Certificate of teenagers


  • About adolescents
  • Causes of self-drawing

  • Cutting yourself is not new, but this form of self-esteem was absent in the open space in recent years. It was not depicted in movies and on television. And now they even say celebrities, confessing that once cut down.

    About adolescents

    Certificate of teenagersCutting yourself - a serious problem that affects a lot of teenagers. Even if you did not hear about cutting, the likelihood is that your teenager has a friend who does it. Like other dangerous behaviors, cutting itself can be dangerous and formative habit. In most cases, it is also a sign of a deeper emotional suffering. In some cases, educators can affect adolescents, but many of them are still experimenting with cutting themselves.

    Some of those who cut, use a sharp object to make a big impression. They cut or scratch on the body on purpose to cause bleeding or damage to the skin. Usually cut the skin on the wrists, forearms, hips, or stomach. Teenagers use razors blade, knife, scissors, metal edge cover from soda, close-up paper clips, nail pinks, or handles. Some people harness their skin with a cigarette or lighter.

    Most people who damage themselves - girls, but boys are sometimes doing it too. It usually begins during the adolescence, and may continue in adulthood. In some cases, a family history of cutting may occur, although most scientists converges in the fact that there is no genetic component.

    Cutting theme is extremely restless for parents. It may be difficult to understand why the teenager deliberately damaged himself. Correct the concern and the idea that your teenager or one of his friends is in danger. But parents who know about this important problem and understand the emotional pain, which it can signal, have the opportunity to help.

    Causes of self-drawing

    Emotionally, the meaning of cutting itself in hiding shame or mystery. Most teenagers who are cut through, hides the traces and try to justify if someone notices them. On the contrary, some teenagers are not trying to hide traces of cuts and make it just to attract attention to them.

    Cutting itself often begins impulse. But many teenagers discover that as soon as they start cutting, they do it more and more, and can not stop.

    Many adolescents who are cut to claim that cutting itself provides exit and relief from deep painful emotions. Therefore, cutting yourself - behavior that helps strengthen yourself. Cutting can be for a teenager way to respond to pressure and unbearable feelings. Many say they feel «inclined» To such behavior. Some children would like to stop, but not know how or feel that they cannot. Other teens do not want to stop cutting.

    In any case, parents should not let the situation on samothek.

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