Caries in pregnant women: danger, causes and features


  • Causes of caries during pregnancy
  • Features of the flow of caries in pregnant women
  • What is dangerous caries for pregnant women?

  • Caries in pregnant women: danger, causes and featuresCaries — Slowly developing disease characterized by the destruction of solid tissues of the tooth with a combined effect of adverse external and internal factors. The process begins with demineraliasis and enamel destruction, ends with destruction and formation of a defect in the tooth tissues.

    The caries of the teeth and its symptoms are due to the influence of organic acids formed during fermentation of carbohydrates caused by the activities of cariesogenic microorganisms. In the occurrence of the disease, the role of microbes living in the oral cavity, character and power supply, the number and quality of saliva, the presence of shifts in the general condition of the body and the mineral exchange flowing in bone tissue.

    The appearance of caries in pregnant women — This is a fairly common phenomenon. The causes of the disease are diverse and lies both in the internal processes occurring in the body and in changing external conditions.

    Causes of caries during pregnancy

    • Disruption of oral hygiene and cluster of dental.
    • Addiction to sweets, flour products and other carbohydrate products.
    • Frequent snacks without subsequent cleansing of teeth.
    • Changes in high-quality saliva composition and reduced its protective properties.
    • Hyovitaminosis.
    • Increased calcium consumption going to build a bone fetal system.
    • Fluorine deficient tooth enamel.

    Features of the flow of caries in pregnant women

    How is the treatment of dental caries?The main difference of caries arising during pregnancy is its rapid development. The stage of the chalk stain, characterized by the demineralization of the enamel of the teeth and the lack of clinical symptoms, often remains unnoticed. If the time is missed, the treatment of dental caries is not expected, destructive processes developing under dental enamel quickly cover large areas of dentin and cement. Most often, dentists have to deal with the middle caries of the teeth, the symptom of which is a toothache arising from mechanical, thermal and chemical irritation of the tooth.

    What is dangerous caries for pregnant women?

    Caries teeth in pregnant women represents a threat to the future child. The presence of a chronic focus of infection in the oral cavity can cause an intrauterine infection, cause delay in the development of the fetus, provoke miscarriage and premature delivery. That is why treatment, prevention of dental caries is considered one of the most important stages of pregnancy. The best time to rehanging the oral cavity — Preparing for pregnancy, but even if it is missed, the teeth are not too late to heal and after conception. Modern dental care methods are so gentle for the fetus, the body and the psyche of a pregnant woman, that the reasons to refuse the treatment of caries simply do not exist.

    The rapid development of the disease and the lack of a competent approach to the treatment of caries of teeth can lead to the development of pulpitis, periodontitis and loss of tooth. With the fact that the removal of teeth in pregnant women is undesirable and performed only in extreme cases, it is quite a real problem. Run the disease is quite simple, if you do not attend the dentist in time, by the way, it is necessary to make three times in 40 weeks.

    Manifestations of caries in pregnant women and the features of his currentDeep caries of teeth, the symptoms of which are stressful for a pregnant woman, is dangerous for her child. Admission of painkillers during pregnancy is undesirable, in some cases, contraindicated pain, and constant or periodically arising toothache leads to emission of adrenaline and vasoconstricants that can disrupt nutrition and breathing of the fetus, provoke miscarriage and premature birth. Timely and adequate caries therapy during pregnancy will avoid these problems.

    Conclusion One: Carious dental damage during pregnancy requires a dentist intervention. It is not necessary to wait for the middle and deep caries of the teeth, the symptoms and the presence of which will become a threat to a prosperous course of pregnancy, treat the disease in its very beginning, and even better before the decision was made about the birth of the kid.

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