Treatment of an ingrown nail


  • Ingrown nail – what is the reason
  • Treatment of an ingrown nail
  • Tips: how to prevent the nail rustling

  • Often we simply do not notice the starting weak pain in the fingers of the legs and do nothing at an early stage, but pay attention only when the finger starts swelling and mischievously sick. See – It turns out to be painfully connected with the nail to the finger. And what to do in such cases many do not know?
    Some believe that it is generally unworthy attention, but, according to MyMedinform, the knowledge of what treatment is needed when an ingrown nail appears, and most importantly, it does not prevent anyone.

    Ingrown nail – what is the reason

    Treatment of an ingrown nail First, consider the definition, what is the ingrown nail. Ingrown nail (in medical terminology «Onichokriptosis») – This is a disease associated with the rotation of the nail plate into the side of the nail roller. T.e simply telling when the edge of the nail grows into the skin, more often with one, but happens on both sides. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of soft tissues, that is, redness, thumb, painful feeling – All these are signs of the disease «Ingrown nail».

    Most often, nail eats on the thumb, but sometimes it happens with nails on other fingers. With the rotation of the nail on the skin in this place, a noticeable redness appears, accompanied by a miserable pain when pressed on the skin around the nail or the nail itself - these are the first signs of the disease.

    If you do not pay attention to them, the disease will develop further: the skin of the skin around the nail appears, then purulent selection at the place of rotation of the nail to the skin, and, as a result, the umnicker develops into a tumor, which can also bleed. As a result, the finger with the brightest nail acquires a blue-red shade, fastened. The finger with the ingrown nail is greatly increasing in the amount of what hinders walking, it becomes simply impossible to wear its usual shoes.

    The main cause of the appearance of an ingrown nail physician is associated with hereditary predisposition. If, for example, someone from your parents or close relatives often grows the nail, that is, the probability that you are also subject to this disease. Do not despair if you know that someone from parents or grandparents have such a disease, then take all measures to prevent the appearance of this disease.

    But the most frequent circumstance leading to the appearance of an ingrown nail is the wrong pedicure, that is, very deep nail cutting from the edges.

    For the possible reasons for the appearance of an ingrown nail and constant wearing a narrow, uncomfortable and poor-quality shoes causing severe sweating of the legs. Sometimes the disease can be a consequence and injury to the finger.

    Treatment of an ingrown nail

    What to do if the problem with the thrust nail has become both your problem? What treatment methods exist today? This is largely depends on how much nail is in the skin and what consequences are already available.

    First if you have «early stage» Diseases, nailing is not much addressed, no pus, you can make warm baths with a weak solution of mangartages and food soda for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day. After the bath, try to cut the ingrown nail gently. Continue to make these procedures until complete recovery.

    The second thing you can do with your «Launched position», When the nail rotation led to the appearance of pus – This use ointment. Ointment of Vishnevsky or Ihthyolka pull the pus and prevent the development of infection. Apply an ointment on a small rolled piece of bandage several times, attach to the skin, where the Nail stroke, wrap with polyethylene (since the ointment will not be spread). Then make a finger bandage, put on the sock to better fix the bandage.

    It is best to draw a ligation at night when the leg is in calm. In the morning, try to gently trim the edge of an ingrown nail, then make a bandage from ointment again. If the pain does not pass, the pus becomes more and more, when you walk the gland rushes and bleeding, we strongly advise you to contact the surgeon.

    Third – Use for the treatment of an ingrown nail Tips of traditional medicine. For example, applying to damaged leaf Aloe. First you clean the aloe leaf from the upper skin, then apply to the damaged area and tie up by the bandage. In the morning, when the pain displays, you need to try to crop into the ingrown edge of the nail and apply Aloe Sheet again. Make a dressing up to complete recovery.

    Another advice from traditional medicine: strongly unpiring the leg and try to trim the ingrown edge of the nail. But this Council is applicable at an early stage and in the event that there is no pus, and the skin does not bleed!

    Fourth that you can do – It is resorted to surgical intervention and go to the medical center. The surgeon will remove the ingrown nail, cleanse the wound from the pus, carefully imposes an anesthetic drug. After removing the nail you will have to make daily dressings. Dressing are done until a new nail grow up, so get ready for the fact that at least for a month it will be necessary to go to the hospital on dressings.

    There is another method of treating an ingrown nail – Laser nail roller correction. You are cleaned «Brush skin» Around the nail. The minus of such a method of treatment is that after the operation wound heals a long time, as the laser burns down soft tissues.
    When laser correction, and after surgical removal of an ingrown nail, the recovery period will be quite painful, but in any case, it is impossible to run the problem.

    And if you later want to avoid re-appearing an ingrown nail, you should adhere to several uncomplicated rules.

    Tips: how to prevent the nail rustling

    First, we carry a comfortable spacious breathable shoes. Secondly, follow the rules of personal hygiene. Use your foot towel, wash every evening legs before bedtime. In public places (pool, sauna, sauna) go to the appropriate shoes, for example, in slates or slippers, and even more so, do not wear someone else's shoes. Thirdly, make a pedicure carefully, do not cut the edges of the nail or trust the professionals go to the salon to make you a high-quality pedicure.

    We hope that our tips will help you avoid such a problem as an ingrown nail. And if the disease caught you surprise, and feel that there is no improvement, and the pain is intensifying, you need to contact the surgeon doctor.
    take care of yourself.

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