10 facts about the kiss that you like


one. Kisses strengthen immunity

10 facts about the kiss that you likeYes yes and do not laugh. For example, in «Magazine medical hypotheses» A study was published, proving that women, patients with cytomegalovirus, were recovered faster if they had someone else to kiss. And all the rest, who, fortunately, did not meet with this disease, it is worthwhile to know that with a kiss we get microindoses of pathogens of various diseases that act like a vaccine, helping the body to produce antibodies.

2. Kisses help to lose weight

Throughout a minute, kiss burns from two to six kilocalories. So boldly passionately and selflessly kiss instead of exhausting cardoration.

3. Kisses relax and reduce stress

While kissing in the body is released hormone oxytocin — The most natural in the light of the sedative. But not only oxytocin. Endorphins, hormones of good well-being, are also activated when you are a kissing. But even this is not all! The most euphoristic hormone, dopamine, is also actively produced while your lips concern the lips of a loved one. A dopamine — Amazing relaxant. It is no coincidence that it comes into battle during shopping, giving long-awaited relaxation after ruthless stress.

4. Kisses prevent aging

In the literal sense. While we already know that the kiss stimulates additional burning calories, we forget that the muscles of the face are actively working. Yes, and who seriously performs a complex of lifting exercises for cheekbones, chin, neck? One who kisses a lot! The kiss involves thirty different muscles, and, actively shrinking, they interfere with the skin sick.

five. Kisses protect the health of the teeth

Here's news so news! And all simple. If your kiss is passionate, if you, kissing an expensive person, use not only lips, but also language, — More saliva is produced. And saliva, washing teeth and gums, neutralizes bacteria that destroy teeth.

6. Kisses are treated allergies

Another study found a curious fact. While you are a kissing, the level of immunoglobulin e decreases in the body. These are antibodies that release histamine responsible for allergic symptoms like a cold and tear eye. So, probably, those who kiss quite a lot are easier to experience both runny nose, and dusty rooms.

7. Kisses Heart Heart

10 facts about the kiss that you likeMechanism is nested. Reduced stress, helping to relax the body, improving the mood, the kiss indirectly affects the blood pressure level, of course, reducing it. And if we talk about the exciting property of kisses, then the heart is also trained, getting a payload.

eight. Kisses facilitate pain

Mentioned endorphins that are literally started into the dance when you are kissing, will have an invaluable service if you have chronic pain. For example, the pain in the back after a difficult working day kisses can remove almost completely. At least to reduce it significantly. Relying on its research, scientists say that an anesthetic effect from kisses is much higher than from drugs like morphine.

nine. Kisses prolong life

Of course, not by yourself, but as a sign of a strong happy family. But still kisses play no last role in the life expectancy. After all, if you are happy in marriage, feel tenderness and love to your spouse, you want to kiss him. The more you touch each other (including lips), those you are both happier, calmer and less nervous and worry. So you can live a hundred years.

10. Kisses are useful during menstruation

Many women complain about cramps in the abdomen and headaches in the first days of the menstrual cycle. Whereas a natural female desire — Cut into the glomerus and do not move, doctors offer a different solution. Kiss — They say they. During a long kiss due to the accumulation of hormones, blood vessels expands, and spasms pass. So kiss — also an excellent spasmolitic.

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