Thrush: how to get rid of it?


  • What thrustle is
  • Causes of thrush
  • What are the symptoms of thrush
  • Treatment of thrush
  • Methods of the prevention of thrush

  • What thrustle is

    Scientific name of thrush -
    candidiasis. This name is the disease, because more often
    all his causative agent is the yeast fungus Candy Albikans (which
    Translated from Latin means white candidate). Basic symptoms
    Candidiasis: Vaginal itching, irritation, discomfort, «Curd» selection of genitals.

    Most healthy
    Women are carriers Candida Albikans. Usually this yeast
    The fungus can be in different parts of the body of a woman: on the skin, in
    intestine, in the vagina.

    However, it usually does not create any
    problems due to the fact that its quantity and development are limited to
    Near factors. For example, it has been established that a lot of useful bacteria
    man who inhabit its oral cavity, digestive tract and
    Vagina, together with fungi limit each other's growth, supporting
    thereby determined balance. In addition, the growth of the fungus in the vagina
    limited to the presence of acidic medium. Another significant factor,
    which controls the number of candids in our body is definitely,
    Is the immune system.

    However under certain conditions
    Natural balance is broken and incontrolled growth and
    Distribution of yeast fungi on the mucous membrane of the vagina. IN
    result arises damage to the mucous membrane, and in a woman
    Typical symptoms of thrush - itching, irritation, discomfort,
    Painful swelling and redness in the field of external genital organs,
    Abundant Belie, «Curd» allocations from the vagina and t.NS.

    Vaginal Candidiasis - Extremely Combined Disease.
    Most women suffer from them at least once in life. Some are sick
    Only once, other often develops re-infection.
    Most women note that the most painful happens the first
    disease, because in this case they do not immediately understand the causes and
    Nature of their problem. Sometimes infection affects other areas:
    Purph cavity, skin folds under the breastside, the area of ​​groin and even the navel.

    Causes of thrush

    In each case, it is difficult to determine what it was
    The reason for the occurrence of thrush. However, today you can allocate a number
    factors that often lead to the development of candidiasis.

    Related immunity. Heavy Disease or Application,
    overwhelming immune system lead to a decrease in immunityThrush: how to get rid of it?Loveken I
    Development of Candidoza.

    2. The use of antibiotics. Powerful
    Wide spectrum antibiotics are killed as harmful bacteria, so
    and useful. As a result of antibiotic therapy of bacterial infections
    A person tends to disturb the balance between bacteria and fungi,
    which leads to the development of candidiasis.

    3. Application
    contraceptive tablets. Natural hormones of man participate in
    Control the number of fungi. Application of contraceptive tablets,
    containing hormones can affect the usual level of hormones in
    organism and determine the development of thrush. For the same reason, many
    Women sick immediately before menstruation or during
    pregnancy when the hormonal status of the body changes.

    Diabetes. Diabetes rises blood sugar levels and urine. This is
    leads to an increase in sugar in vaginal liquid (secrete),
    reducing the acidity of the medium, which contributes to the development of candida.

    Close clothes. When wearing close clothes in the folds of the skin rises
    Temperature and humidity that promotes the development of fungi.

    Infections from the intestine. Candida Albikans often is in the intestine.
    Therefore, due to non-compliance with the norms of hygiene after the mushroom defecation from
    intestine can easily get into the vagina and cause the disease.

    Sex infection. Thrush is not a venereal disease.
    However, with sexual acting, the mucous membrane of the vagina is damaged and
    The risk of disease increases. Men thrush can be without
    Symptoms. So if you successfully cure from the thrush, but soon
    get sick again, then your partner also needs to be.

    What are the symptoms of thrush

    The main symptoms of thrush are:

    • Itching inside and around the vagina is the most common and unpleasant
      manifestation of thrush, which can be so strong that
      causes nervous irritation.
    • Surability. If the gentle mucous membrane of the vagina is inflamed, then you may have a feeling of pain.
    • Vaginal discharge. As a rule, a healthy woman always has
      Small discharge. But with the thrush, they become abundant, usually
      White, reminiscent of cottage cheese, but without unpleasant odor.
    • Luggage when urination. The burning occurs due to urine entering inflamed areas of the vagina.
    • Health pain. If the gentle covers of the vagina are inflamed, the sexual act becomes painful.

    Treatment of thrush

    As the thrush is caused by the candidate candy, then for its treatment
    Apply antifungal drugs. Traditionally, they are used in the form
    Vaginal creams and suppositories. However, the use of the latter
    causes a lot of inconvenience, since these funds use only
    locally in front of bedtime.

    In addition, for such treatment it is necessary
    enough long period of time to facilitate manifestations
    Diseases. Therefore, now for the treatment of thrush, most often use
    Oral means in the form of capsules that use inside. They, as
    The rule is accepted only once, and after a few days
    Symptoms of disease go.

    However, it is necessary to remember that only a specialist can be appointed efficient and correct treatment - your doctor!

    Methods of the prevention of thrush

    • Use the lower linen of cotton, try to wear enough
      loose clothes so that it provides ventilation and breathing your
    • Avoid excessive use of flavored
      Tampons, pads, supplements for baths and vaginal deodorants. Them
      Aromatic substances can disrupt the tender mucous membrane
      vagina and promote the development of infection;
    • Do not use tampons and gaskets longer than a certain period;
    • After defecation, adhering to the norms of hygiene Use napkins in
      The direction from the vagina to the anal hole. It will protect you from
      infection with a mushroom from the intestine;
    • With sexual intercourse, use the condom. Its application will not only protect you from AIDS, but also from fungal infection.

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