Apnea in newborns


  • Urgent help with apnea
  • Complications in children with apnea
  • Treatment apnea
  • Prevention apnea

  • Urgent help with apnea

    Newborn or children in unconscious state or bluebells due to lack of oxygen,­mo urgently make artificial respiration.

    Description of apnea, reasons, adult people usually breathing even and rhythmic. At Novor­Denities are often marked by a violation of the rhythm of breathing, it can be uneven, surface, is accelerated­or slowdown, can stop­ka breathing.

    Under the apneetetic gap, or apneetetic episode, doctors understand the protracted pa­Uz in breathing accompanied in the most severe­Cases falling cardiac activity and cha­one hundred cyanosis (skin sinusiness, lips, nails, you­a disadvantage of oxygen in the blood). During an apneethic episode, respiratory reflex is suppressed. In light cases, the respiratory pause is short-lived (from 10 to 15 seconds), and the child of the machine­tically begins to breathe again. With more difficult situations, if there is no breathing for more than 20 seconds (or even less in premature), in the child in the blood­Capple carbon dioxide, and the flow of oxygen­Yes, there is no, which leads to resumption of breath­Nia. On the other hand, the child may lose with­knowledge. Stop breathing (apnea) most often­walks during sleep. In fact, short apneeophical pauses are normal to determine­NEO NEW Phase­congenital both in the docking and premature­Nyu. However, most episodes of apnea during normal sleep short, and breathing is automatically restored again.

    Apnea in newborns Apnea differs from periodic respiration, which develops for various reasons. Periodi­Capless breathing is characterized by deep breath­For 10-15 seconds and Pau­Zoya at 5-10 seconds, and then again uneven deep breathing and again a pause. Pauses during periodic breathing shorter than with apnea. Periodic­Halya is most often associated with the awakening of re­Benka; At the same time, sucks may occur­fastest eye movements. The child's heart rate does not decrease. Periodic­Stay breathing is less common than apnea, and much less dangerous. The tendency to apnea is observed in two groups of newborns. First Group - Monoto­Changing babies born to 34 weeks­change. During the first few days of life, most premature babies have a tendency to irregular breathing.

    The likelihood of apnea in premature babies is the greater the less the time to wear the child and the less maturity cent­Oral nervous system. With a strong premature­(up to 30 weeks) probability of apnea episodes is very high. Any procedures or states you­calling the violation of the patency of the respiratory tract, may cause apnea.

    Little children get limited quantity­oxygen. As a result, long-term apneaethic intervals, for example, up to 30 seconds,­Gut have a more pronounced effect on a little­a child than big.

    Apnea is sometimes a consequence of pulmonary fee­Levany. The most often children's apnea for the first time appears on the first or WTO­swarm of the life of a premature baby and observed­Gives before reaching the age of docking re­Benka. By this term, normal premature (in the absence of other diseases), apnea cases are usually terminated.

    Sometimes children born in 34-42 weeks­change, constant apnea is noted, starting from age b weeks and older. This is the so-called «Later apnea» Sometimes there may be a consequence of serious diseases, such as infections,­Pads, congenital heart failure, anemia, meningitis or a gastroinphagal reflux (casting gastric content in the esophagus). In the treatment of these diseases or, in extreme cases, when­Research Institute of the APNOE itself is disappeared into those­1 year after it started.

    Repeated episodes of apnea during the continuation­time can lead to a delay­or even pose a threat to life. Longly observed late apnea can lead to a state requiring resuscitation­Events and threatening development of the syndrome of sudden death of newborns (SVS).

    Premature newborn must­We are in the intensive care department not­donosheny. While they grow and develop in­social incubators (cueway), their life functions, including heart rate and respiratory frequency, are under constant observation­Denia. When a reduction in heart rate reduced­Cardiac monitor will give a beep. This signal may be combined with blue­Skin Tank and Body Temperature Reduction­Split about apnea.

    Later apnea is more often celebrated at home than in pain­Nice. Unfortunately, parents are not always warning­Dena about the possibility of apnea in a dream in children. They may not notice temporary pauses in the child's breathing during sleep.

    Parents usually do not seek urgent copper­zinc help until they find a child at the time of the heavy episode of apnea and won't notice Bled­or blue skin.

    Complications in children with apnea

    Complications of apnea depend on the age of the infant, the duration of the attacks and their frequency, the duration of the presence of apnea and it­ranks.

    The reduced amount of oxygen coming into the lungs leads to an increase in the acidity of blood and tissues (acidosis) and reduce small arterial twigs in the lungs, as a result of which increases pressure­blood in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension). Dueper­and excessive use of oxygen at le­Apnea can lead to retrolental fibroplasia (eye damage, with the most­Full or part of which are developing­nore detachment of the cornea and as a result of blindness). The risk of this disease can be reduced, constantly monitoring the level of oxygen in the child's blood. Heavy­Loi and long apnea leads to brain damage and subsequently to cerebral paralysis. If a child occurs a heavy apneetetic episode of the house during sleep and remains unnoticed or artificial respiration is inefficient, then­Nok may die.

    Treatment apnea

    Apnea in newborns Treatment of apnea depends on the age of the patient child, the duration of the existence and duration of the attack of apnea and its causes, if it is known.

    Child born under the age of 34 weeks­belt should be under observation in the intensive care unit. If the heart monitor registers the drop in the heart rate of less than 100 shots per minute, SIG sounds­Dash alarm. Careful medical intervention, such as a baby's finger blow, often happens to­sufficient so that the child began to sleep again. (Incubator S «Water bed» or vibrating incubator can provide long-term, inherited respiration stimulation.) Sometimes more energy­Higher actions, such as repeating times­Drazing Stop baby with fingers. With severe apneaethic episodes, in particular the duration of 30 to 45 seconds, the child may not respond to stimulation with touch. In these cases, before the end of the apneethic episode,­Oral resuscitation bag or mask.

    If the episodes of apnea are marked more than 2-3 times per hour or often and severe episodes occur,­buzzing bags or masks need­MO Fur Treatment. Reducing the temperature in the incubator, an increase in oxygen supply, died­blood can reduce the frequency of attacks. In rare cases, all these measures are ineffective, and the child needs artificial ventilation of the lungs.

    In cases of late apnea, it is recommended to constantly­for home observation while the child has ended­The attacks will not stop or will not succeed­Reach their reason. Under constant home on­Measuring is meant to constant respiratory and heartbeat frequency control. Treatment of apnea possible and folk remedies. In Moscow, there are many clinics that will be able to provide professional assistance in the treatment of apnea.

    Prevention apnea

    The likelihood of apnea will help reduce thorough prenatal con­Troll, reducing the possibility of birth­a naked child. The effects of apnea will help­Running the constant observation of nurses in the hospital for children belonging to the risk group for this disease.

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