Bronchial asthma classification. Bronchial asthma will overcome


  • Not all the asthma that suffocate
  • Breathe easily, breathe hard
  • Asthma life is not a hindrance
  • Tame allergen
  • Inhaler Touching Ginn in Bottle
  • To predict a storm

  • Not all the asthma that suffocate

    Bronchial asthma will overcome
    Today in the world almost every tenth sick bronchial asthma. It does not distinguish between poor and rich, young and old. Equally flourishes in countries with hot and temperate climates, with developed and undeveloped economy.

    So, bronchial asthma classification. Asthma that translated from Greek means a suffocation, doctors called attacks caused by a variety of reasons. And only at the beginning of our century, when the science of allergology began to grow rapidly, it turned out to be possible to separate the true bronchial asthma from its remaining forms that were called symptomatic, that is, arising as symptoms of any other diseases, such as chronic bronchitis. Classification provides that bronchial asthma is allergic and non-allergic.

    Bronchial asthma is an allergic inflammation of bronchial mucosa. It occurs in suffering in high sensitivity, or sensitization to various substances - allergens. And the tendency to allergies, including bronchial asthma, may be inherited. If it suffers from one of the parents, for children the risk of getting sick is 20%, if both parents of asthmatics (which, fortunately, is not so often), the danger increases to 70%. An allergen can be animal wool, carpets (both natural and synthetic), dust home and library (book), pollen plants and smell of spirits - in virtually all.

    The rapid development of science and technology, chemical technologies led to the fact that for some 50 years, man essentially created a new habitat, in which chemical, synthetic products: decoration of apartments and car, furniture, dishes, clothes, linen, Cleaning and detergents, varnishes, paints, medicines and much more. However, we could not bologically adapt to such a short time to this new environment. That is why there was a powerful explosion of various allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma. Over the past half a century, the incidence of this ailment has doubled.

    Breathe easily, breathe hard

    Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease that occurs with periodic exacerbations. They can be either lungs characterized by only some difficulty breathing and cough with a wet mucosa separation, or heavy, with the attacks of choking. At the same time, as doctors say, the patient develops the transient bronchial obstruction (that is, the blockage of the bronchi), which is based on the spasm of a smooth muscles of bronchi, swelling of their mucous membrane and increased mucus separation. During this period, the temperature may increase.

    Choosing usually arises suddenly, more often at night or early in the morning. Sometimes it is preceded by a breakdown of breathing through the nose, a sense of deft, dry cuff.

    The classic attack has a pronounced picture: the patient does not have enough air, the chest is sorted out, inhale the fast and impustious, and the exhale is difficult and accompanied by characteristic whistling wheels. Man is excited and frightened.

    Clinical manifestations of asthma are diverse and are not exhausted by the reaction in response to Allergen. The fact is that allergic inflammation in the tissues of bronchi changes their sensitivity and non-allergic factors. It is not surprising that the aggravation of bronchial asthma may occur after the transferred ORVI or influenza, as well as other inflammatory diseases: hymorite, bronchitis, tonsillitis, in response to exercise, which is particularly often happening in children and the elderly and requires the use of antiallergic drugs.

    One of the measures to prevent the exacerbations of bronchial asthma - prevention and timely treatment of bacterial and viral infections of the respiratory tract. And for this it is necessary to strengthen the natural protective forces of the body and increase its resistance to infections by hardening, vitamins or various immunotherapeutic agents, for example, a well-proven drug bronchomunal.

    Asthma life is not a hindrance

    Bronchial asthma now does not apply to fatally severe diseases, as it was a quarter of a century ago. Today, patients can actively work, play sports, even sing and do diving. So now the bronchial asthma is not a hindrance for a full life. Under one condition: at the very first signs of difficulty breathing, you need to consult a doctor, better a pulmonologist. Early diagnosis of bronchial asthma and timely started treatment are of paramount importance.

    There are many methods to distinguish true allergic bronchial asthma from diseases accompanied by difficulty breathing. If required, the doctor sends a patient for advice to other specialists, and first of all to an allergist to find out the cause of allergies, detect an allergen and start treatment in time. So how to treat bronchial asthma?

    The main method is reduced to interrupt the contact of the body with «guilty» Allergen. For example, if the attacks provokes the blooming ambrosia, you need to take a vacation, add a business trip, but by any way try to avoid contact with it. It happens that it is necessary, even though it is hard, part with your four-legged pet. Or change the work with the so-called professional asthma when it is caused by one of the production factors.

