;
    • Developed
      Hypertensive crisis: sharp pressure jump, severe headache,
      Dizziness, flickering of flies in front of the eyes, nausea and vomiting.

    Hypertension home must be a tonometer — Apparatus for
    Pressure measurements. Only daily measuring it in the morning and in the evening, you
    can judge the effectiveness of drugs. We advise not hope for
    Memory, to start a diary and record measurement results in it. TO
    Doctor's arrival Measure hell and prepare your records — It immediately introduces

    Many cardiology
    Patients are observed heart rate. Sometimes to reveal
    them enough to calculate the pulse on the wrist. If you suffered a heart attack
    Myocardia, suffer from cardiosclerosis or heart disease, learn
    count the pulse and evaluate its rhythm. If interruptions appeared
    For the first time, hospitalization is required. Swelling, shortness of breath and rapid
    heartbeat indicate heart failure. Plotovy
    Therapists are often treated at home. But uncontrolled power
    Cardiac and diuretic drugs are fraught with heavy complications. therefore
    pronounced heart failure must be treated in the hospital,
    and at home to carry out only supporting therapy.

    Respiratory diseases

    More often
    all meet smokers. They do not turn to his cough
    no attention, and in vain. Changing the character of cough can
    Signal about new, sometimes very dangerous diseases. therefore
    Follow the cough, learn how to evaluate its character, frequency and
    Carefully examine the sputum. Stationary examination and treatment
    It is necessary if:

    • Cough has become frequent and became an adsadd;
    • The amount of sputum increased, it acquired yellow-green and unpleasant odor;
    • Blood appeared in sputum.

    the hospital is treated pneumonia and acute bronchitis with high temperatures and
    Digger. Now, with the advent of the strongest antibiotics, these diseases
    increasingly treated at home. Meanwhile, treatment of pneumonia — it's not only
    Regular injections, but also special mode, physiotherapy and respiratory
    gymnastics. Practice shows that home therapy is often
    Ends in the transition of the disease in chronic form.

    For the first time
    Developed attack of suffusion — very likely sign starting
    Bronchial asthma. Hospitalization in this case is required:
    It is necessary to identify the nature of the disease to prevent its further
    development. If the bouts of the bronchial asthma aggravated and the patient
    Enjoys inhaler more than 6–8 times a day, he is also a straight road in
    hospital. Well, when the attack is not removed at all, urgently call
    «ambulance». Otherwise you will need resuscitative.

    Influenza and other sharp respiratory infections

    Remember, you need to be treated in the infectious compartment if:

    • The temperature is very high — over 40°WITH;
    • Temperature above 38°With keeps more than five days;
    • if
      very old man, breast child or there is a whole bouquet
      diseases that sharply sharpen on the background of viral infection.


    The temperature and sore throat — not the worst. Angina can
    attack kidneys and heart. It happens with severe diseases, and
    Then hospitalization is required. Remember that angina begins with
    simple forms, and the transition to heavy can be invisible, so
    Daily examine the throat. If the glands are covered with a whitish raid,
    Purulent inflammation passed with almonds to neighboring fabrics, then urgently
    Need hospitalization.

    Diseases of the stomach and intestines

    They are
    there are almost every second person. Ordinary exacerbations
    Gastritis and ulcers are better treated at home: it is believed that peace — the best
    Medicine from these diseases. But every Yazzennik and his relatives
    Must know the symptoms of the complications of the disease. Hospitalization
    Need if:

    • The ulcer of the stomach or erosive gastritis was first revealed;
    • Appeared vomit «Coffee dense» and black chair;
    • After the course of treatment, at repeated gastroscopy, the ulcer did not decrease;
    • It is impossible at home to organize the right mode and diet.

    Sharp pain on the bottom of the abdomen

    This is
    Looks like appendicitis. But people suffering from chronic cholecystitis and
    pancreatitis, get used to pain and often do not rush to the hospital. IN
    resulting the case ends with an operation that could be easily
    to avoid. Stationary treatment is necessary if:

    • stomach pain is very intense and not removed by ordinary means;
    • There was a rich multiple vomiting and the latency of the chair;
    • Eye yells and leather.

    Chronic colitis

    poorly treatable. But it is necessary to beat the alarm when in a chair
    Blood appeared. Hospitalization is needed not only for
    intestinal bleeding stops, but also to eliminate the oncological

    Diseases of the kidneys and bladder

    This is
    pyelonephritis (inflammation of kidney pelvis) and cystitis (urinary inflammation
    bubble). Here the decision is yours: and the other can be treated at home. but
    In the absence of daily medical control of the disease
    urinary tracts often become chronic. How many people do not
    can live a full life just because once had
    Stupidity to treat cystitis on the recommendations of the neighbor! Therefore, many urologists
    believe that patients with sharp pyelonephritis and cystitis should
    be treated only in hospital. And with renal colume, everything is simple: if with
    It could not be able to cope at home or in the clinic, the patient should be

    Neurological diseases

    Behind you, if you have elderly relatives with hypertension. This is a factor
    Risk for acute brainwater disorders — stroke.
    Of course, the exact diagnosis you are unlikely to put, but to suspect the stroke
    You can. Pay attention to the behavior of the patient, his speech and movement.
    If suddenly he became inadequate, he says, as if he had a porridge in his mouth,
    Lacks his leg, put it in bed and call «ambulance». Often
    timely hospitalization helps prevent the worst.

    Intestinal infections

    If in the patient:

    • Temperature above 40°C, nonsense, strong headache;
    • pronounced weakness, thirst, dry skin, whisching cheeks and scattered eyes;
    • Chair is more often 8 times a day;
    • Chair of an unusual color, in the form of rice beam, or green, or bloody, then urgently need hospitalization.

    Vascular diseases

    Common vascular disease — phlebeurysm.
    Urgent hospitalization is needed if severe pain in the leg appeared,
    Leg blushed or cried. In the elderly, smokers and patients
    Sugar diabetes feet fear constantly due to the defeat of the arteries. But
    with a sharp pain in the leg, its numbness, the impossibility of moving the foot,
    Skin palls immediately carry a relative in the hospital. Early
    Hospitalization will help to avoid gangrenes, and, therefore, amputation

    Gynecological diseases

    Women suffers from anemia. There are many reasons: uterine fibromyoma, violations
    menstrual cycle, cervical erosion and t. D. Hospitalization
    need at least to clarify the diagnosis. But if appeared
    Catching pain at the bottom of the abdomen, giving in the rear pass, nausea,
    vomiting, sharp weakness, then hospitalization is obligatory in urgency
    order: so the apoplexy of the ovary and ectopic pregnancy appear.
    Here is the bill goes for moments.

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