Causes of dryness in the mouth

Dry mouth - a fairly common phenomenon with which almost every person came across in life. This problem even has its medical name - xerostomy. At first glance it may seem that in this state there is nothing terrible, but sometimes dryness in the mouth indicates the presence of certain diseases.

Basic signs of dry mouth

Thirst, infections, xerostomy, neurology, causes of xerostomy, dry mouth

Xerostomy is easy to recognize the following symptoms:

  • feeling of severe thirst;
  • dryness in the throat and in the oral cavity;
  • sense of stickiness of the language;
  • the appearance of cracks on the lips;
  • The feeling of itching and burning in the mouth, the presence of inflammation on the mucous membrane;
  • redness of the tongue, lip paleness;
  • The appearance of unpleasant smell of mouth;
  • sore throat, hoarseness voice.

Hazardous consequences of xerostomia

Thirst, infections, xerostomy, neurology, causes of xerostomy, dry mouth

There are quite a lot of reason for the occurrence of xerostomy, let's try to figure them out in more detail:

  1. The most common situation is to dry up the oral cavity after sleep. As a rule, the reason for this is the snoring or the difficulty of nasal respiration, with the result that the person is forced to breathe mouth all night. It is failing that the nose cannot function normally, there are the following problems: curvature of the nasal partition, runny nose, hymorit, Emy of nasal sinuses, allergic rhinitis, Polyps and pr.
  2. The reason for the dryness of the oral cavity can be gastronomic addiction. It is known that salty and acute foods cause a strong feeling of thirst, and if it is not quenched on time, a fluid deficit occurs in the body, including saliva. Such a problem, in principle, is easily solvable. After time, the water-salt balance in the body will come to normal and dryness in the mouth will disappear.
  3. Some people for various reasons can eat only liquid or loosening products. Such food does not require careful chewing, it quickly swallows, almost without lingering in the mouth. As a result, salivary glands do not fulfill their familiar functions. And any body that does not work for a long time, can partially or even completely atrophy.
  4. Cerostomy often arises in response to the use of various medicines. This is considered a very common side effect of many drugs. These drugs include:
    • Almost everyone Antibiotics;
    • analgesics;
    • Cough medication;
    • Antihistamines;
    • antifungal agents;
    • Medicines OT Enurraw;
    • Preparations for weight loss;
    • Most tools for the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases: antidepressants, muscle relaxants, etc.;
    • Tablets OT Diarrhea and vomiting.
  5. Dry mouth can appear as a result of infectious disease. The man in a state of heat loses a lot of fluid. If the infection is manifested in the form of a disorder of gastrointestinal functions and is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting - it also threatens disorders of the water-salt balance in the body. Some viral diseases have a direct impact on the operation of the salivary glands. Such diseases, for example, belongs a vapor.
  6. The use of radiation and chemotherapy in the process of treating oncological diseases also adversely affects the production of salivary liquid.
  7. Dry mouth can appear during stress, strong nervous voltage, as well as with long depression.
  8. Operations on the head, various skull injuries can cause the operation of the salivary glands.
  9. Xerostomy is a symptom of the disease called «Syndrome is priest». This illness most often amazes women over 40 years old, it is accompanied by swelling and increasing salivary glands. At the same time, mucous membranes of nose, mouth, throat, stomach. The treatment of the disease should be engaged in a professional doctor. In some cases, artificial substitutes of saliva are prescribed to facilitate the patients.
  10. In the event that the dryness of the oral cavity is accompanied by an increase in appetite and urination increase, you can suspect diabetes. This problem should immediately contact the hospital.
  11. The cause of dryness in the mouth is simple dehydration, which may arise due to a strong sweating, increasing body temperature, insufficient liquid use.
  12. People who have undergone in any interventions in the mouth can be damaged by salivary glands. In this case, xerostomy becomes the expected result of such injuries.
  13. Adherence to smoking - another factor in drying the oral cavity. Smoke, exhaled during smoking, fills the mouth and dries mucous membranes.
  14. The use of alcoholic beverages leads to dehydration of the body and causes a feeling of thirst and dryness in the mouth.
  15. The following diseases can serve as the causes of insufficient saliva production:

How to get rid of dry mouth

Thirst, infections, xerostomy, neurology, causes of xerostomy, dry mouth

To eliminate this problem, first of all, you need to figure it out in her root cause. If the curse of xerostomy is a certain disease, it needs to be cured. At the same time, you can save yourself from dry mouth if you comply with some recommendations:

  1. How often drink water, preferably in small portions. When you leave home, always take with you a small bottle with a drink.
  2. Try to limit sugar use.
  3. If you use mouth rinsing fluid, choose such that does not contain alcohol.
  4. A good means to activate the operation of the salivary glands are lollipops or chewing gum.
  5. In particularly difficult cases, try using artificial saliva substitutes.
  6. Eat less acute and salty. In addition, try to have liquid dishes in your diet.
  7. If possible, give up smoking and alcohol or limit their number.
  8. Lubric lubrics lubricate with special cream or balsam.
  9. Chips, crackers, salt nuts and other dry food not for you.

Folk remedies for cerostomy

Thirst, infections, xerostomy, neurology, causes of xerostomy, dry mouth

  1. Take 1 st. L. Dry Sage, Chamomile and Root Aira. Brew each of herbs in a separate container, bay 1 cup boiling water. Insist the champs for 40-50 minutes, then strain. During the day, wechit the mouth alternately each of the funds.
  2. From dryness in the mouth helps the oil of rosehip and «Chlorophyllipt». Buy these funds in the pharmacy and instill them in the nose every day. First, order in every nostril at half the rose oil pipette, and after 15-20, I put the same amount in my nose «Chlorophyllipt». Treatment of treatment - 10 days.

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