    Tame allergen

    But there is another, less severe method for a patient to get rid of painful exacerbations - it is necessary «make friends» with allergen, «tame» his. This is achieved by long-term administration to the body (as a rule, in the form of injections) of small, gradually incremented doses of allergen. Treatment is carried out by a doctor-allergist and is called specific desesessibilization. In allergies, nonspecific desensitization can be used with such drugs such as histoglobulin, splenin, allergoglobulin, allergens.

    Inhaler Touching Ginn in Bottle

    When to find an allergen fails, you have to constantly take certain drugs. Most of them are used in the form of strictly dosed inhalations, which dramatically reduces the dose of medication, which means the load on the liver and the severity of adverse reactions.

    The drug treatment of bronchial asthma is the warning or removal of allergic inflammation of the bronchi mucosa. Most often for these purposes, non-nonal drugs are used: Intal, which is used in a capsule for inhalation 4 times a day, Kramoglin. Perfectly proven itself to the drug Tilla. It is enough to take just 2 times a day.

    Bronchial asthma will overcomeIt greatly facilitates the life of patients, especially children of school age, as they are often shy or forgotten on time «to injy» Another dose of drug. In addition, tillage has a more active anti-inflammatory effect, which allows it not only in the early stages of the disease. The effect is manifested in 3-7 days from the start of treatment, and «Kashlev» it decreases at the end of the first day. «Taily Mint» (Under this title, the drug is sold in our pharmacies) is pleasant to the taste and leaves the bitterness in the mouth. In cases of a more severe flow of asthma, the doctor appoints other drugs for inhalation: Aldezin, Bekotide, Flikotide. Patients apply them for a long time, often for years.

    In the form of inhalations, they do not cause almost no side effects, since extremely small doses are practically not absorbed through the mucous membrane of the bronchi in the blood, providing only local action. However, it is desirable after inhalation to rinse the mouth with water so that part of the drug does not dare in the oral cavity. And only suffering very hard asthma are forced to take medicine inside. The doctor always appoints them.

    These drugs remove allergic inflammation in bronchi and thereby warn attack. If, despite the treatment, it will nevertheless arise under the influence, for example, too large dose of allergen or transferred ARVI, it is necessary to use funds with bronchorated property. These include Ventoline, Berotek and some others.

    Easy attack of suffocation is stopped by 1-2 doses of inhalation by these drugs. The bronchoranty effect occurs approximately after 5 minutes. To inhale the portion of the drug, you must first take a deep breath, and then a very slow breath. After 1-22 seconds, from the beginning of the breath, press the inhaler valve, and the mouthpiece does not bite her lips, but to keep 1 cm in front of the mouth open. After inhalation, it is recommended to delay your breath for 5-10 seconds. With an insufficient effect, the procedure is repeated after 10-15 minutes.

    It happens that the patients (more often it happens in children and the elderly) It is difficult to coordinate the inhalation phase with the inhalation of the drug. In these cases, I recommend using a simple device called the Spacer. It is also advisable to use it during a difficult attack when a deep calm inhale is difficult to do, because of which the medicine does not fall into bronchi, and it is settled mainly in the mouth and on the walls of the larynx. The necessary dose of medication should be injected from the inhaler into a spacer, which is a flask, and from it the drug is easy to breathe so that most of them get into bronchi.

    To predict a storm

    Since it came about the devices, let's call back picflometer. It helps to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, and besides, like a barometer that predicts the impending bad weather, indicates an approach of exacerbation, due to which it allows you to stop the attack.

    If he nevertheless originated, moreover, it is so heavy that inhalation, even reuse, does not give effect, it is necessary to urgently cause «Ambulance», so that the doctor introduced intravenously eufillin. Sometimes there is a patient to hospitalize, but it is at current times of emergency. First, at the disposal of doctors, and therefore the patients have a huge amount of effective funds, allowing to prevent the exacerbation, and stop bouts. Secondly, suffering from bronchial asthma, as a rule, they can help themselves, due to the fact that many polyclinics are open special asthma schools. There are teaching a methodology for the use of drugs in various life situations, show how to use the inhaler, spacer, picflowometer.

    To enroll in asthma school, refer to the main specialists - a pulmonologist or allergist of the Department of Health at the place of residence. They will prompt - where, at what hospitals of the city are working these schools.

    Rationally constructed schemes of observation and treatment of patients with bronchial asthma allow significantly improving the quality of life of patients. Large can help rest in countries with climate favorable climate. Arrange yourself treatment, go on a trip.

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