You work in the office? This means that you are subject to a number of occupational diseases, including such a serious ailment, like borsitis elbow. Do not rush to be designed: this disease can be warned.
More computerists - less healthy
The number of office workers is increasing every year. Commandments of an office worker: work at the computer and often - non-corned working day. With work in the office often associate a variety of diseases. Well, who today does not know that the computerists very often suffer from dry eye syndrome, hemorrotype and even reduced potency? The disease we want to tell in this article also belongs to the number of professional diseases of office workers. It is a bustle of the elbow. How to recognize this ailment, what are its causes and how to prevent the disease? Answers to all these questions from modern medicine have.

By what kind of symptoms can be understood that you are dealing with the bourge of the elbow? The symptoms of this disease are such: the elbow swells, «burning», blushing, pain appear; the temperature may increase; The function of the joint is moderately limited, but stored, which distinguishes the bursitis from arthritis.
Measures for the warning of elbow bursitis:
- Ergonomic organization of the workplace, allowing not to rely on elbow.
- Wearing elbow (modern protective agents are absolutely not noticeable under clothing).
- Reception of preventive means containing herbs and vitamin C for the prevention of diseases of the joints.