Pregnancy and childbirth of a child - a special time in the life of any woman. And how annoying, when joy is overshadowed, it would seem like a trifle like an anal crack. During pregnancy and after childbirth, this problem occurs quite often. What provokes the formation of anal fissure in women and how to prevent her appearance?
Anal crack — The disease accompanied by the formation on the skin covering the lower part of the rectum, the ellipsis or spine-shaped tissue defect. The presence of an open wound, quickly populating pathogenic microorganisms, inflaming and painful, leads to a resistant spa sphincter of the rear pass. Availability of problems with a chair contributes to constant injury to the crack and prevents its independent healing.
The most common reason for which the anal crack is formed by a woman is constipation. Unlike representatives of the strong half of humanity, women are much more predisposed to the violations of the chair, and therefore, the cracks of the rear pass are found more often. Moreover, special periods in life, such as pregnancy and childbirth, further increase the likelihood of the disease, complicate its treatment and worsen its forecasts.
Causes of the formation of anal crack during pregnancy
Anal crack during pregnancy arises as a result of a number of external and internal factors.
- Increasing the uterus leads to the squeezing of the veins of the pelvis and the disturbance of blood outflow from the rectum. Blood stagnation in the veins of the rectum against the background of the effects of pregnancy hormones contributes to the edema of the tissues and their increased vulnerability.
- The hormonal background of pregnancy is aimed at reducing the tone of the uterus, together with it under the influence of hormones, other smooth muscle bodies fall, including intestines. The sluggish intestinal peristalsis and constipation cause anal crack during pregnancy.
- Prefeeding pregnant to refined food, sweets, contributes to the disruption of digestion and contributes to the development of anal cracked in a woman.
- Reducing physical activity, especially characteristic after 30 weeks, contributes to the emergence of problems with the chair.
Anal cracks after childbirth
Anal cracks in the process of childbirth are formed by obscure reasons. It is believed that the stress of the rectum tissue plays a certain role, increasingly increasingly during the passage of the fetus head through the pelvic bottom.
Often, the anal crack is formed by a woman after the birth of a child, and in this case, constipation becomes more often due to the postpartum fear of defecation. Passage of dense feces through full-blooded wounded fabrics of the rectum causes the formation of a wound.
Treatment of anal crack during pregnancy
Anal crack that occurred during pregnancy requires a special approach to treatment. All medicinal products used for therapy should be absolutely safe for women and fetus.
- The main means of therapy is a diet aimed at regulating the chair. Laxative means, sharply reinforcing intestinal peristalsis, are contraindicated in the treatment of anal crack, because during pregnancy they increase the risk of its spontaneous interrupt.
- The use of therapeutic ointments and candles should be under the control of the doctor. Only safe tools are allowed to use. Vaseline, sea buckthorn, and olive oil, solk sector are allowed during pregnancy and can be used to treat an anal crack.
- Surgical methods of treatment of cracks during pregnancy are not applicable.
Prevention of anal crack during pregnancy
Pregnant women are forbidden to be on the toilet more than 2-3 minutes.
- It is forbidden to refrain from defecation, fence delay will aggravate the state of the cracker of the rear passage. You need to try to empty the intestines every day at the same time, when I first call, 10-15 minutes after breakfast.
- It is necessary to maintain physical activity, swim, engage in gym for pregnant women, walk more.
- It is recommended to adjust the stool with a diet, drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day.
- It is necessary to observe thorough intimate hygiene and after emptying the intestine to fill the area of the rear passage with warm water.
The treatment of anal cracks after childbirth is carried out in accordance with the general principles of the treatment of the disease, adjusting to breastfeeding.