What the lymph nodes react


  • What does lymphadenitis indicate
  • Specific lymphhadenitis
  • Lymphadenit can warn about danger

  • If the lymph nodes are in perfect order and fully cope with their important functions, they do not deliver to their host of concern. But, unfortunately, it does not always happen. The lymph nodes and the entire lymphatic system have their own diseases - the so-called primary lesions of lymphatic nodes. But much more often doctors deal with the secondary lesion of lymph nodes - their response to a disease of any organ. It often causes complex and dangerous illnesses.

    What does lymphadenitis indicate

    What the lymph nodes react

    If the lymph nodes are increased in one area, the cause of the disease is often easy to find. For example, a finger was injected on his hand, and after a while in the axillary region from the same side, a person feels pain. In this case, it is associated with lymphadenitis (from Lat. Lympha - moisture, aden - iron, ITIS - inflammation). Microbes from the focus of inflammation on the finger hit the lymphatic vessels, then into regional (collecting lymphs from this zone) lymph nodes. There they were detained.

    A small number of microbes, hitting the lymphatic node, quickly dies. If the infection is strong, the lymphatic node itself is inflamed. Lymphadenitis in this case is the complication of local purulent inflammatory disease. This illness often occurs during boils, carbuncoules, corrosive inflammations, osteomyelitis, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers, etc.

    Inflammation of the lymphatic assembly indicates the beginning of the proliferation of infection beyond the primary hearth. If the process is progressing, it includes the nearest lymph nodes and tissues around them. Such purulent-inflammatory diseases complicated by lymphadenites are often accompanied by headaches, weakness, malaise, increasing body temperature. In this case, you should consult a doctor.

    With angins, exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis, dental inflammatory processes in the oral cavity often increase submandibular lymph nodes. Such lymphadenites accompanying obvious acute diseases caused by staphylococci, streptococci, etc., pass with cure of the underlying disease. Sometimes, if the lymph nodes remain enlarged, the patient is prescribed UHF (these procedures have an antimicrobial effect and accelerate sweeping edema).

    Specific lymphhadenitis

    If there is no obvious reason for increasing lymph nodes, you can assume specific lymphadenitis.
    Term «scrofula» It has long been out of use, and before the tuberculosis of lymph nodes denoted (more often than cervical). As a rule, children suffered from this ailment. Rustic children growing in nature, as well as urban from wealthy families, rarely hurt gold. Otherwise, it was the matter in the middle of the poor citizens.

    The gold belongs to specific lymphhadenitis caused by chronic, less commonly encountered and more difficult to treat infection - tuberculous, actinomy and. A characteristic feature of tuberculosis lymphadenitis - several increased lymph nodes of different types, located in one place, sometimes soldered together. With tuberculosis, in addition, severe weakness and sweating are observed. More often amiced cervical, submandibular or axillary lymph nodes.

    If the diagnosis of the diagnosis makes X-ray studies of the chest, ultrasound, endoscopic studies (bronchoscopy, for example), donate sputum, urine on the Bacillus koch (tuberculous stick), make the manta sample. Of particular importance in diagnosis has «Rise samples», Change the results of manta samples over time.

    Aktinomycosis - Mushroom infection caused by actinomycetes. Their disputes are common in nature and sometimes get into the light people living in rural areas and engaged in agriculture.

    The reaction from lymph nodes is accompanied by a number of acute infectious diseases, such as infectious mononucleosis. The course of the disease is long, wave-like. It is characterized by grinding, an increase in lymph nodes, typical changes in clinical blood testing. The exact diagnosis is made using special analyzes for mononucleosis. If necessary, they are taken in the usual clinic.

    If the occupant lymph nodes have increased when ARVI and there is a feeling of sand in the eyes, tear, light-free, - these manifestations are indirect signs that ORVI caused by adenoviral infection. It is important. Adenovirus large, contains DNA. There is evidence that such viruses (in contrast to small) operate some sulfonamide drugs.

    Lymphatic nodes increase and in the heerside - infectious disease caused by special microbes, imens. According to statistics, one of 25 cases of all intestinal disorders is heerseniosis. Initially, this disorder is like ARVI, the intestinal symptoms appear later. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the source of infection of Ierseniosis - rats and mice living in vegetable stores. Their faeces containing bacteria fall on vegetables and fruits. Next, they multiply on the fruits, especially wet, rimped and rotten.

    Lymphadenit can warn about danger

    If a person has discovered an increased lymphatic node and there are no signs of local inflammation and infectious disease, it can be assumed to have an oncological process. In this case, the examination should be examined for the presence of a tumor. When the secondary lesion of lymph nodes is excluded, primary - lymphogranulomatosis, lympholoikosis, etc. With lymphogranulomatosis, not only lymph nodes are affected, but also spleen, liver. The disease is characterized by an increase in these organs, and lymph nodes, an increase in body temperature, sweating, skin itch, changes in blood indicators.

    An accurate diagnosis in this case will supply a hematologist - blood disease specialist. Treatment of such diseases in our time gives good results, decades patients retain performance. It is important to start it on time.

    Treat yourself, especially to warm up an area of ​​increased lymph node, not knowing the reasons for its change, it is impossible. With tuberculosis and oncological process, this leads to the spread of the disease. For the same reason, it is impossible to use the means of traditional medicine, in particular, the grass, fees with lymphogonic (lymphatic) effects in case of incomprehensible increase in lymph nodes. It can also contribute to the further spread of the pathological process.

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