Medical starvation

At all times were, there are people who, adhering to religious customs, follow a certain way of nutrition, t.E. Fast. Many do not even think that the post can give not only spiritual forces and strengthen faith, but also due to the purification of the body significantly improve the physical condition and human well-being.

At all times were, there are people who, adhering to religious customs, follow a certain way of nutrition, t.E. Fast. The remaining due to diverse circumstances (whether faith is not strong enough, whether health does not allow) does not accept such a diet. And many of them do not even think about the fact that the post can give not only spiritual forces and strengthen faith, but also by Cleansing the body significantly improve the physical condition and human well-being.

Several caution and advice

Medical starvation
However, it is necessary to approach the post with great attention and responsibility, otherwise, for an unprepared person, fasting can end with manifestation or exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, lead to the depletion of the body, stress, mental and Nervous disorder, heart attack, stroke.

The monstrous mistake commits the one who in the intervals between the attacks of the increasing day of the day complies with a hard post or starving. Time of fasting and its duration need to be planned in advance and good to prepare. A week before the planned starvation, our site recommends starting to eat exclusively with raw vegetables, fruits and nuts, and then completely Clear intestines With the help of laxative or enema. This procedure will help to avoid the appearance of gases as a result of the decomposition of food residues.

If there is a psychological barrier or fear of long starvation, you should start with a short. Even a short-term (24-hour, 36-hour or 48-hour) post, which has regular frequency once or twice a week, will improve well-being, will increase the vital tone and strengthen the body as a whole.

Hungry post

So, the full cycle of the hungry post must include three stages: the stage of preparation, actually post, the stage of exit from the post.

If it is difficult to keep on one water, they advise drinking water with honey and lemon to increase the energy value of the fluid consumed
Stage of preparation
This stage should last as much as you plan to fast. If according to your plans, fasting will last 36 hours, it is necessary to start to prepare for it at least in 36 hours so as to complete this stage in the evening (and in the morning to start fasting).

The optimal time to prepare for the transition to the hungry post mode is a lunch, a menu for which only raw vegetables and fruits should include. In no case should they mix them with fats of any origin. During this period, you can drink everything except coffee and carbonated drinks. From dinner will have to abandon, and before bedtime Clear intestines.

Stage of starvation
As it was above, it is desirable to start this stage in the morning. Throughout the scheduled time, any food except water is excluded. With the first experience of starvation, it will be almost impossible, and it is possible that weakness and ailments will be felt, and perhaps even nausea and dizziness. If it is difficult to keep on one water, our website advises to drink water with honey and lemon to increase the energy value of the fluid consumed. The feeling of hunger is hardly utter, but the lack of forces and energy will fill, as well as further contribute to the purification of the body.
Stage of exit from the post
The duration of this stage is similar to the duration of the preparation phase, there must be no less than the post time.

Medical starvation
The first meal after the end of fasting should be minimal in volume and consist of fresh fruits and berries. Fruits and berries can be replaced with fresh juice diluted with non-carbonated mineral or boiled water in proportion 1: 1.

Enzymes and pectins contained in fruit and berry juices are capable of rolling the loose mucosa formed in the stomach for the period of the post. Therefore, fruits are required to purify the body, turn them on their diet after each fasting period. However, choosing fruits follows the season when they contain the maximum number of useful and nutrients. Do not eat in the winter to eat strawberries, and in the summer - grenades. The number of fruits and berries should be simultaneously moderate and sufficient for thickening hunger. Any excess food makes the process of digestion and lead to Violation of metabolism. Continue the fruit diet follows the same period of time as your starvation lasted, gradually including in the diet of fresh vegetables and nuts. After which you can return to the usual menu, not abusing food.

Menu: how to make it right

Medical starvation
For well-being and maintaining the body in good physical condition, when making a menu, it is necessary to remember one simple rule: food must satisfy the physiological needs of a person. Of course, at different times of the year, in different areas and for people of different professions, dishes included in their menu will differ significantly in composition and energy properties.

Naturally, before making a menu for every day or choose a diet for yourself, each of us is learning the literature dedicated to this issue or someone consults. It is this moment of preparation that is the most insidious and often instead of benefit bringing damage to health. Golden unwritten rule of rational and full nutrition: a person should not submit a diet, but to adapt and improve his diet according to the needs of its body. Nature gave a man the widest range of products of both vegetable and animal origin, which can interpret and complement each other - it is worth only to show a little creativity and fantasy. So, for example, if the menu you seal contains a product that you do not like, or you are allergic, or you simply have it, replace it with another product approximate in composition and nutritional properties. For example, instead of potatoes, you can use a turnip, pumpkin, beans, and instead of dill - celery, carrots or beets.

It is more expedient to use not the ready-made menu offered in the literature, and the power schemes, according to which to make a variety of menu for every day, varying the ingredients. For example, while preparing for starvation and after it you can adhere to such a power scheme:
For well-being and maintaining the body in good physical condition, when making a menu, it is necessary to remember one simple rule: food must satisfy the physiological needs of a person

  • breakfast - any fruit and berries, juice;
  • Lunch - vegetables and starch-containing food (potatoes, bread);
  • Dinner - vegetables and protein food (cottage cheese, cheese, nuts, eggs).

According to the same principle, it is recommended to form daily menus for the whole family, given the time of year.

Also during the preparation for the post and after it should be completely eliminated from the diet. It is allowed to cook for a couple and extinguishing in its own juice no more than 15 minutes.

Very important moment in the process of food intake is the use of liquid (tea, juice, water). The liquid falling into the stomach is there about ten-fifteen minutes, after which it takes the lion's share of the gastric juice highlighted for digesting food. Therefore, between meals and fluid intake, you should take a short break of minutes by 30-40 minutes. Otherwise, the process of digestion is disturbed, which entails the release of gases and constipation.

Elderly people and those who have diseases of the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal tract, our site recommends carefully approaching not only fasting, and to any diet, significantly changing your familiar diet. In this case, not only the consultation of the doctor will be necessary, and its strict observation of your condition during the post and after it.

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