How to behave with a varying degree with brain concussion, tells our consultant, the doctor of the highest category, to. M. N. Leonid Plotsky.
Shaking easy, and the consequences are not very...
Any concussion of the brain is already a crank-brain injury.
Typically, the concussion of the brain is of easy degree. IN
The best case, departing a couple of days, workaholic rushes to work. On the
Offer to visit the doctor leads «Good» arguments like the fact that «W
I'm not even a bump». Six months, the excited hero is pinned to
Neurologist with complaints about terrible headache, irritability and
bad memory, inexplicable fainting, and in special cases - and attacks
Epilepsy. Favoring processes in the cerebral cortex - they
prevent uniform stream of blood and oxygen delivery.
Common complication - Hypertensional syndrome. All this,
may have to be treated for years. The most harmless consequence of injury -
Man turns into «barometer» and reacts to any natural
oscillations, suffer from pressure drops. So as not to bring the case to
Sad finals - to the doctor at the very first symptoms of concussion.
Symptoms of light shake:
Strong injury head or neck «Detones» from the cervical vertebrae in the head);
- short-term - a few seconds - loss of consciousness, often existence and without loss of consciousness;
- the effect «Sparks from the eye»;
- dizziness, amplifying when turning the head and slopes;
- the effect «Old film film» before your eyes.
Three - four days it may seem that everything went, but this impression
deceptively. Full rehabilitation - 2 - 3 weeks, and sometimes, if
Okulist will find functional changes on the eye day, and longer. At
Shocked no «Golden middle».
With concussions
Middle severity man may lose consciousness. RVOT is possible,
Damage in the eyes. Due to lack of oxygen in the brain in humans
Appears «drunk» gait. Urgent hospitalization and
Bed regime for 2 - 3 weeks. Need to ensure that the first
Time The victim was in a darkened room.
Symptoms of heavy concussion:
- cones and subcutaneous hematomas. Damaged vessel,
badly distinguishes blood, filled with it and is very inflated - such
«Blood cateries» easy to detect;
- irritation due to bright light, noise, television;
- fainting when rising;
- Hallucinations and nonsense, inexplicable fears.
Heavy concussion? In intensive care!
Amateurities - only in intensive care! If tighten, start up
irreversible processes, the brain will gradually die. Risk
Disability. In 95 percent cases, the patient is in resuscitation not
less than a day. Recovery process - from three months.
What are the surveys?
The cervical spine and skull
, To eliminate fractures and
Cracks in the skull, shift of cervical vertebrae. To make sure you have
closed, and not an open injury that threatens to lead to hemorrhage
in the brain and stroke.
Encephalography and echohetephaloscopy - these
Difficult procedures will show, whether there is no brain in vessels
«disguised» Foci lesions.
In serious cases, it is necessary CT scan - she thoroughly examines the most «Poted» Corners of the brain.
ocular fundus. Okulist is the only specialist who can
«Hurry up», how do the vessels and the disk of the optic nerve behave - is there
Hemorrhage and Cooker Plate Hematoma.